Struggle in Russia

Chapter 988 So that’s it…


Baryatinsky is very smart, but to be honest, no matter how smart he is, he can't be much smarter than Uvarov. Generally speaking, the level of the two is almost the same. Uvarov is even better because he has rich experience and can foresee many problems. Wake up first.

But this time Baryatinsky was indeed going to launch the satellite. After asking in detail about the speculations given by Uvarov's staff, he said categorically: "Both of these possibilities do not exist. I personally think that Konstantin I’m afraid the method proposed by the Grand Duke and his gang is simpler and easier than we imagined and doesn’t require much cost at all!”

Uvarov frowned, because he also agreed with Baryatinsky. He knew Grand Duke Constantine and knew that the fat man was actually very thief and stingy in nature, and it was impossible to spend huge sums of money to do such a thing.

But, he has this understanding because he knows Nicholas I's family very well, knows their character, and has dealt with this family too much. This is based on experience.

But Baryatinsky does not have such sufficient experience! How could he be so sure so quickly?

Uvarov suddenly felt a little unhappy, because he had always been very confident in his own experience, experience and wisdom, and felt that basically no one in Russia could compete with him, but Baryatinsky had just lost his temper so quickly. I came to the conclusion, which is a bit of a slap in the face!

So Uvarov asked like a test and calculation: "How can you see it?"

Baryatinsky immediately replied: "On the one hand, it is personal intuition, and on the other hand, some of Duke Ordov's previous actions inspired me!"

This answer once again exceeded Uvarov's expectations. If Baryatinsky just answered that it was intuition, he could accept it, because smart people like them have a sixth sense to some extent, and sometimes intuition comes up. It's an accurate guess.

But, what do you mean by intuition? It's definitely not possible to be in officialdom without intuition. That would be too slow. But it is impossible to rely on intuition for everything. To put it bluntly, it is no different from trying luck.

So if Baryatinsky just had an outburst of intuition, Uvarov would be very happy. He felt that this was just temporary luck and did not mean that Baryatinsky was at the same level as him. This naturally made him comfortable. It feels a lot better.

But the problem is that in addition to the answer of intuition, Baryatinsky also gave a second answer, and he actually said that Duke Ordorf gave him inspiration. Uvarov was also very familiar with Duke Ordorf. His mind just turned around and he was recalling what Duke Ordorf had done recently to see if he could also gain enlightenment.

But after Uvarov thought through everything Duke Ordov had done recently, he didn't have any inspiration. This makes Uvarov feel very embarrassed!

Suddenly he felt a little anxious, and he unknowingly asked in a stronger tone: "Duke Ordorff gave you some enlightenment, what kind of enlightenment did that old guy give you?"

When Uvarov asked this question, Baryatinsky also felt a burst of joy in his heart, because he clearly heard that Uvarov had not been able to gain enlightenment from Duke Ordov. This was his first time. The answer was not found after getting the hint for the first time!

What does this mean? This shows that the old fox Uvarov is not omniscient and omnipotent. This old guy actually has shortcomings. When he thought of this, Baryatinsky couldn't help but feel a little excited, as if he had seized the future!

It’s no wonder that Baryatinsky is so excited, he would be the same if you were him, because the name Uvarov is too oppressive in this era. Young people like Baryatinsky almost grew up listening to the legend of Count Uvarov, and later they rose to prominence step by step under the appreciation of Count Uvarov.

In a sense, Count Uvarov is the spiritual mentor of the younger generation of conservatives such as Baryatinsky. All the glorious deeds of this count have become legends in their minds.

Now Baryatinsky has to face the legend, and he has just defeated the legend by one step. This is really precious to him. It can be said that it gives him the courage to continue to challenge Count Uvarov and become a new legend.

Of course, he was very happy in his heart. Baryatinsky did not forget about it. Count Uvarov was still waiting for his answer. He was just happy in his heart. He immediately answered loudly:

"Do you remember the cable telegraph project that Duke Ordorff worked hard to promote some time ago?"

Count Uvarov frowned slightly, because the cable telegraph project was a pain in his heart, that is, he felt that everything was unsatisfactory since the beginning of that damn project. If he was given another chance, he would definitely strangle this project to death with all his strength. project.

However, although he hated this project, Count Uvarov did not understand what the cable telegraph project had to do with what they were talking about. Because this project has just started, none of the lines have yet been completed and put into use. At least it was impossible for Archduke Constantine to deliver messages quickly via the cable telegraph project.

After hearing Count Uvarov's doubts, Baryatinsky seemed more and more confident, and he replied with a smile: "Yes, you are right, no line in the country has been put into use yet... But It’s different overseas!”

This sentence finally awakened Count Uvarov. Russia is an out-and-out younger brother in the wired telegraph project, but Britain, France, even Sweden, Denmark, and the United States have all come to the forefront, especially Britain and France. , mature lines have long been put into use. If we use the lines from these two countries...

Count Uvarov frowned again as he thought about it, because it seemed that the route from England and France to Sevastopol in a circle was longer. From his understanding, it was even less likely to be faster than him.

But Baryatinsky said: "Your Excellency, the efficiency of this wired telegraph is far beyond imagination. From what I have seen, it can reach you at dawn and dusk over thousands of miles. It only takes a few minutes to deliver a message. It’s really breathtaking!”

If Baryatinsky hadn't said it, Uvarov would never have believed such nonsense. Being able to deliver news so quickly over a distance of thousands of miles is not something that only God or miracles can do. Something? This is beyond human reach!

But Baryatinsky said so, and Uvarov could only choose to believe it, because he knew that the other party would not lie to him. Suddenly, his face became tangled, and after a while he said bitterly: "If As you say, this wired telegram must not fall into the hands of Duke Ordorff..."

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