Struggle in Russia

Chapter 989 Let’s talk, Grand Duke

So this scene of the meeting happened. Who would have thought that Aprakhin had such an unusual relationship with Nikolay Milyutin, and he actually learned the real situation from there, which made Viscount Prozolov very embarrassed.

An ordinary person would definitely not have the shame to stay, so he could only hide his face and run away. But Viscount Prozolov is not an ordinary person. He knows that if he gives in and runs away at this time, Grand Duke Constantine will become a laughing stock, and he will be embarrassed on the spot, let alone unifying his thoughts later.

He immediately retorted righteously: "How is it possible! Now the whole of St. Petersburg knows that Count Uvarov had to give in and compromise. His Highness the Grand Duke also personally inquired about the matter with His Excellency Nikolai Milyutin. He did not deny it. How could it be so? This has become a non-existent thing here! I think you made a mistake!"

These words made the group of minions who were watching the excitement and were shocked by Aprakxin's heavy news suddenly became unsettled again.

They looked at Grand Duke Constantine and then at Aprakhin, wondering who was telling the truth. However, judging from their expressions, they are still more willing to believe what Grand Duke Constantine said. After all, who doesn’t want to kick off the biggest stumbling block to reform!

"Really? I don't know when His Highness asked, but it doesn't matter. We can all go to His Excellency Nikolay Milyutin to confront him on the spot and see what's going on. Let's go, Your Highness, let's go together Go and ask for clarification, lest anyone accuse me of spreading false news to disturb the public!"

Upon hearing this, Grand Duke Constantine was embarrassed. How could he dare to confront him? Wouldn't he be exposed on the spot? But if I don’t go, I still can’t explain it. What should I do?

Suddenly he became a little angry and felt that Viscount Prozolov was really doing bad things. If Aprakshin wanted to leave, just let him go. Without him, he would be out of sight and out of mind. Why bother with such a person? This is not a choice. Did Sesame lose the watermelon?

Hey, this guy doesn't even think about who helped him get back his face when he lost face just now. In an instant, I no longer remember the embarrassment just now, and my memory is no different from that of a goldfish.

It is not difficult to see that this person's human nature is really just that. He never remembers the good things of others. He is completely self-centered and is a real selfish villain!

It's just that Viscount Prozolov's level is much higher than that of Grand Duke Constantine. Since he wanted to stand up for Grand Duke Constantine, he thought of a way to deal with it.

Although Apraxin's revelation did surprise him, this surprise was nothing to him.

I saw him replying calmly: "Okay! Just confront each other. Then everyone will know who is lying. It's just that we have serious things to do now and don't have time to play with you for such boring things." Yugi, when we finish the meeting and resolve the serious matters, we will naturally take off your mask!"

As he said that, he turned to Grand Duke Constantine and said: "Your Excellency, don't be like this villain. Let's get down to business quickly and don't delay the reform plan because of some boring people!"

Only then did Grand Duke Konstantin react. He immediately followed Viscount Prozolov and left in a hurry. He was dumbfounded when Apraxin stood there!

He was probably confused by the shamelessness of the master and servant, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He looked at the back of Grand Duke Constantine in the distance and frowned. He had the idea to continue to slap Prozolov in the face, but he was afraid of it. The Viscount resorted to even more shameless tactics.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head with a wry smile and turned around to leave, but who knew that he spotted Li Xiao and Alexey in the blink of an eye, and his eyes suddenly lit up and he walked over quickly.

"Alexei, you're here too! It's great!" He gave Alexei a hug, then pointed at Li Xiao and asked: "This should be His Excellency Grand Duke Andrei, right? Nice to meet you." you!"

Both Alexei and Li Xiao were confused by his inexplicable enthusiasm. To be honest, neither Li Xiao nor Alexie were very familiar with this person. Although they were in the same camp, the intersection was really close. few.

"Did you hear the bullshit that guy said?" He said worriedly, "You don't believe his bullshit either, right?"

Li Xiao and Alexey shook their heads together, which made Aprakhin very happy. He said angrily: "I know that no one with any sense will believe his lies. Why is the situation so good? What's the big deal? What's the use of these things? Everyone is there with their own delusions. Mental poisons like this are the most harmful. If you ask me, you should get rid of him as soon as possible. It won't help at all, it's all bad things here!"

Li Xiao and Alexey really didn't expect that the resentment against Grand Duke Constantine would be so great, but Aprakhin's words were not wrong. Grand Duke Constantine really couldn't help at all.

"He is a grand duke, a majestic prince. How dare we drive him away? It's not like you haven't seen how many people like him!" Alexey said sarcastically. Bajie Zhongwen website

These words immediately opened up Apraxin's chat box, and he spat disdainfully: "Bullshit, his set of tricks can only fool a few naive little ones who don't understand anything... I have actually fought him. Anyone who interacts with him doesn’t know that he has high ambitions and low abilities, and shows his timidity when doing things. If we let him lead the reform, then we will not be able to accomplish anything!"

"That's true!" Alexey nodded again in agreement, "That person is indeed not a doer!"

Seeing that Li Xiao didn't express anything, Apraxin thought he didn't agree with this conclusion and asked: "Your Excellency, don't you agree?"

Li Xiao burst out laughing: "Of course I don't agree, I agree very much. This cousin of mine is arrogant but his mind is smaller than a pinhole. He doesn't want others to be better than him. He does things based on his own preferences. Evil has no regard for the overall situation, and often says one thing and does another, which is really disgusting!"

Apraksin nodded with great satisfaction, then looked at Grand Duke Constantine who was surrounded by the crowd, and said anxiously: "But some people just fall for his tricks, what do you think this is?"

Li Xiao looked back at the crowd, smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, don't speak loudly when you have reason, and the truth may not be on the side with more people... What's more, I think most of those people over there are just... The bastards and sycophants are not worth mentioning... Instead of wasting words with them, it is better to go back and think about how to do practical things. Let's go, there is nothing interesting about these monkey tricks!"

Hearing this, Apraksin also laughed. He shook his head and suggested: "Your Excellency, I have wanted to chat with you before, but I have never had the chance. It is better to choose a different day. Why don't we find a secluded place?" Where can we have a nice chat?”

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