Struggle in Russia

Chapter 139 Night talk

In a good mood, Muraviyov suddenly felt that the efforts of the past few days were worthwhile. The physical fatigue was completely covered by the psychological pleasure. Sing and dance.

When he was in a good mood, he was naturally not interested in continuing to circle around. He laughed and said to Li Xiao, "You don't have to test me anymore. I am a special envoy and I am completely confused. In my opinion, you want to find out what His Majesty wants to do. We have to find a way to open the mouth of that deputy envoy!"

This answer made Li Xiao stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately, and blurted out: "So you have been helping us monitor that Colonel Bobulinski?"

Muraviyov sighed: "That's all I can do. After all, I'm a soft-spoken person in St. Petersburg and can only sit on the bench... I guess His Majesty sent me here on purpose this time to let you relax your vigilance." After all, I have a bit of love with the liberals... Once you think that the special envoy is a supporter of reform, you will probably relax your vigilance... And his real killer is Colonel Bobulinski, this little fox is not ordinary , No matter how much I tried to test me along the way, I would not leak a word, it is very difficult to deal with!"

Muraviyov's words immediately attracted Li Xiao's attention. Even a shrewd man like the old man couldn't detect the truth. How low is this level? Reminiscent of the meticulousness of this inspector, it is conceivable that the visitor is not kind!

After thinking about it, Li Xiao asked, "Don't you know what His Majesty is thinking at all? You, a special envoy, must have missions and tasks, right?"

Muraviyov sighed again, spread his hands and said, "The task His Majesty entrusted to me is to come to Wallachia to inspect government and military affairs, and then report in full on what he has seen and heard. What kind of shit task do you say, except Can I say anything else besides worrying about you?"

Li Xiao frowned. This answer was much more troublesome than he had imagined. The most feared thing in the officialdom is not a direct and eye-catching threat, because there are ways to deal with any threat that can be seen. What they are most afraid of is the imperceptible threat. Nicholas I's actions are like deliberately hanging the sword of Damolix over their heads, which is simply extremely cheating.

Li Xiao sighed suddenly, and asked with some melancholy: "How do you think we should deal with it?"

Muraviyov can naturally think of what Li Xiao thought just now. He also had a headache for what Nicholas I did, so he could only helplessly say: "Take one step at a time, and see what happens! Be more precise in everything. Just try not to get caught by the pigtails!"

Seeing Li Xiao frowning, he comforted him: "But don't worry too much. The international situation is beneficial to you. The relationship with Turkey is so tense. Maybe war is about to break out. At this time, Your Majesty will not say a word and rashly deny that Everything in Lagia, even if a problem is discovered,

I guess he won't do anything for the time being, you still have time! "

Li Xiao suddenly gave a wry smile, and sighed: "But it's hard to say afterwards, you also know how strong His Majesty's desire for revenge is!"

Of course Muravyov knew, and this was what he was most worried about. He could only comfort him again: "Don't think so much, as long as you can deal with Bobulinski, it will be fine!"

It makes sense for Li Xiao to think about it. It's useless to think so far for the time being, let's go through this level first. However, he was also a little curious about Bobulinski, the special deputy envoy. It doesn't matter if he looks so evil, and he is so meticulous in his work. Is this to kill those ordinary people with ordinary faces?

Hehe, Nicholas I was actually a handsome dog, and his favorite was a young man who looked handsome and majestic. But whoever looks a little ugly will not get a good position in his hands.

That is to say, Ilya is too handsome, and it is slightly different from the majesty required by Nicholas I, otherwise he would not be just a colonel now.

"What is the background of this Colonel Bobulinski?"

Facing Li Xiao's question, Muraviyov smiled wryly and said, "I only know that he is from the third part. It seems to be from the Bobulinski family. You should know something about that family, right?"

Li Xiao smiled wryly in his heart. This bit of information is really too little. It is not necessary for Muraviev to remind him that Ilya is from the Bobulinski family, and the political tendency of this family has always been relatively conservative. According to these superficial information, the possibility of Ilya coming to do things is indeed relatively high.

It's just that Li Xiao vaguely felt that something was wrong. In the past three years, he received a lot of special envoys inspected by Wallachia, and the majority of them were conservatives. He was quite clear about the virtues of these people. . And Ilya's style is completely different from these people's, and he doesn't look like a conservative who is deliberately doing things!

In this regard, Muraviyov said: "As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. Conservatives like Ilya Grigorievich are the most terrifying. They usually look harmless to humans and animals, but once exposed If you lose your fangs, you will eat people!"

Li Xiao thought about it, and although he still felt something was wrong, it was out of good intentions that Muravyov came all the way to help. Even if his cognition was not completely correct, he should respect it, so he just nodded. Yes, did not say much.

And Li Xiao's attitude made Muraviyov appreciate him even more, because the old man has seen too many young nobles who have achieved great success in their youth, and this group of people all have one characteristic in common, that is, their eyes are higher than the top and they can't listen at all. Go in for other people's suggestions. Especially young aristocrats like Li Xiao and Alexei who have made certain achievements, each of them is extremely proud and proud, and completely dismisses the suggestions of the older generation like them. It's a bunch of outdated antiques.

And Li Xiao's humility made Muraviyov very useful. He was not arrogant in victory and not tired in defeat. This was the way to do things seriously, and only this kind of character could open up the situation in Wallachia. Anyway, his feelings towards Li Xiao and Alexei are even better.

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Thank you so much, do you still want to visit the sights of Bucharest tonight?"

Muraviyov smiled wryly. He knew that Li Xiao could see his tiredness, so he shook his head and said, "Don't look at the scenery, let's go to the Governor's Mansion! I have some questions these two days, I have to ask Sperance Earl Ki, Ilya Grigorievich is usually watching from the sidelines. It is really inconvenient. I just take advantage of tonight to have a good chat with you. God knows if there will be a chance after tonight... "

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