Struggle in Russia

Chapter 965 Little Innocents

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

A group of nobles launched merciless mockery at Count Uvarov, but in Li Xiao's view, this mockery was just an opportunity to vent their emotions.

Because no matter how they ridicule them, they can't change the fact that Count Uvarov has suppressed them for twenty or thirty years. The vast majority of them have been mercilessly crushed by Count Uvarov since they were born and even in the womb. The pressure made me unable to breathe comfortably for twenty or thirty years.

This is not a shameless thing, it sounds quite pathetic anyway.

However, Li Xiao is not stupid enough to speak for the enemy and undermine the enthusiasm of his own people. His emotional intelligence is still online.

"It would be great if that were the case," Li Xiao pretended to sigh, "That old guy suddenly went to see His Excellency Nikolai Milyutin today, and there were rumors everywhere about it!"

"It's spreading?" Vasily Konstantinovich Repnin asked, "What are they talking about?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "The most common thing is that Count Uvarov is ready to compromise and agree to reforms..."

Before he finished speaking, these young talents were all as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and they were all screaming with excitement, as if spring had arrived.

Seeing them chattering freely, Li Xiao couldn't bear it anymore. Isn't it a little too kind to expose their dreams like this?

Of course, not everyone is like this. Leonid and Alexey are very calm. One has a sullen face and it is hard to tell what he is thinking, while the other has disbelief written all over his face.

"Are you sure?" Leonid asked.

Li Xiao smiled and replied: "Sure!"

Leonid was surprised at this and said in astonishment: "Is Count Uvarov really planning to give in?"

Li Xiao laughed and shook his head: "No, I just said that the news spread throughout St. Petersburg."

Leonid suddenly let out an oh, and the young talents who listened with their ears pricked up sighed in unison. This made Li Xiao feel more and more that these guys... ?

People are so pitiful.

"What exactly is going on?" Alexey asked.

Li Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's all there. It's just that His Excellency Nikolai Milyuting was called to the Winter Palace just now. The situation is getting more and more complicated."

This news once again aroused great concern among young talents. Nikolai Milyutin was immediately called to the Winter Palace just after his meeting with Count Uvarov. They would not believe it if there was no connection.

Could it be that His Majesty finally plans to start reforms?

Li Xiao sighed. Thought: These people can really think of the good. Why don't you think that this might be Alexander II also trying to make a name for himself?

By the way, these naive novices have always had unrealistic hopes for Alexander II, and they have always only thought about the best. How could they realize that people's hearts are sinister!

However, he didn't intend to wake up these naive people here, because these people would not be grateful to him at all, and instead might resent him for disturbing their sweet dreams.

So why bother!

After chatting for a few words to get rid of these naive people, Li Xiao and Alexey started private chat mode.

"My personal judgment is that Count Uvarov should still be

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

It's impossible for him to really want to give in, let alone agree to our request... It's very possible that this is still a way for him to take the opportunity to put pressure on His Majesty. "

Alexey nodded silently, he basically agreed with this judgment. But Leonid next to him had doubts: "Not necessarily, Count Uvarov is the most stubborn. He is not the kind of person who makes false moves. Since he went to see His Excellency Nikolai Milyutin, Then you probably still want to give in, right?"

Li Xiao and Alexey both chuckled in their hearts, Count Uvarov is the best at doing this kind of tricks even if he doesn't use feints!

"It's hard to say," Alexey decided to save some face for his old friend. "After all, the situation now is very different from before. I'm afraid he will use any means to save himself!"

Leonid didn't speak, and it could be seen that he was in a heavy mood... ?

Although he did not like Count Uvarov and criticized some of his policies, he wholeheartedly agreed with some of the count's ideas and felt that they represented Russian tradition.

He still values ​​tradition very much, so he still hopes that both the reform and Count Uvarov will have a decent outcome.

He sighed and asked, "Then what do you think will happen next?"

This is a very critical question, because Li Xiao and Alexey actually also want to know the answer to this question. They also want to know what happens next.

But it's hard to say.

Li Xiao sighed and said, "It's hard to say. It's very likely that something big will happen... but it's also possible that nothing will happen..."

Leonid was dumbfounded because the two results were so different. How could there be such a big difference?

Alexey also sighed and said: "It's really hard to say. With His Majesty's character, it is very likely that he will remain unchanged in response to all changes!"

It can only be said that Li Xiao and Alexey have basically seen through Alexander II. If he can fool things, he will definitely fool things. He will only move when he can't fool him. Anyway, he is anxious to death!

"Then what are you going to do?"

Leonid knew very well that both Alexei and Li Xiao supported reform, and according to their opinions, they definitely did not want to see the situation continue to maintain the status quo. So he was a little worried that the two friends would do something to cause the situation to change.

And this will make it very difficult for him, because for him, obeying the tsar's orders is the first priority, and he must be loyal no matter what. What if Alexander II asked him to get rid of these two good friends?

In short, he was very conflicted and entangled, and he couldn't help but start to complain about Count Uvarov's unnecessary actions.

Li Xiao and Alexei looked at each other. They knew exactly what Leonid was struggling with. This was why they thought Leonid was pedantic.

"Let's take a look first!" Li Xiao replied with a wry smile... ?

He said, "There is nothing more we can do for now, we can only take a look first and then say..."

Leonid didn't quite believe it. He always felt that Li Xiao was not a peaceful person. With his style, he would definitely cause trouble. How could he be so honest.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Li Xiao looked at him and then at Alexei, who also found it funny. It was getting harder and harder to fool Leonid. In the past, I could get rid of him in just a few sentences, but now I won't give up until I explain clearly.

However, he couldn't just ignore it, he could only help deal with Leonid first, and then the two of them would slowly discuss and discuss countermeasures..._\u0026 ?

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