Struggle in Russia

Chapter 964 Disagree

After hearing Dmitri's purpose, Li Xiao was speechless for Nikolai Milyutin. He didn't know which brand of low-quality vodka he had eaten, otherwise his head would have been squeezed through the door.

"How about you go to the Winter Palace and have a look?" Li Xiao replied with a sigh.

Dmitri snorted. It wasn't that he couldn't go to the Winter Palace, but going to the Winter Palace at this time felt a bit deliberate. After all, in terms of political leanings, he did not show enthusiasm for reform for the time being, and even deliberately distanced himself from Nikolai Milyutin. At this time, the two brothers entered the Winter Palace one after another, feeling a bit like that.

"No, would you like to meet Count Rostovtsev?" Li Xiao gave a new suggestion.

Dmitri shook his head directly: "It's not suitable. The count's status is too special, I'm not suitable..."

He was stunned when he said this. Count Rostovtsev's status was indeed special. If it were Nikolai Milyutin, he would not be suitable, but he was different. Like the count, he was an undercover agent and was not labeled as a reformist. Tag of.

It was not so sensitive for him to go to Count Rostovtsev, and the problem was not too big as long as it was not too frequent.

But after thinking for a while, he still felt it was inappropriate: "It's not appropriate. It's better for the earl to maintain a detached status with His Majesty, and if I suddenly go to him, I have to have a suitable reason, right?"

Li Xiao smiled and asked, "Then you didn't think about similar problems when you came to me?"

Dmitri was stunned, because he really hadn't thought about this problem. Everyone in St. Petersburg knew that someone was a reformist, and it seemed that he, a confidant of Alexander II, was a bit sensitive about meeting reformers?

Li Xiao was also happy to see Dmitry starting to consider this issue with a serious look on his face. He quickly comforted him and said, "I'm just kidding, you don't have to worry too much about this issue... It's known to everyone that we cooperated well in Wallachia." That's right, so it's not a big problem for you to have contact with me... Just be careful not to meet too often or during too sensitive periods."

Dmitri pondered for a moment and then nodded. He has a steady personality and must think carefully about everything and make a plan before taking action. It's okay if he didn't realize the problem before. Now that he has discovered the problem, if he doesn't think about it clearly, then he won't be him.

"Forget it, I'd better write a letter to the count. It's still too sensitive to meet at this time."

After thinking again and again, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going to Count Rostovtsev immediately. For him, Count Rostovtsev was the most important bargaining chip of the reformists, and he must not be exposed easily, even if the risk was not high. Nope either.

Li Xiao curled his lips and told the truth that he didn't particularly agree with the choice of Dmitri and others. Should Count Rostovtsev’s undercover identity be kept secret?

So naturally a high level of confidentiality is required?

But in Li Xiao's view, it was highly confidential and would not have any contact with Count Rostovtsev no matter what happened.

That's stupid behavior!

Because the most important significance of Count Rostovtsev retaining this level of identity is to play a role at critical moments.

So when is the critical moment?

Li Xiao felt that his judgment on this point was fundamentally different from that of Nikolai Milyutin, Dmitry and others. Dmitry and the others would rather miss a key opportunity to protect Count Rostovtsev, and he believes that as long as it is a major opportunity, it should be seized, even if it exposes Count Rostovtsev.

From a normal person's perspective, it is not easy to judge which of these two opinions is more wise or reasonable. But no matter what you do in this world, there is no best time, because the ideal state is never likely to be satisfied. If everything has to wait until the time when everything is ready, almost nothing will be accomplished.

But now Nikolay Milutin and others give Li Xiao the feeling that he must wait until everything is ready. In order to wait for this opportunity, they can miss opportunities that may not be so ideal again and again.

This is very problematic in Li Xiao's opinion. It's a bit too deliberate and even feels like a desperate attempt to find a sword.

Of course, he didn't mean that he should just mess around regardless of Count Rostovtsev's hidden identity now. He just felt that Dmitry and others were too entangled in this issue and were a bit obsessed.

He thought that Count Rostovtsev himself would probably not agree with this approach. That count was a man who was quite good at seizing opportunities. It can be seen from the fact that he took the risk to give advice to Queen Maria today that he is not afraid of taking risks.

But now Nikolai Milyutin and the others are too striving for stability, and such a steady style really doesn't look like they are engaged in reform.

After all, reformers have always given people the impression that they dare to take risks, and are even willing to take risks. They will be radical and even rash, and I have never heard that reform can be achieved in an even-keeled way.

But for now, these have nothing to do with him, he just expresses his feelings. However, today's unexpected situation attracted his attention. He could clearly feel that Count Uvarov's unexpected actions had triggered a series of chain reactions, which were likely to make the situation more complicated.

After thinking for a moment, Li Xiao had some ideas, but he didn't know much about the various networks and circles in St. Petersburg, and he couldn't accurately judge in which direction the situation might change. He decided to ask Alexei first. Ask to see what he thinks about it.

But when he found Alexey, he discovered that Leonid was also there. It was rare for these two good friends to reunite and have fun together. It was obvious that Leonid had listened to his advice and was preparing to go abroad to have a long experience. De is no longer as stubborn as before.

"Andre, where is your dance partner? There is a dance tonight. You can bring her to join us, and let us see if your dancing skills have improved."

That's enough for this group of bad friends, Li Xiao. After learning that he had a dance partner, he talked about it all day long. If he didn't tease him, he would feel uncomfortable. M..

"Have you heard about Count Uvarov?"

Li Xiao knew that the most effective way to deal with this kind of teasing was to bypass it and talk about the business directly. Sure enough, this trick worked immediately.

"Count Uvarov?" Alexey asked curiously, "What happened to him? Has he finally figured it out and is ready to retire?"

Listening to this, you can tell how much Alexei resents Count Uvarov. He is complaining about Count Uvarov's stubbornness and standing in the latrine.

However, his words caused a burst of ridicule from everyone. Most of the people who could hang out with him were somewhat liberal, and naturally they didn't like Count Uvarov.

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