Struggle in Russia

Chapter 963 Mr. Tsar’s Tree Hole (Part 2)

Count Rostovtsev tried his best to restrain the ecstasy in his heart and pretended to be Mr. Tree Hole with an expressionless face. To be honest, it was not easy, mainly because it was too difficult to maintain the expression on his face.

Since you can't really be expressionless like a wooden person, then what's the point of having people talk to you? It's better to actually talk to a tree.

Of course, you can't have too many expressions. If you're beaming, you're looking for flattery, right?

So this is a delicate job, to make Alexander II feel like talking to you, but not to make Alexander II think you are too frivolous and not steady enough.

It's just that Count Rostovtsev's level is not limited. He grasped that level just right. Anyway, after talking about it, Alexander II felt that Count Rostovtsev was really good and felt that there was finally someone else. Can understand him.

Well, Alexander II was sold this time and he had to help count the money. But he deserves it. Who makes you suspect that he is seriously ill?

After returning home, Count Rostovtsev immediately wrote a letter to Nikolay Milyutin, asking Count Uvarov in detail about the meeting with him and reminding him to be careful not to fall into the trap of Uvarov. The treacherous plot of the Earl Husband.

Yes, Count Rostovtsev has long seen through Count Uvarov. This old fox is full of evil and stubborn to the end. He would never really compromise, at least not with those who supported reform.

So he suddenly went to find Nikolai Milyutin, and at such a sensitive time, the only possibility was that he was making a name for himself.

Count Rostovtsev has not forgotten to remind Nikolay Milyutin that if Alexander II comes to him to ask about Count Uvarov's situation, he must handle it carefully, and it is best to categorically deny the possibility of cooperation between the two parties. Let Alexander II feel relieved!

He told Nikolay Milyutin: "Although Count Uvarov has lost power a little, it has not become a thing of the past. If we want to carry out reforms smoothly, we must first get rid of him cleanly and completely. If we don't get rid of him , no reform can proceed smoothly..."

When Nikolai Milyutin received this letter, he was discussing issues related to Count Uvarov with his brother Dmitri. Because Count Uvarov's sudden visit caught him off guard, especially since the old fox only had a casual chat with him and wasted about two hours of his time before drifting away. Who would be confused!

Confused, he first thought of consulting with Count Rostovtsev, but Count Rostovtsev was not that easy to find. After all, he had to hide behind the scenes and not openly communicate with Nikolai Milyutin and others. Make close contact.

In the past, when they met, they had agreed in advance to meet at the National Library, but now that something unexpected happened, it was impossible to meet immediately. Then he wanted to discuss it with Grand Duke Constantine. Although the Grand Duke was a bit arrogant, he was one of his own, and he was Alexander II's brother. From him, he could understand a little bit about Alexander II's attitude. It would also make it easier for him to make decisions.

It's just that this careless Grand Duke once again disappointed Nikolai Milyutin, because this guy actually went out of the city to hunt with his friends.

Tell me what's going on. You can't find someone every time at a critical moment. Isn't this a lie?

Just when Nikolai Milyutin was at a loss, Dmitri came back. He came back specifically to ask for information. After all, Count Uvarov's energy was there and he couldn't pay too much attention to it.

And Dmitri's mind was very clear. After listening to Nikolai Milyutin's story, he immediately concluded that this was Count Uvarov's trick.

"He just wants to take the opportunity to put pressure on His Majesty and force His Majesty to make concessions. After all, the pressure on him is not that great now... As for the things he talked to you, don't take a word seriously. They are just to confuse you! He This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone!"

Nikolay Milyutin suddenly became more entangled. On the one hand, he actually hoped that Count Uvarov, the conservative leader, could compromise with them on behalf of the conservatives, which would mean that the biggest resistance to reform had disappeared. On the other hand, he also knew that Count Uvarov was an old fox. He probably wanted to make a name for himself, and if he failed to cooperate with him, he might be betrayed.

It's just that there is a trace of luck in his heart, hoping that Count Uvarov really means to compromise, because this is the situation he most wants to see.

That's why he was so restless and hesitant.

Dmitry saw his expression for real. He was speechless at his brother's naivety and immaturity. He couldn't even see such an obvious trick and still hesitated. If he really suppressed all hope for reform. On your shoulders, not to mention whether you can bear it, but your ability to analyze, judge and make decisions is a big problem! .

He tried to persuade him again, but no matter how he tried to give examples to make sense, Nikolai Milyutin said yes but actually didn’t listen at all. He still had unrealistic hopes for Count Uvarov. .

Dmitri could only sigh and said: "Well, for such a big thing, you should first ask the count what he means and see what he says!"

Before he finished speaking, the letter from Count Rostovtsev and the order from Alexander II arrived. The chamberlain there told him to enter the palace as soon as possible, but here Count Rostovtsev bluntly told him not to believe Count Uvarov, and he suddenly became more entangled.

"What should we do...what should we do?"

Dmitri sighed and said speechlessly: "There is nothing to worry about. If you go into it knowing that it is a trap, you are a fool... Now most people can see clearly that Count Uvarov is just trying to make a name for himself." , there’s nothing to hesitate about, just follow the count’s wishes!”

"This..." Nikolai Milyutin was about to say something and Dmitri said decisively again: "We have made it clear to you the reasons and consequences. If you still want to do your own thing, all the responsibilities will be yours." take responsibility!"

These words were said so decisively that Nikolai Milyutin was speechless. Although he was still confused, he could only sigh secretly and went to the Winter Palace. Judging from his reluctance, he should do what Count Rostovtsev wants.

However, Dmitri was not at ease. He knew his brother too well. He still refused to give up and might resurface at any time. He could not sit idly by. Thinking of this, he immediately ordered his horses to go to Li Xiao like lightning...

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