Struggle in Russia

Chapter 973 Let’s do it like this...

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Alexander II could only laugh dryly and said: "I didn't expect that he is also impatient, and he even called you slow. It seems that my father's evaluation of him back then was absolutely correct. He is indeed useless!"

Nikolai Milyutin licked Alexander II's words carefully, and finally came to his senses. The tsar criticized Li Xiao while avoiding praise. Even if he had to praise someone, he would probably add a prefix. , in short, not all the credit belongs to Li Xiao. Even if Li Xiao has achieved some achievements, the main reason is either Nicholas I's or his own.

To put it bluntly, the credit belongs to both father and son, and the mistakes are all his own.

But when there is a fault, it is 100% one's own.

To be honest, Nikolai Milyutin couldn't stand it anymore. This kind of famous double standard was really too much. He couldn't help but defend Li Xiao and said:

"Your Majesty, Grand Duke Andre may be a little impatient, but it is still inappropriate to say that he is not useful. In my opinion, Grand Duke Andre has outstanding abilities and is a rare talent!"

Alexander II looked at Nikolai Milyutin suspiciously, and he increasingly felt that there was something fishy between Li Xiao and him.

He suppressed his displeasure and laughed dryly again: "Maybe, but he still needs to continue to hone his skills. Even if he is a little clever, he still needs to work honestly and down-to-earth. Instead of shamelessly sensationalizing!"

Nikolai Milyutin really wanted to say that enough is enough for you, but considering that he had already lost face to Alexander II today, he did not say any unpleasant words in the end.

He just stood there silently watching Alexander II perform, telling the tsar with a paralyzed expression that he did not agree with these nonsense.

This undoubtedly made Alexander II even more embarrassed. He was criticizing gushingly, while Nikolai Milyutin did not say anything when Xu Shu entered Cao's camp, making him seem to be talking to himself. This was not a beating. His face?

Alexander II gritted his teeth and decided to avoid this topic quickly, otherwise the whole day would be ruined: "By the way, I heard that Andre...?

Are you contacting noble ladies everywhere to discuss marriage? "

Nikolai Milyutin was a little baffled. He was called to the Winter Palace today. In addition to saying something serious at the beginning and still having huge differences, Alexander II always revolved around this gossip. Whether someone gets married or not is none of your business!

Of course, this is what he was thinking, because strictly speaking, Li Xiao's marriage has something to do with Alexander II. After all, Alexander II is now the patriarch of the Romanov family. As his cousin, the Tsar, of course he He has the right to interfere with Li Xiao's marriage.

But this kind of interrogation should not be made to Nikolai Milyutin, because he is not the minister of palace affairs. If Alexander II really cares about Li Xiao, he can discuss it with the empress dowager, the empress or even the minister of palace affairs, but not with the internal affairs minister. Minister, after all, Nikolai Milyutin is not responsible for keeping the matchmaker and pulling fiber.

It's just that he can't find a suitable topic!

Nikolai Milyutin sighed and could only reluctantly answer: "There seems to be rumors in this regard, but I am not familiar with Archduke Andrei, so I don't know the situation."

What he actually meant was to remind Alexander II that we should stop talking about this topic and talk about something serious!

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

But that would require Alexander II to have something to talk about! Talking about reform and talking about Count Uvarov, the two sides will fall out after just three words. What do you want him to do?


He can only seize Li Xiao's gossip and do it!

I saw him saying seriously: "Nicholas, Grand Duke Andrei's marriage is not a trivial matter. It is a major matter related to the stability of the country... His father caused big trouble because of his careless marriage back then. He almost This makes the royal family a laughing stock! And he is not a cautious person, what if something happens!"

Nikolai Milyutin just wanted to say: Uh...

Because if you think what Alexander II said is not correct, it does make some sense. The fundamental reason why Li Xiao's cheap man, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, lost his throne was because he married a Polish woman.

This directly angered Alex... ?

Shanda I angrily deprived him of the right to inherit the throne and made Nicholas I his successor.

Strictly speaking, this behavior did pave the way for the Decembrist rebellion, which caused a big incident!

But this is Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. As the second son of Paul I, he was naturally regarded as the crown prince by many people when Alexander I had no sons.

But Li Xiao is different. His father has been marginalized, and he has been marginalized to the extreme. Most of the respectable people in St. Petersburg did not regard him as a serious prince.

His influence and appeal are worlds apart from that of his cheap friend. To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter who he marries. Unless he disregards the last bit of dignity and engages in an intermarriage between nobles and common people, there won't be any trouble at all.

To put it bluntly, Alexander II definitely exaggerated his influence. Only his family would worry about Li Xiao's influence. After all, the position under his butt was more or less a blessing.

Nikolai Milyutin wanted to say to Alexander II: You worry too much, can you think of something really useful to the country?

"I see," he sighed inwardly and said, "Since you attach so much importance to this matter, why not you personally come forward to choose a suitable marriage partner for Grand Duke Andrei? Isn't that no problem?"

Now it was Alexander II's turn to say eh!

Of course he could do what Nikolai Milyutin said, but he was reluctant. Because from the bottom of his heart, he didn't really care about Li Xiao. For him, it would be best if Li Xiao married the worst woman and then his married life would be a mess.

But if he intervened in this matter personally, he would have to show off the royal pomp and choose a mate for Li Xiao properly.

In this case, this guy might have picked up a good wife for nothing. He was so disgusted with someone, how could he let someone take advantage of her?

To be honest, this is very contradictory. He neither wants Li Xiao to have a good life, nor does he want Li Xiao to have problems with his marriage...?

The question has disgraced the royal family, so it is natural to intervene or not to intervene.

Nikolai Milyutin more or less guessed Alexander II's little thoughts, and he reluctantly suggested: "Your Majesty, if you are really concerned about this matter, you might as well take a picture of the Minister of Palace Affairs and help him. Check it out!"

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Alexander II huffed again. To be honest, he was unwilling to do this. But now that Nikolai Milyutin had spoken, he wanted to lighten the atmosphere, so he could only nod reluctantly and said: "Well, you said it." It makes sense, let’s do it!”_\u0026 ?

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