Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1168: Rush hard

At one o'clock in the morning, when Shalakov panted out of Chernihiv city and entered the newly occupied Russian position under the cover of a group of guards, he was still in a good mood.

Glancing at Chernyshiv behind him, he let out a sigh of relief, and said to his left and right with some pride: "Those idiots must be dumbfounded, haha, I really want to see the expressions of Sergey the Long-Legged and the others, they must be very funny!"

There was a burst of agreement from the left and right, which made him feel better. He looked around and asked: "How is it, have all the black dogs been driven away? You still have to leave quickly, this ghost place is not safe yet!"

When he learned that the Russian army was counterattacking and that the "breakthrough" they had just opened was not stable enough, he immediately became impatient and urged: "Let them work harder and send more people immediately!"

The subordinate hesitated: "But Black Gouzi's firepower is stronger, and the brothers in front suffered heavy casualties!"

He waved his hand impatiently and said: "It doesn't matter if a few people die. When we get to Gomel, we will have as many people as we need. Hurry up and ask them to send more people up!"

These words are very cold-blooded, but for many leaders of the rebel army, they are actually used to it. Even they themselves don’t think this is a big problem. Originally, they are just a group of serfs. Even if they die, they still go to heaven to enjoy the blessings. They don’t just die when they die!

After instructing the attacking troops, he turned back and asked: "Have you brought out all those gold, silver, valuables, clothes and food? These are treasures. It would be a waste to leave them to long-legged Sergei!"

The subordinate quickly replied: "Don't worry, everything has been transported out, and the brothers are escorting them forward. They are very safe and nothing will happen to them!"

Then he nodded with satisfaction, turned back to look at Chernihiv from a distance again, laughed loudly and said: "Goodbye Chernihiv, goodbye long-legged Sergei, goodbye black dogs, you guys Let the dog eat the dog slowly, I will not accompany you anymore! Goodbye!"

But he said goodbye too early. Half an hour later, he still stayed where he was, looking at Chernihiv in the distance and yawning.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you to send more people up to open the passage quickly? Why can't you handle such a small thing?!"

Just as he was complaining, a little leader with blood on his face ran over panting and said in horror: "Brother, the firepower of the black dog in front is too strong. The brothers charged three times and hundreds of people died." I can’t even get through! Do you think we can try another way?”

Shalakov's nose was so angry that he slapped him without thinking, and cursed: "Change another way? Which way? I think your head is dizzy. It doesn't matter if hundreds of people die. Keep on giving." I'm going to charge, you must rush over for me!"

As he spoke, he snorted coldly and ordered: "Add the cannon to me and blast it. I won't believe that I can't get out!"

Shalakov sent up the precious artillery, but the artillery was purely a technical unit, and it really couldn't be done with his illiterate men. It was difficult to get the artillery to the front line, but before he could greet the Russian troops on the opposite side, he killed a lot of his own people.

what reason?

It's exploded! These half-hearted people who had no professional training just thought that the more gunpowder, the more powerful it would be and the farther it would hit, so they filled too much gunpowder into the barrel. As a result, the cannon exploded into a pile of scrap metal and flying debris as soon as the fire flashed. Let the curious babies watching around enjoy a round of iron rain.

This made Sarakov so angry that he wanted to rush up and whip those two swordsmen to death with a whip.

Of course, he still cherishes his life. Except for the time when he first rebelled, he had to rush forward with a sword and gun, but now he can hide as far away as he can!

"Keep firing and ask them to be more careful. If you damage my cannon again, I will make them pay with their lives!"

Under Shalakov's strict order, the artillerymen who were scared into rabbits had to go back to work, cleaning up the accident scene, carefully adjusting the amount of charges, thinking that they could give the black dog on the opposite side a little color, A dull rumble was heard from within the darkness.

Before they could figure out what the sound was, countless iron balls fell on their artillery positions, and there was a bloody storm. The unsuspecting artillerymen and onlookers were hit by the red-hot iron balls. It had to be torn apart and bloody.

The scene was not ordinary bloody. It looked like a slaughterhouse. The rebel artillerymen, who were already in shock, were in a state of panic. The timid ones just ran away.

Three minutes later, when the brave man raised his head slightly to see if the artillerymen with two swords had fired on him again, the second round of bullets rained down again, and there was another bloody storm.

In the next ten minutes, the rebel artillery position was plowed over and over again, until no one dared to show their head anymore, and the artillery fire on the opposite side came to an end.

Obviously, their position was exposed, they were targeted by the Russian artillery, and they were taught a lesson.

"Heavy casualties?"

Shalakov's teeth were almost broken. He had trained these artillery skills with great difficulty by patching things together, but most of them died in such a daze. If he said he didn't feel sorry for him, he would definitely be lying.

It's just that he couldn't care less about his heartache for the time being, because the offensive on the front line was really not going well. He organized troops to charge for several rounds, and every time they suffered casualties before they even touched the Russian position. When will he be able to break out of the way? ?

The most important thing at this time is to break out. If we can't break out, all the sacrifices will be in vain!

"Let the artillery fire quickly, and send more people. Well, if you spend tens of thousands of rubles to recruit death squads, I don't believe they have the money to resist!"

There must be brave men under a heavy reward. Shalakov really organized another wave of offensive. As for the artillery, under his strict order, they had to get up from the bunkers and bomb craters and start working again in fear.

This time they finally didn't make any mistakes. With a flash of fire, five or six artillery pieces sprayed flames and fired hot iron bullets in the direction of the Russian army.

Yes, these two knives can only go in the general direction. As for whether they can hit the target, it depends on whether the Russian army is lucky enough. Anyway, they may not be sure!

Although the symbolic significance of the artillery fire is far greater than the actual significance, it also gave the rebels a little confidence. Under the orders of the leaders, they roared and bared their teeth and rushed towards the Russian position on the opposite side. It seemed that they were somewhat Very tragic.

Shalakov, who was holding a telescope behind them, was quite satisfied with this. He said to the left and right with a little pride: "See, fighting is that simple. Pass my order and get another ten thousand rubles to make them work harder." rush!"

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