Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1167 Go ahead!

The night on the outskirts of Chernihiv is not as quiet as in Moscow. Countless people are busy, some are digging trenches and building work, and others are cleaning guns and sharpening bayonets.

Dmitri was very satisfied with the state of the troops, and their morale was strong. He believed that even if they encountered the British and French coalition forces, they would not be without the power to fight.

What's more, their opponents are just a bunch of rabble who can't even fire a gun!

Li Xiao stood next to Dmitri, holding a monocular to observe the city in the distance. Although the night was thick, he could still see countless firelights flickering.

There were torches one after another, and the rebels holding the torches were making their final assembly, but little did they know that every move they made was exposed.

"I knew they couldn't do anything good with their night attack!"

Li Xiao sighed and put down the telescope, feeling quite dissatisfied with the performance of the rebels. It is true that the most important thing about a night attack is suddenness, and the most important thing is to achieve suddenness and concealment.

But these rebels have no sense of concealment at all. They travel with torches at night, are they afraid that others will not see them?

But he was not surprised, because night fighting was really not something that this group of rabble could handle. With their internal organizational capabilities, they would not be able to find the direction without lighting a torch.

"You have to let the artillery take your time and don't fire wildly, otherwise these guys will be dispersed before they can launch an attack!"

Dmitri smiled and said: "I have already ordered them not to fire with full force before I give the order, but only to harass them with sporadic fire."

Li Xiao turned around and looked in the direction of the rebels again. He really didn't know what to say when he saw the torches avoiding sporadic shelling.

If he were a rebel, he would have been exposed by being called out by the artillery all the time. But this group of people all have wooden fish heads and gathered there stupidly. Are they waiting to be punished?

Looking at the performance of these guys, Li Xiao was not interested at all. He was a little worried before, fearing that Dmitry would be too proud and careless to capsize the boat in the gutter. Now it seems that he really thought too much and rushed here. There will be no mistakes in the performance of the helper.

"These cannon fodder are not the key point. The key is to block the Shalakov gang in the south of the city. Once they are dealt with, regaining Chernihiv will be a piece of cake."

Don't be surprised, the reason why Li Xiao knows so much about Shalakov's actions is mainly because the world has never lacked smart people.

Shalakov thought he was very smart and felt that no one could see through his little plans. Little did he know that Sergey the Long-Legged had known him for so many years, how could he not know what his big plans were?

What's more, Chernyshev looks like this. Everyone knows that they have to find a new way to survive, right?

Long-legged Sergei saw too clearly that there was no way to survive whether he defended or broke through. As Alexander II really began to pay attention to the Ukrainian rebellion, sooner or later he would dispatch a large army to suppress it.

He was a veteran who had served as a soldier and followed Paskovich to suppress the Hungarian Revolution. He knew very well when to fish in troubled waters and when to think of a way out in advance. He knew something was wrong ever since the rebel armies from all walks of life stopped sweeping in and began to eat together and wait to die.

Especially when he saw that the leaders of the rebel armies in various places began to involve their own people and fight against their own people, he was eager to find another way out.

Otherwise, following these pig heads will definitely lead to death!

When Dmitry's troops entered Ukraine and were stationed near Repki, not far from Chernihiv, Long-Legged Sergei had the idea of ​​​​surrendering and accepting recruitment.

After a period of observation, this idea became stronger after discovering that Dmitry's troops were different from the Russian troops in Ukraine.

Not long ago, he sent his confidants to contact Dmitri and Li Xiao. After several rounds of negotiations, at the expense of helping Dmitri regain Chernihiv, he obtained good conditions for his team.

He can be exempted from being held responsible for his previous crimes, and he can also accept Dmitri's adaptation and work as an official. With all this, why would he accompany Shalakov to death? He was sold clean as soon as he changed hands.

In other words, Shalakov's so-called night attack was a joke from the beginning, and it was impossible to succeed.

Of course, even without Sergey the Long Legs, with the level of organization of the rebels, such a ridiculous night attack would not have been successful.

"There is movement in the south of the city. A large number of people are gathering. The scouts reported that they also saw artillery!"

Dmitri nodded, until this moment he believed the long-legged Sergei, he really didn't lie!

What to do next was very simple. He immediately issued an order to act according to the predetermined battle plan.

The so-called predetermined battle plan is to show weakness first and give up part of the position outside the city to Shalakov, so that this guy can confidently and boldly pull all the troops out of the city.

Wait until this guy has completely walked into the whole set, then surround him with heavy troops and wipe him out in one fell swoop.

However, he still made a special statement: "In addition, pay close attention to the movements in Chernihiv City, especially the movements of the long-legged Sergei, and be careful of what he does!"

Although this possibility is unlikely, as a general, he still has to guard against it. The burden on Dmitry is too heavy. He must win a beautiful victory in the Chernihiv area. He will use this good start to make Alexander the second Don’t worry about the world, but also make the rebels in the Kiev area fearful!

As the time reached 12 o'clock, under the command of Shalakov, the night attack operation officially started. However, he, the commander-in-chief, looked like a decoration. From the beginning to the end, he only issued one order: "Attack!"

Then he turned into a hands-off shopkeeper, and quietly found an excuse to sneak away more than 20 minutes after the battle started.

He ran back to his territory in one breath, and couldn't wait to lead his troops towards the south of the city.

To say that the momentum is really big, he even invested an unprecedented amount of precious artillery units in order to break through the Russian army's position in one fell swoop.

More than a dozen six-pounders and 12-pounders were lined up in a row and fired sparsely. Although it did not cause any blow to the Russian army, for the rebel soldiers who had never seen the world, this scene was already Shocking enough.

We are also people with cannons. This time we can make the black dog on the opposite side unable to eat and carry away!

The highly motivated Shalakov army immediately began to charge. They waved their rifles or sabers and ran wildly over the mountains and plains like mental patients. This forced the leaders to have to correct their direction again and again, otherwise God knows. Where would they go.

Of course, there is one thing to say, the momentum is still quite scary, at least when Sarakov heard that he had captured the Russian position without much effort, he was very happy...

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