Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1261 Important Task

Anton also believed that he needed to focus on guarding against Ulanov's absconding, so he quickly contacted Cassinin and told him to keep an eye on Ulanov and ensure that he could not escape.

Whether it is Kasnin, Voronin or Milanchuk, they are extremely excited about this. If Ulanov chooses to abscond, it means that his downfall is not far away.

In other words, they will be done soon and it will be safe!

They were even more happy when Anton told them that the rebels were gradually withdrawing from Kiev and that Kiev would become safer and safer.

After all, Ulanov is just a lame chicken. Even if he collapses, if the rebels are still besieging Kiev, no one can say that he will be safe.

Now that even the rebels are cowed, what is there to fear? They are just waiting for Ulanov to collapse and receive the fruits of victory!

Amid everyone's expectations, Ulanov lived up to expectations and took action. He began to secretly send people out of the city to gather information and find out which way out of the city was safer.

All of this was naturally seen by Anton. He did not interfere with Ulanov and just let him find out.

However, after five or six days, there was still no movement from Ulanov's side, which made him strange. He had to find Kashinin again.

"Everything is normal in the Governor's Mansion, except that Ulanov often hides in the study for small meetings. We are not qualified to enter and don't know what he is doing."

This made Anton more and more vigilant, but he also knew that it was still too dangerous for Kashinin to approach the study. Even without Kavostov, Ulanov would not lack thugs. Once Kashinin and his gang were discovered, But he fell before dawn.

This was not the result Anton wanted. He thought for a moment and then asked: "What is the situation with Kavostov? Why was he suddenly executed?"

Kashinin was also confused about this matter. He had discussed it with Voronin and Milanchuk many times, but the differences were huge. The three people almost held three opinions and no one could convince the other.

"I personally think it is unlikely that Kavostov will betray Ulanov. I have been observing him for a long time. He is definitely one of Ulanov's most loyal confidants and will only follow him to the end... But Milanchuk He believes that people are now tempted, and Kavostov discovered that Ulanov is about to fall, so it is reasonable to find a new master in advance... But Voronin believes that the reason why Kavostov was killed is likely to be the source of Since his conflict with Valentin Grigorievich, the latter deliberately framed him and killed him!"

Anton frowned, and the insider lurking in the Governor's Mansion actually provided three completely different ideas, which also surprised him.

After careful consideration, these three opinions all have certain truths, but they also have problems and must be considered comprehensively.

After thinking about it, he suddenly asked: "What is Valentin Grigorievich's situation now? Has he taken over all the power?"

Cassinin curled his lips and said: "Isn't that true? Ulanov is suspicious by nature and it is impossible to give all the power to one person, but he is quite favored. He is the one who presided over this expedition out of the city. According to the current situation Trend, his status with Ulanov should have improved again, but Ulanov is not without guarding against him!"

Anton nodded. To be honest, he was becoming more and more interested in the chief steward of the Governor's Mansion. He had a feeling that this person was very crucial and important. He might be the breakthrough for them to capture Ulanov!

Valentin Grigorievich didn't know that Anton had noticed him. His life was still as usual, not affected by the situation at all. He did what he had to do, and he looked a bit conscientious. .

This surprised Ulanov and he couldn't help but look at the old servant with admiration. Later he told Valentin Grigorievich: "Select out the most sincere people in the house and try to get some weapons and ammunition. I will give them a task in a few days."

Valentin Grigorievich agreed without hesitation. Under his arrangement, Voronin and Milanchuk were recognized as the most sincere people, which made the latter two puzzled. untie.

Because no matter from which perspective, they are not the most sincere, so why would Valentin Grigorievich choose them? Is there any fraud involved?

To be honest, the two of them are very uneasy, because Ulanov's cunning has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. He has tricked many powerful nobles in Kiev to death before. Is he planning to lure the snake out of his hole this time?

But they couldn't refuse. First of all, it was Ulanov's order. If they didn't agree, they would be sent to the crematorium that day. Secondly, Anton has been asking them to pay close attention to Ulanov's movements. Now that the opportunity has come to their door, there is no reason to push it out!

"This is a great opportunity for us to make a difference," Voronin cheered to Milanchuk: "Once we figure out what they want to do, I don't believe what else Ulanov can do next!"

Milanchuk agreed, but he was a little worried. Kassinin also comforted him: "It doesn't matter, you just act according to the situation and stay calm no matter what tricks they play. I will notify Colonel Anton immediately and he will definitely try to deal with you." !”

With deep uneasiness and anxiety, Voronin and Milanchuk arrived at Ulanov's study on time in accordance with Valentin Grigorievich's order.

This is probably the day with the most people in Ulanov's study. This large room of more than 200 square meters has more than 30 people squeezed into it, and it doesn't feel crowded at all. However, most of the people in the study have a look of fear. Understand what happens next.

Valentin Grigorievich had no intention of explaining. He stood by the door with his hands hanging down, his old eyes slightly closed, and those who didn't know thought he was dozing off.

However, when footsteps sounded outside the door, he immediately opened his eyes wide and respectfully opened the door to welcome Ulanov in.

"Gentlemen, I know you are all wondering why you are invited here!"

Ulanov said loudly: "The situation in Kiev is very bad. The rebels are pressing forward step by step, and there is a possibility of breaking into the city at any time... In order to avoid sharing the fate, I decided to evacuate Kiev in advance!"

With a bang, the crowd in the study was shocked.

Everyone was both surprised and unsurprised by Ulanov's words. What was surprising was that Kiev finally couldn't stand it any longer. What was not surprising was that the governor really wanted to run away.

Valentin Grigorievich coughed, and the noisy whispering stopped immediately. Ulanov continued: "And you are all the people I trust most, so I have a most critical task to entrust to you." For you guys……"

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