Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1154 Failure

Leboeuf was stunned by this change. Although he knew that Baojani and his group would not last long, it was a bit unexpected to go bankrupt and liquidated so quickly. As soon as Archduke Stephen ran away, Baujani's responsible cabinet had to announce the resignation of the general government, leaving only Baujani himself as the caretaker prime minister.

This means that the conservative constitutional monarchists can no longer control the political direction of Hungary, and the fate of this country has completely fallen into the hands of Kossuth.

At this time, LeBoeuf also breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that nothing had been negotiated with Baojani and his gang, otherwise he would really not be able to cry at this moment. I also admire Li Xiao’s foresight. Fortunately, he didn’t seek medical treatment haphazardly!

After watching a useless show in Pressburg, Leboeuf did not stop too much and continued north along the road. According to intelligence, Paskovich's leading troops had arrived at the Balka Thousand Pass and were said to have joined the Hungarians. Firefight.

But by the time Leboeuf arrived at the Balkha Thousand Pass, the battle was over. What he could see was the Hungarians celebrating their great victory. In addition to the captured Russian officers and soldiers being dragged out and paraded through the streets, there were piles of weapons, ammunition and corpses!

"The Russians are now defeated!"

Leboeuf couldn't believe his eyes, because he traveled all day and night all the way north, and he arrived at the scene in just a few days. According to the Hungarians, the Russian army has more than 10,000 people. According to the past tradition, a "big battle" with more than 10,000 people is normal for weeks. How come the Russians have taken advantage of it in just a few days?

In fact, not only LeBoeuf didn't believe it, but Paskovich didn't believe it even more. In order to put an end to the Hungarian revolution as soon as possible and prevent Duke Mikhail from the east from coming to crush the cake, he organized an elite vanguard force to enter Hungary.

In Paskovich's view, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat the Hungarians with tens of thousands of Russian elites, not only one against ten, but one against five, or even one against three!

His purpose was simple, which was to seize key mountain passes in advance and prevent the main Hungarian force from occupying favorable terrain after moving north to block his rapid southward movement.

To put it bluntly, Paskovich's purpose is to open a road. In his opinion, it is definitely impossible for ten thousand people to eliminate the Hungarian Revolutionary Party, but it should be easy and comfortable to occupy a road intersection in the Thousand Mountains of Balka, right?

But who would have thought that the Hungarians would rely on a small number of hastily organized national troops to hit their vanguard troops hard at the mountain pass. The troops suffered nearly 4,000 casualties and were almost disabled!

Paskovich was immediately shocked: "Can any of you tell me what's going on? Even ten thousand pigs can lose to the Hungarians so quickly!"

In fact, Paskovich really thought highly of his own troops. At this time, the Russian army was still immersed in the glorious victory of defeating Napoleon, and he was a bit arrogant and looked down on others. Especially the Guardsmen, whose eyes were on the back of their heads from top to bottom, looked down upon the Hungarians at all.

For them, being the vanguard this time was probably an armed parade. As long as they fought bravely in front of the Hungarians, the Hungarians would scatter like frightened rabbits.

It is a pity that what is waiting for the Russian army is not a frightened rabbit, but the Hungarian National Army who share the same enemy and occupy a favorable terrain to wait for work. When the neatly lined up Russians appear unsuspectingly under their guns, all they need to do is open fire. alright.

In this era of queuing to kill, Russian commanders still have not got rid of line tactics. The dense formations and neat paces must not be violated. Therefore, after being hit by Hungarian concentrated fire, the Russians were angry and furious. Bring more men into battle.

Think about it, the mountain road is already difficult to travel, and Hungary has the terrain advantage. What else can the Russian troops who are queuing up and squeezing over do more than send more people?

So in just over an hour, the Russian army dropped thousands of corpses, and then the gray animal collapsed. Because no one can face death calmly, not even a well-tamed gray animal.

As a result, the Russian commander could only temporarily order the troops to terminate the operation. Of course, he did not give up. In the next few days, he kept trying to break through the Hungarian defense line in the same way, until someone suddenly found that more than half of his troops had been killed and wounded, and then... naturally there was nothing more Then.

In this short and heavy-casualty battle, the Russian army had almost nothing worthy of integration, neither tactics nor courage, nothing. To put it simply, it is a group of silly geese that use practical actions to explain what it means to act recklessly without a good end.

However, the Russians do not need to be discouraged or feel humiliated, because there are many, many similar stupid geese, including those in Britain and France. Even though our weapons and equipment have undergone revolutionary changes, our tactics are still stuck in the early 19th century. , hopelessly stupid.

Even a bystander like Leboeuf, after arriving for an on-site inspection after the war, could not figure out how the Russian army failed and how the Hungarians won. In the end, he attributed this to Hungary's terrain advantages and The cowardice of the Russian army.

There is no way, because the old people who came from the Napoleonic era feel that this is the only reason that can explain the one-sided result.

"...The courage of the Russian army is no longer what it was during the Napoleonic era. Decades of training have turned them from a heroic and capable iron army into a group of cowardly cowards..."

It is conceivable that when Li Xiao received Leboeuf's letter and saw the old uncle's summary of the reasons for the failure of the Russian army, he was dumbfounded. Of course, fighting requires courage, but it also requires correct tactics. If every battle is a cookie-cutter template, what is the artistry of war?

What is worthy of reflection is not the courage of the soldiers, but whether the commander's brain is online. Now, it is obvious that most of the commanders in various countries are not online, so every time something happens, they will always blame the soldiers for not being brave enough.

But Li Xiao is not such a person. Our ancestors have long said that it is difficult to find a general but it is easy to get a thousand armies. A good and qualified commander is really important. At least it was particularly important for the unified and mindless command system of all countries in the mid-19th century.

However, Li Xiao didn't say much, because veterans who had experienced the Napoleonic era couldn't listen to his reasonable advice. They believed in their own traditional experience more, and your advice was useless.

What's more, Li Xiao has more important things to do at this time...

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