Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1155 Bai is happy

Does Kassinin not know how difficult Valentin Grigorievich is? He also wants to get rid of this old butler, but the problem is that this old guy has always been cautious, and it is not easy to catch his flaws. What's more, he is still loyal to Ulanov, and it is impossible to bribe him.

This guy is the smelly and hard stone in the pit. How easy is it to deal with him?

"Can Colonel Anton come forward to arrest him?" Voronin came up with an idea.

Cassinin smiled bitterly and said: "How to arrest him? This old guy never leaves the governor's palace without leaving the door. If you attack him, it is very likely to alert the snake and make Ulanov jump over the wall!"

Voronin smiled bitterly and said: "But he was really in the way. He almost caught me tonight. If I hadn't been more cautious, something would have happened!"

Cassinin's heart moved and he asked: "Were you the one who poisoned the guard?"

Voronin sighed: "Who else could it be? It's a pity that the success fell short. If that old guy hadn't caused trouble, I might have found evidence tonight that Ulanov colluded with the rebels!"

Kashinin thought about it and felt that it was really possible. If Valentin Grigorievich hadn't intervened, Voronin might have been able to enter the study, and Ulanov might have been able to get into the study. Evidence of collusion with the rebels was obtained.

In other words, if Valentin Grigorievich can be eliminated, things will indeed be promising.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "I will contact Colonel Anton to see if he can do anything. You should stay put for the next two days. With that old guy's suspicious character, he must be alert. Maybe he is waiting for you to kill yourself." Falling into a trap!"

Voronin was shocked because at first he really had the idea of ​​giving it a try regardless, but later he decided that the risk was too great and gave up. Even Cassinen felt that there might be a problem and he should rest first.

Kashinin didn't dare to delay, so he managed to contact Anton immediately. When he explained Voronin's request, Anton was stunned.

Because Anton really didn't expect that he could instigate rebellion in the Governor's Palace, and he was such a key insider as Voronin who instigated rebellion. He had previously placed all his hopes on surveillance, preparing to keep a close eye on the movements of the Governor's Mansion, tracking everyone who left the Governor's Mansion, and following the clues to find their contact information with the rebels. He was even prepared to take the risk of sending people into the rebel territory.

But now Voronin's appearance saved his old nose, and he made a decisive decision and said to Kashinin: "Tell Voronin not to act recklessly, not to be anxious, especially not to take the risk of approaching the study. I think the study itself is a trap! "

Cassinen was stunned and asked in surprise: "You mean this study is just a bait?"

Anton nodded and replied seriously: "The possibility is very high. With Ulanov's cunning, it is very possible to set up such an attractive-looking trap as bait, otherwise only two guards would have diarrhea." .Why does Grigorievich make such a fuss?”

Cassinin wondered: "But this study is indeed the place where Ulanov has secret conversations with his confidants. There should be a lot of secrets there..."

Anton shook his head and said: "You are wrong. The place where the secret talks are held does not mean that secrets are stored there. It is entirely possible that he was just holding secret meetings there. As for the so-called confidential documents, they are nothing more than some ledgers. What does those things mean to us? No big deal, what we are looking for now is evidence and clues that he colluded with the rebels. With how cunning he is, how could he leave written evidence on such a thing? Do you think he would sign a contract with the rebels in black and white? "

Kassinen was stunned. Only then did he realize that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. Colluding with the rebels was different from corruption. In the latter case, accounts had to be made no matter what, and written records had to be left. But the former is different. This is a secret deal that is enough to lose one's head. It can be done but no written clues can be left. With Ulanov's cunningness, how could he leave such a clue.

In other words, even if there are secret documents stored in the study, it is unlikely to involve this aspect. Even if they successfully enter the study, they will not be able to find relevant things.

What's more, this study room is very likely to be a trap, so it's not worth the risk!

Kassinen replied very frustrated: "In other words, my work was in vain, and it is impossible to find relevant evidence in the Governor's Mansion?!"

Anton smiled and quickly explained: "No, why is this work in vain? You have done a great job. With Voronin, I don't think it is very easy to find evidence that Ulanov colluded with the rebels. Difficult!"

Just when Kashinin was about to ask Anton, he stretched out his hand to stop him from asking. He patted his forehead and murmured: "Don't be anxious first, let me think about it, think about it before talking..."

After a while, Anton suddenly asked: "Did you just say that Voronin tried to give the guards laxatives to enter the study?"

Kashinin nodded and said: "Yes. That's what he said, and Valentin Grigorievich did order someone to thoroughly inspect the kitchen that night. He shouldn't have lied!"

Anton asked again: "Are you sure he personally said he was the one who gave the laxative?"

Cassinin was stunned, not understanding the meaning of this question. Besides, it was unlikely that he would do this kind of thing to others, right?

Anton said: "This is wrong. Let's not say that he can't bypass the kitchen and poison the guards. Assuming that he really has this ability, how can he ensure that he will have a chance to enter the study after poisoning?"

Seeing that Cassinen didn't think clearly about the reason behind it, Anton quickly explained: "He can't always stay near the study and observe, right? It's too eye-catching at night!"

Only then did Cassinin realize that this was indeed the case. The study was the most heavily guarded place in the Governor's Palace. It was impossible for Voronin to stay nearby for a long time to observe. So how did he know that the guard had diarrhea and ran away?

Anton said flatly: "So he must have an accomplice, and this accomplice is a character who can appear around the study without arousing suspicion!"

Kassinin's eyes suddenly lit up. If Voronin had such a powerful accomplice, his value would be greatly increased. Maybe this accomplice could have access to more core secrets!

But Cassinin was only happy for a few seconds, and then immediately felt that it was unlikely. If Voronin really had such a powerful accomplice, why would he be gathering around the study? He could just ask this accomplice to expose Ulanov's background.

But he did not do this, which means that this accomplice is not that powerful. He may be able to get closer to the study, but he does not master Ulanov's core secrets.

Isn't this happiness in vain to think that Kashinin is discouraged again? But Anton doesn’t see it that way!

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