Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1260 The situation has changed drastically (Part 2)

In fact, Maganov also wanted to escape westward, because the situation on the battlefield was obvious. Kiev could not be conquered, and there was Dmitri in the northeast. It was said that there were heavy Russian troops in the south, and the south had been looted by them and there was nothing at all. What can be robbed is that the west is always under the control of the Russian army. Only by going there can you grab food and survive.

But Hobnin and Manokovich were already ahead. With the strength of those two guys, they would definitely not even leave a mouthful of soup for them. So what was the point of going west?

Maganov hesitated for a while, not knowing where to go!

At this time, Ulanov actually sent someone to contact him to ask how the attack on the grain ship was going.

This made Maganov's nose crooked with anger, and he began to hate Ulanov even more.

He thought to himself: It's not enough that you, you bastard, cheated me once or twice, you want to cheat me a third time?

If I believe your evil again, it will be two hundred and fifty!

Without saying a word, he ordered his subordinates to pull out Ulanov's contact person and kill him. He even told his subordinates that any contact person Ulanov encountered in the future would be destroyed first.

So Ulanov sat down. He waited around in the Governor's Palace but couldn't find his liaison officer. He thought there was an accident, so he could only order Valentin Grigorievich to send someone. try to find.

But the people sent out were like meat buns who beat dogs and never came back. This made him both surprised and baffled: "What's going on? Why do your people always leave and never come back? Did they sneak away?" "

Valentin Grigorievich was also a little puzzled: "Replying to the master, the people I sent there are all old people from the Governor's Mansion. They are all loyal to you and cannot betray you. I think it must be Maganov." There’s something wrong with the edge!”

Ulanov didn't completely believe it. After Kavostov betrayed him, he didn't trust anyone anymore. Even a confidant like Cavostov could betray him, how much better could the other cats and dogs be?

"Continue to send people to contact Maganov and urge him to fix the grain ship matter as soon as possible!"

Naturally, Valentin Grigorievich could only nod in agreement, but this time he was more cautious when sending people, and specially sent two people, one in the light and one in the dark. The person in the dark was responsible for monitoring the people in the light. That person looked to see if there was something wrong with Maganov.

The result also amazed Valentin Grigorievich. He told Ulanov: "Master! Something is wrong! That bastard Maganov killed the person I sent to contact him. He is You’ve turned your back on me and don’t recognize anyone!”

Ulanov was also shocked. He had never expected this result. Because he couldn't figure out Maganov's reason for doing this. What good would it do to him?

What surprised Ulanov even more was what came next, when Valentin Grigorievich told him: "Master, according to our internal reports from the army, a large number of rebels are fleeing Kiev... "

Ulanov felt that his eyes were darkening. The reason why he was able to maintain the current situation was that he relied on the rebels to besiege Kiev. If the rebels leave, Dmitry Milyutin will soon arrive in Kiev.

As the commander-in-chief of Ukrainian bandit suppression appointed by Alexander II, who can defeat him as the governor-general!

Ulanov panicked: "Are you sure why the rebels fled Kiev?"

Valentin Grigorievich smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not sure, but the insider said for sure that the rebels are moving west!"

Ulanov's head was buzzing. He knew that the worst situation had arisen. Once Kiev was relieved, Nakhimov would definitely file a lawsuit against him and reflect on the good deeds he had done.

Although he didn't know if the other party had evidence of his contact and collusion with the rebels, considering that Anton was a smart guy in Kiev, it was almost impossible to hide it from him!

No tsar would forgive such behavior. Once the incident comes to light, what awaits him is either the gallows or execution!

Ulanov walked around the study irritably. He had to consider a retreat. If this trend continued, he would inevitably die. What should he do?

But he couldn't think of any good way. If the wealth he collected didn't sink into the river, he could still spend money to buy a way out.

But now he can't come up with much money at all, what should he do?

After thinking about it, he felt that if he continued to stay in Kiev and Russia, he would probably be dead. For now, he could only use the thirty-sixth strategy!

It must be said that he, an old fox, is well versed in the cunning rabbit's three burrows. In addition to the wealth he has collected over the years, a small part of it has been deposited in foreign banks.

The money was probably worth a million rubles, although it was nothing compared to what he had looted in Ukraine. But with this money, as long as he escapes abroad and becomes a rich man, it won't be a big problem.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his irritation and uneasiness and ordered Valentin Grigorievich: "Go and pay close attention to the movements of the rebels. If you find them leaving Kiev, notify me immediately!"

After sending Valentin Grigorievich away, he secretly opened the safe in the dark room of the study and took out the house deed and deposit slip.

Russian house deeds and land deeds have no value at all. Once he runs away, Alexander II will definitely confiscate all his property.

Thinking of this, he secretly felt heartbroken. These are the properties that his family has accumulated through several generations of hard work!

The result was such a ruin, he was simply the sinner of the family!

However, he was heartbroken but had no intention of staying to bear the blame. He kept the deposit slip and the foreign house and land deeds alone. Then carefully put these treasures back into the safe.

He will keep these things close to his body when he escapes, so he can count on them to spend his old age safely!

Just when Ulanov was preparing for the worst and preparing to flee, Nakhimov found Anton and asked about his situation.

"There is no news for the time being, but I believe he will soon know the news of Maganov's failure. I believe that by then he will know what it means that the situation is over!"

Anton smiled and said: "However, a strange incident occurred in the Governor's Mansion recently. Ulanov's guard captain and his absolute confidant was secretly executed, and all his guards were also replaced. I feel There must be articles in this!”

Nakhimov agreed: "Then try to figure out what's going on! Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't figure it out. It's a good thing for us that he cut off his arms, but we must be careful about him absconding secretly! We must not let him He ran away!"

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