Struggle in Russia

Chapter 971 Extremely disappointed

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

This toss-up made Alexander II anxious. For him, today was definitely the most unlucky day in his life.

The whole day was like a roller coaster. Fortunately, he didn't have a heart disease, otherwise he would have had to confess to being there.

But he also has an advantage, that is, no matter how bad his mood is, he can still maintain it on the surface. This is probably due to the constant beating and training by Nicholas I in his early years. At that time, he would be scolded and tortured by Nicholas I from time to time, and he had already developed his psychological endurance.

Less thoughtful, he continued: "Since public discussion is not a good idea, how do you think we can push forward the reform process?"

To be honest, Nicholas Milyutin was surprised that Alexander II could ask this question. Because after the previous confrontation, he probably understood that the Tsar was indeed not particularly enthusiastic about reform. Just like Count Rostovtsev said, he just wanted to maintain the status quo.

Isn't it weird that someone like him who wants to maintain the status quo actually asks how to push forward reforms? Isn't it ironic?

In addition to being weird and ironic, in fact, as long as you think about it a little bit, you will know what Alexander II's plan was. He made it clear that he was using Nikolai Milyutin's trump card under the guise of consulting.

If it were a ruthless character like Li Xiao or Count Rostovtsev, Alexander II would only be asking for trouble.

However, Nikolai Milyutin was an honest man. For him, as long as Alexander II was not too excessive, he would usually tolerate such small situations and get over them.

He calmly replied: "Your Majesty, I have just said that the best way to promote reform is that you must first strengthen your determination and tell the whole country that reform is imperative! Only if this is confirmed first, those who are... …Only those who oppose reform for certain factors will know that opposition is useless!”

He looked into Alexander II's eyes and explained patiently: "Only by doing this will they not continue to try to hinder the reform process...?

, so that relevant discussions can be carried out so that both supporters and opponents can reach the most basic psychological expectations. Only in this way can in-depth discussions be carried out to finalize the details of the reform! "

He emphasized in particular: "And now you are hesitant, how can you make those opponents accept the facts willingly?"

These words were very true and pertinent, which made Alexander II look embarrassed. He could hear Nikolai Milyutin's criticism of him, and he was already full of resentment.

It's just that Alexander II had his own overall considerations and his own interests. He always refused to delegate power for fear that the reformists would threaten his power. In this way, it was naturally impossible to really let the reformists do things.

He smiled awkwardly and tried to change the subject: "Dear Nicholas, if I don't support reform, how can I set up a special committee, and how can I tell the whole country that reforms are needed?"

"If, like you said, I don't intend to reform, I don't have to do these things at all! It's precisely because I firmly support reforms that these things can be realized!"

"You are too impatient and too demanding of me, my friend, you

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

You have to know how strong the resistance to reform is. If I hadn't always supported you firmly, you wouldn't even have the right to speak out publicly. You and your friends should know how to be grateful! "

Unable to fool him, Alexander II began to play the emotional card. People who didn't know what he said thought he had paid a huge price for reforms and done many extraordinary things.

But anyone who knows the inside story knows that the biggest obstacle to reform is actually him. Many of his emotional cards are based on secretly changed concepts!

To put it simply, if he really sides with the reformists, even Count Uvarov and Baryatinsky working together will not be able to stop the pace of reform.

It was precisely because he sided with the conservatives that he held back the faltering conservatives and made it impossible for the reformists to carry out many things.

If it were a month or two ago, Nikolai Milyutin might have been fooled by Alexander II... ?

It's past. But in the past two months, Count Rostovtsev and Dmitry tirelessly reminded him and warned him, revealing again and again the true face of Alexander II's true conservatism and false progress.

Therefore, the effect of Alexander II's emotional card was mostly offset. Although Nikolai Milyutin was a little embarrassed, he was still clear-headed and was not distracted from his rhythm.

His eyes were red and he replied very emotionally: "Your Majesty, I know that you have done a lot for reform, and I also understand that you have a lot of concerns and pressure, but I want to tell you that reform may indeed have a painful period, but it is worth it. When the day comes when the reform is successful and Russia becomes great again, when we look back on this history, everyone will always praise your greatness! All the efforts you have made are worth it!"

It’s just that Alexander II didn’t think so. He felt that he was already great enough. Even if he did not carry out reforms, it would be rare enough and great enough for him to bring Russia out of the crisis of the failure of the Crimean War.

As long as future generations see this, they will always remember him. As for the reform, let alone what will happen if the reform is successful, he wants to ask: If the reform is successful, will the power in his hands also be reduced by most?

If this is the case, then what if you, the advocates and supporters of reform, give him a so-called great title? His real power has been damaged. Compared with those false names, the power of life and death is the most important!

He really has no interest in what Nikolai Milyutin said. What is great or not? It would be better to firmly grasp the power in your hands and be a free and easy emperor. If it weren't for you bunch of liberals messing around , why would he have such a headache?

"Of course I hope that Russia will become greater, and I also hope that future generations will always remember our contribution," Alexander II said in a pretentious manner: "But the food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step, with big steps." If you don’t, you’ll break your balls!”

After a short pause, he said before Nikolai Milyutin: "And you are too excited now...?"

Be a little more patient, my dear Nikolai... As long as you calm down, you will soon find that the situation is not so bad, everything is moving in a good direction, everything is being executed step by step, and what you expect It will happen soon! "

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

To be honest, these words completely disappointed Nikolai Milyutin. Apart from making him wait, you just make him wait. To put it bluntly, you just don’t want to do anything! _\u0026 ?

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