Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1039 Emergency

"Haha! My dear friend, you did so beautifully just now. Thomas Edwards's face turned green. This British ruffian always likes to make trouble for us. This time, he has been completely embarrassed. I don't think he will do it again in the future. Not arrogant!"

There is happiness in every fold of Perrier's old face, and he is as beaming as the people living in the news broadcast. You can imagine how frustrated he, the consul general, was when he met the British before. Such a trivial thing could make him faint with joy.

But immediately he said to Li Xiao very sincerely: "But you don't need to take the Wallachians too seriously, and don't be too happy to help them! These guys are all thieves, each one more dishonest than the last , they are all white-eyed wolves, there is no need to be too polite!"

Then he further lowered his voice and said: "So, it's enough to give a little help, just give it symbolically, but don't give it too much!"

Well, Li Xiao feels sad for the Wallachians, because what Perrier represents is the true attitude of France. Friendship and attention are all deceptive. If you can mean it, mean it. Never serious.

Of course, he had to appreciate Perrier's overtures, and immediately replied in a low voice: "That's natural. These slickers are really dishonest. You can't be too polite to them. You have to whip them with a small leather whip, so that they can Be honest. Thank you for reminding me, I know it well!"

After Perrier left, David Leboeuf smiled and said: "The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at least the French Embassy in Turkey will love you to death. Andreka, you have helped us grow a lot of face. How many years have passed? I didn’t let the British get frustrated. Thinking about how we were so weak when that tyrant was still there, hum! The Bourbon family, go to hell with your grandma!”

Li Xiao knew that David Leboeuf had very complicated feelings about France and Napoleon. On the one hand, he loved his motherland and hoped to see a strong France standing among the nations of the world. It would be best to restore the glory of Napoleon's most glorious period, but on the other hand, he hates imperial power and centralized power. He believes that Napoleon usurped the fruits of the French Revolution, which ultimately led to the end of the country with him.

Therefore, in David LeBoeuf's words, Napoleon will always be a tyrant, but the restored Bourbon family in recent years, whether it is Louis XVIII or the later Orleans family, has performed even worse, making him sincerely despised and disappointed. More and more disdainful.

And Li Xiao just confronted Thomas Edwards head-on. Not only did he win beautifully and leave the opponent speechless, but more importantly, his momentum firmly suppressed the arrogant Thomas Edwards, making him He has no temper at all.

This kind of spirit is what David Leboeuf wants to see most. If a nation has no soul, no matter how rich it is and how extravagant its life is, it’s not just a mess. Once it’s time to see the truth, , collapsed in minutes.

And this is what David Leboeuf is most worried about, because among the French elite, this kind of arrogance and pride is becoming less and less, and an entire generation is like a zombie. This really made him anxious in his eyes and in his heart.

Anyway, sometimes he feels depressed and can only divert his attention by making money, which I have to say is quite pitiful. …Of course, Li Xiao did not sympathize with David LeBoeuf, because every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Although the French have been a little frustrated in the past thirty or forty years, their family wealth is there and their development is much stronger than Russia, which thinks it is a winner and thinks it is very powerful. Whether it is economy, technology, or culture, they can all defeat the backward Russia.

Although France's international status was very embarrassing after Napoleon's defeat, no one dared to really bully and deny face. Especially in recent years, with the rapid recovery of France's national strength, it was just a three-way watch in terms of military strength. Second, it is just a little bit worse than the powerful-looking empty-shell polar bear.

And with the outbreak of the Crimean War a few years ago, although the performance of the participating countries was really terrible, like a group of mentally retarded and brain-dead people fighting, France still won anyway, and the casualties were no more expensive than the British. It's ugly. The international status has skyrocketed, but the polar bear, which is now very good and powerful, has suddenly fallen to the level of a dog.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Li Xiao knew that Russia was not qualified to sympathize with or look down on the French. After all, the British were too strong and had too much first-mover advantage. It would really take more than a hundred years to overthrow them. s hard work.

Li Xiao was just thinking about something here when he heard a violent gunshot coming from outside, accompanied by the sound of explosions, and then the screams of women and the neighing of horses. It was as noisy as a boiling pot. Average.

I have to say that Li Xiao's reaction was extremely fast. He was not confused like other guests, nor did he ask random questions about what happened. His first reaction was to immediately move towards the side hall. There were so many people in the hall and it was too dangerous to stay here. What if there was an assassin?

David Leboeuf also reacted equally quickly. It must be said that these uncles and nephews are both human beings. When they see something wrong, their first reaction is to save their lives and escape from dangerous situations. As expected of a veteran who has been around since the French Revolution, he is truly experienced.

"Andreka, I still want to find you, but who would have thought that your movements are not slower than mine!" David Leboeuf chuckled. He didn't think it was too embarrassing at all. Instead, he sighed sincerely: "You do it That's right, don't show off when you are in danger, ensure your own safety first, only then you can do the right thing if you survive, and nothing will happen if you die!"

This remark also won the approval of Li Xiao, who echoed: "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, as long as the green mountains are there, he will not be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Finally, he looked around and asked in a low voice: "Where is Vishka? Where has this guy gone?"

David LeBoeuf shook his head and said: "It seemed that he was flirting with a few celebrities, but he disappeared after the gunshot!"

At this time, Anton also rushed in panting and reported: "There was an incident outside the city hall. The specific situation is unclear. Captain Bogolovsky has already gone to check!"

Li Xiao frowned and ordered worriedly: "We don't know what he is doing randomly, so let the Wallachians go to the mines! You go and have a look quickly, don't let anything happen!"

Just as he was talking, the door to the side hall was pushed open again, and Jan Jika, Jan Constantine, Dimitri and Perrier rushed in in panic. Just looking at their faces, they thought the world was in chaos. It's like the Provisional Republic is about to be overthrown.

With this kind of performance, I really don’t know how they had the courage to overthrow Bibescu’s rule in the first place. Could it be that that guy has developed such a virtue! .

Tinplate reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

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