Struggle in Russia

Chapter 972 Unexpected

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Nikolai Milyutin was completely disappointed and had no intention of continuing to talk about the wheel with Alexander II, because it was in vain and it was a waste of time and saliva.

He didn't bother to refute Alexander II, and replied bluntly: "Maybe you see it this way, Your Majesty, but many people, including me, don't think the situation is as good as you said, let alone waiting quietly for things to work out." Moving in the right direction... you can keep your opinion and we keep ours..."

Alexander II was speechless again. It was obvious that he was rejected again, no matter how polite it was, it was rejection. Obviously, his attempt to continue to fool Nikolay Milyutin will not work. The other party will no longer follow his baton honestly.

This hit him hard, much harder than what Count Uvarov had done that morning.

No matter what Count Uvarov does now, unless he directly raises the white flag to the reformists, it will be difficult to make Alexander II passive in the true sense. At most, it just disgusts him and makes him uncomfortable.

But Nikolai Milyutin was different. If he said no to Alexander II, then Alexander II would have to think hard about how to withstand the storm of the reformists.

So even though he was very angry at the moment, he could only persuade him nicely: "Dear Nicholas, it's so irresponsible of you to speak like this, as if I have been blocking your steps. ...Please note that I always stand with you. Without my support, how can we start reform?"

"I know you are resentful and feel that the pace of reform is too slow...but there is a reason. How can hundreds of years of tradition be changed overnight? I still recommend that you be more patient and not be too impatient. …”

This was still chatter, and Nikolai Milyutin was tired of it, so he didn't bother to say anything more about it. He just told Alexander II that he'd better move faster, because... ?

Nikolai Milyutin is not the only one who is "too impatient".

"Millions of people are watching you. Your Majesty, you must not let them down, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

There is nothing we can do about Nikolai Milyutin's "unsalted" Alexander II, so we can only end this topic in a hurry.

He decided to talk about a lighter topic to lighten the atmosphere, and then see if he could persuade Nikolai Milyutin.

It's just that he couldn't find a more suitable topic after thinking for a long time. After all, he couldn't chat with Nikolai Milyutin, the relationship between the two was not that close.

In addition to this, other topics are more or less closely related to the current situation. If they are not handled correctly, the atmosphere will become more tense. Isn’t that self-defeating!

Just when he was in a bit of trouble, he suddenly thought of someone and immediately asked: "Nikolai, I heard that you have been very close to Andrei Konstantinovich during this time? And you also helped him? Quite busy?"

Nikolai Milyutin was obviously stunned. He never expected that Alexander II would talk to him about Li Xiao. Regarding this unpopular bastard Grand Duke in the royal family, both Nicholas I, him and Grand Duke Constantine had surprisingly consistent attitudes, that is, they just pretended not to know him, not to see him, or to hear him.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Anyway, in Nikolay Milutin's memory, Nicholas I and Alexander II did not take the initiative to talk to him about Li Xiao's memory. Why did this person suddenly bring up this topic?

He replied with some confusion: "Justice Andrei is managing the Third Chamber of St. Petersburg, and I am the Minister of Internal Affairs and am in charge of the reform of the Third Chamber. There are some exchanges between us, but how frequent it is. And intimacy is not necessarily the case.”

"If you are asking about our personal relationship, I can only tell you that we have no personal relationship, it is just a purely working relationship."

Alexander II didn't particularly believe this answer, but he didn't have any evidence that Nikolai Milyutin and Li Xiao had close contacts for the time being, so it was difficult to accuse him of anything, and he... ?

The main reason for talking about this is to ease the relationship, and naturally it is impossible to teach Nikolai Milyutin a lesson.

He smiled and said: "Dear Nicholas, you are just too nervous, this is just a small talk... I still know something about my cousin, he is incapable of doing anything except in literature... For To urge him to grow up, my father asked him to go to Wallachia for training... I didn't expect him to have any future, but who would have thought that he would make some achievements... So, I asked him to come back and continue to observe to see if he is It’s not like he has really improved enough to be able to serve the country like a man.”

After a pause, he asked with a bright smile: "You have been in contact with him for so long, tell me what you know about him, and give me a reference to see if I can let him take on a bigger burden... "

These words sounded very kind, as if he was a caring elder brother who was concerned about the growth of his little cousin. But in fact, they still tried different methods to induce Nikolai Milyuting to tell the truth about his relationship with Li Xiao.

It is a pity that Nikolai Milyutin did not see through Alexander II's sinister intentions. He really thought that Alexander II was caring about Li Xiao, so he answered honestly:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I dare not presume whether Grand Duke Andrei has made any progress, because I am not familiar with him, but judging from the only work contacts he has had, this Grand Duke should not be as bad as the legend... On the contrary I feel that he still has certain abilities. Judging from his management of the third department of St. Petersburg, it should be said that he did a pretty good job..."

Alexander II was a little disappointed because the honest Nikolai Milyutin did not say what he wanted to hear. He just discussed the matter and praised someone, but at the same time said that he needed to continue to observe.

In other words, what Nikolai Milyutin meant was that he was not very familiar with someone yet, so he could only tell his current opinion of someone, but there was no guarantee that someone was really a pillar of talent.

Instead, it means that they are not familiar with each other and have no personal relationship.

Unwilling to give up, Alexander II asked again: "I heard that Andrei also supports reform. How about it? Is there anything between you...?"

Have you ever talked about this topic? "

Nikolai Milyutin still answered honestly: "We have talked about it, but we have quite a lot of differences. Grand Duke Andrei does not agree with my way of working... uh... he thinks that my actions Too slow..."

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】


Well, Alexander II really didn't expect to receive such an answer. He just said that Nikolai Milyutin was too anxious, but someone thought that Nikolai Milyutin was too in no hurry. What does someone mean by this? _\u0026 ?

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