Struggle in Russia

Chapter 970 Seeing Through (Part 2)

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

The fundamental reason why Nikolai Milyutin has so much confidence is not because of Alexander II.

If you don't have so many crazy thoughts, if you honestly start to carry out reforms, then Nikolai Milyutin will definitely become the most fanatical supporter of you in Russia.

But you just want to do a lot of tricks and wear down this person's patience and confidence to almost zero. What else do you think he can do? Am I going to be played to death by you just sitting there stupidly?

It's just that people like Alexander II have never been able to realize their mistakes. He believed that he was the Tsar of Russia chosen by God and the embodiment of Russia's highest power and will.

Of course he will make mistakes, but these mistakes are all for a reason and are not his own problem. The problem lies entirely with these uncooperative subjects. If they cooperate with his rule honestly, Russia's future will be bright!

So he thinks that the problems are other people's, and naturally all he thinks about is how to maintain his rule and attack those who disobey him.

"I still think it is necessary to expand the discussion. It is appropriate and proper to discuss such issues at the Imperial Council!" Alexander II suddenly emphasized his tone. He wanted to tell Nikolai Milyutin that his will could not be resisted.

Nikolai Milyutin sighed. If he had felt a little self-reproached just now and felt that his attitude towards Alexander II was somewhat disrespectful, he could not be sorry for this supreme leader.

But as Alexander II persisted in his wrong approach, his self-blame immediately disappeared. Because he felt that a king who was determined to make the country better should not be like this. How could he do this?

Since you don't respect martial ethics anymore, why don't you allow him to resist?

Nikolai Milyutin bowed and replied firmly: "Your Majesty, if you must do this, that is your right. You are the master of the country and can do whatever you want. However, as a Minister, as you... ?

My dear minister, I think this will do a lot of harm but no good. If you must do this, then please allow me to resign! "

Alexander II was shocked because this was the first minister to threaten to resign since he took the throne. This fully shows that Nikolai Milyutin will not compromise. If he insists on doing this, then everyone might as well die together!

This is no joke. Alexander II knew very well that his position was actually not stable at all. Don’t look at the fact that at the end of the Paris Peace Conference, he told the whole country that he had glossed over the failure of the Crimean War. It seems as though he is defeated but still proud.

But he knew that these tricks could not fool many people. At most, they could only deceive ignorant novices.

In fact, both the common people, nobles and bureaucrats in the country criticized his decision to end the war.

The common people felt that he gave in too late and made their lives a mess. The aristocrats and bureaucrats believed that he should not give in so easily, thinking that he was too weak to bear the responsibilities of being a tsar.

In short, there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with him internally. If the decision to admit defeat was not supported by a vote of senior nobles and ministers, he, the tsar, would probably be under his ass.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

You will be kicked off the stage before your seat is warmed up.

Realizing this clearly made him feel full of crisis. He knew that his position was unstable and that without the support of powerful ministers, he would collapse in minutes.

Unfortunately, Nikolai Milyutin is the most powerful minister at present. He is the leader of the reformists. Once he resigns and makes a public break, it almost means that the reformists will stand against him, and it can almost be said that he will collapse immediately.

At that time, even if he fully embraced the conservatives and completely fell to them, he might not be able to defeat the reformists. Even taking a step back, even if he relies on conservatives to defeat the reformists, the final result will still be that he has to become a puppet of the conservatives.

At that time, he had to rely on the conservatives to maintain his position. As long as the conservatives were dissatisfied with him, he might... ?

A new tsar replaced him.

He had no interest at all in being a puppet without real power. He clearly remembered Nicholas I's warning before his death - he must firmly control power in his own hands!

He knew that he had to keep the reformists and conservatives at a stalemate so that he could have both sides and slowly gain power step by step.

Once Nikolai Milyutin announces his resignation, it means that this stalemate balance will immediately collapse. Either to the left or to the right, he must make a choice immediately. Then no matter which faction wins in the end, he will become the winner's puppet!

So as soon as Nikolai Milyutin threatened to resign, Alexander II immediately relented, because he couldn't do it!

He immediately comforted him affectionately: "Dear Nicholas, don't be anxious and don't get excited! I also hope that the country will become better, so I try to build a bridge of communication. After all, the current situation of neither up nor down has been This has gone on for too long... Not only are you anxious, I am anxious too! I really hope that Russia will become great again! I really can’t wait!”

After some consolation, he continued: "As for resignation, I will never accept it! I know your abilities very well. I think you are very important to Russia. The road to making our great country great again requires you. You But don’t act out of anger!”

If it were in the past, Nikolai Milyutin would probably be very moved and feel that Alexander II really relied on and cared about him.

But now he has witnessed His Majesty's methods step by step. He knows that the other party is too tough and is ready to be soft. To be honest, this chills him, and naturally he cannot be fooled!

He bowed again and replied: "Your Majesty, I personally am willing to serve the country. As long as you start the reform process as soon as possible, I believe that all problems will be solved soon... The most important thing now is to procrastinate... You should continue to rebel against it! Even if I don't resign, but you don't make up your mind, I still can't do anything... I hate trying to do something in your position... ?

What a waste! "

Alexander II was so angry that he felt that Nikolai Milyutin was being shameless and refused to let him go even after he had already stepped down the stairs. He simply did not take him as the tsar in his eyes, and he was not loyal or conscientious at all. Very bad!

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

But on the surface, he had a different story. He continued to comfort and make promises, and after a long conversation, he managed to get the matter over with..._\u0026 ?

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