Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1040 Investigation

When Li Xiao said this, he naturally couldn't say anything no matter how much Victoria refused, because Li Xiao was so right. There is no agency in Russia that is more well-informed than the third part. If even the third part can't be found, His father could not be found by anyone or any other institution in Russia.

Of course, Victoria was also a little moved, because she didn't know why old Igor forced her to come to Moscow, or whether he wanted to promote a good relationship between her and Li Xiao.

But, she just doesn't have much feelings for someone for the time being, so she can only live up to this good intention. To be honest, she felt a little apologetic.

She could also tell that Li Xiao saw what she meant, and now that something happened to her father, she was still so generous and willing to help, which made her feel even more ungrateful.

So after boarding the sleeper car that Alexei had secured through her connections, she felt even more sorry for Li Xiao.

"Victoria," Li Xiao said to her with a smile: "I know what you are thinking now. Are you feeling particularly sorry? I don't think this is necessary. The reason why I help you is not for other reasons, but because I feel that you are my Friends, you don’t need any special gratitude to help your friends, especially you don’t need to pledge yourself... Haha, you don’t have to be so entangled, in fact, it’s really not a big deal to me!”

Victoria was surprised. Based on her understanding of the aristocratic circle, it is not uncommon for aristocratic young masters to receive such timely help when they pursue famous ladies, but such timely help is absolutely impossible to be free. Most of the time, this is what people use to get married. Do you want a free ticket? dream!

But Li Xiao was different. He made it clear to her face to face without asking for anything in return. He was just doing a small favor for his friend.

To be honest, Victoria really didn't expect Li Xiao to be so generous, and she didn't understand the meaning of what he did.

She asked in confusion: "Why are you so nice to me?"

Li Xiao smiled and replied: "Because you make me happy. It is not easy to maintain innocence in this era of greed... Although I am not a flower protector, I am not a villain who destroys flowers..." Besides, this small favor is nothing, so why not do it?"

The more Li Xiao said this, the more Victoria felt sorry for it, but Li Xiao didn't give her a chance to struggle at all. Three times, five times, five times two divided by two decided everything, leaving her unable to object. What's more, she was really worried about her worried old father, so she could only accept this kindness.

Two days later, the train arrived in St. Petersburg. Li Xiao ordered his servant to send their luggage home, and took Victoria directly to the third part of St. Petersburg.

"Prince Vladimir? Your Excellency, why are you looking for him all of a sudden?"

Li Xiao responded directly to his subordinates' questions: "You don't need to worry so much. Send me your manpower. Tonight I want all the news related to Duke Vladimir. I want to know who his friends are." , what kind of lover and where he often hangs out, if you can find his whereabouts, there will be a lot of rewards!"

Immediately, the third part of St. Petersburg was blown up. Although Li Xiao did not explain how he was rewarded, everyone who came up with the third part of St. Petersburg in the past few months knew the temper of the new boss. He said that there were many rewards. If there is a reward, it will definitely be very heavy!

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a big reward. The spies from the third part of St. Petersburg immediately went out to search for information about Duke Vladimir. You can't say that they actually found some clues.

"His Excellency the Duke disappeared half a month ago. Before his disappearance, he visited Viscountess Pashenkova and chatted with her for more than three hours. After that, he got on a public carriage and headed to Admiralty Square. Nothing was heard from him again.”

Victoria's face looked a little unhappy, and the reason was very simple. Although Li Xiao said that her father was chatting with the Viscountess, she knew very well what kind of virtue her father was, which was to cheat on her with the Viscountess.

Victoria's temples twitched when she thought that he had not forgotten his romantic and happy life before he disappeared. When his mother passed away, he also did not forget his romantic and happy life. It was simply nothing!

She was just angry, but Victoria really couldn't care less about that bastard's life or death, after all, he was her father. Reading books

"Admiralty Square? What was he doing there?"

Li Xiao had no way to explain Victoria's questions, because as far as he knew, the Duke just took a sinecure position in the Holy Religious Council, with little power and little salary, otherwise he would not have to bear a lot of debt and have to let his daughter work. Supported the family.

And the Admiralty Square is surrounded by prominent departments. He, a laid-back and down-and-out Duke, really has no reason to run in that direction. He can't just be looking for trouble, right?

"This is the confession of the coachman. He was particularly impressed by His Excellency the Duke. He swore that His Excellency the Duke did get off at Admiralty Square..."

In fact, Li Xiao had some words that he couldn't say clearly, because according to the coachman's confession, the Duke was so stingy that he could hardly even pay the fare, and even skipped the cab and ran away after giving him a few coppers less.

The stingy and needy Duke must be Victoria's father. He didn't run away. According to the coachman's confession, he ran towards the Admiralty Building. As for where exactly he went, the coachman didn't pay attention. After all, he had business again.

Li Xiao said to Victoria: "My people went to the Admiralty to inquire. No one has seen the Duke, so the Duke should not have gone to the Admiralty. As for where he went, my people are still looking for it. Later There should be clues, don’t worry.”

Although no clues were found, Victoria was still very moved. If this happened to her, she would probably not be able to find even this clue, and would probably have to hide at home and cry alone.

But now that I have a friend like Li Xiao, the feeling is completely different. I have someone to rely on all of a sudden. I don't need to be scared or helpless or cry. This is really good.

Li Xiao continued: "My people also checked His Excellency the Duke's interpersonal relationships to see if anyone was trying to harm him..."

At this point, Li Xiao stopped, because the next words were a bit embarrassing, because the popularity of Duke Vladimir was not generally bad.

Victoria was also a little embarrassed. She blushed and replied: "My father did do a lot of ridiculous things, and his interpersonal relationships were really bad. Even I feel ashamed of him."

Li Xiao nodded and said implicitly: "According to my investigation, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the Duke, including four earls, seven viscounts and twelve barons..."

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