Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1291 A reminder

Li Xiao was actually very surprised by Maganov's choice. Logically speaking, with Hobnin and Manokovich running away, he had lost the possibility of capturing Kiev. In this case, the most correct choice was to find another one quickly. way out.

Whether they try to surrender or run away like Hobnin and Manokovich, it is time to put it on the agenda.

But what is surprising is that Maganov did nothing. He neither ran nor surrendered, but just stayed in Kiev and waited. Ordinarily, he should not choose to lie down and wait to die at this time!

Li Xiao also used a lot of connections to find out the reasons for Maganov's decision, but he got very little. This man was very suspicious and didn't trust anyone at all. Even the cronies around him didn't know his plans for the future. I don’t even know what he does in his daily life.

This guy keeps his life well-hidden, just like the man in the trap wearing a lot of disguises.

As Dmitri became more and more urgent, Li Xiao believed that if he wanted to open up the situation, he must figure out Maganov's thoughts, and he immediately stepped up his reconnaissance against Maganov.

"You live in seclusion every day and rarely communicate with the outside world? And you don't live in the same place every day, and you move around almost every day?"

This was obviously a defense against something, but as far as Li Xiao knew, the cronies around Maganov were relatively loyal. At least he failed to bribe a few of them by waving his checkbook and promising huge profits. Compared with the other confidants around the rebel leader who are greedy for money, everyone here looks like a saint.

In this case, there is absolutely no need for Maganov to be so cautious, right?

What's more, his level of caution is simply crazy. Only a persecuted paranoid would be so neurotic!

"Has he been betrayed?" Li Xiao asked.

"No, according to our investigation, the people around him are very loyal, and he has never been betrayed."

This is strange. Generally speaking, delusions of persecution have their origin. Since Maganov has not been betrayed, how did he get this disease?

Unless this isn't delusion of persecution but pure psychosis, there's no way to explain this guy's behavior.

Li Xiao asked again: "Has he always been like this?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. It seems that it became like this after Hobnin and Manokovich ran away."

Li Xiao suddenly realized that the cause of the matter might be related to Hobnin and Manokovich.

But could a man as big as Maganov become so suspicious just because two accomplices who were not close friends ran away?

He still felt something was wrong, but there was no more intelligence support for the time being, and he had no way to make a judgment. He could only order to continue to closely monitor and observe Maganov in order to get more inside information.

And they had been waiting for a week. Just when Dmitri was sending letters to ask questions, Li Xiao finally received a new tip.

"A stranger visited Maganov? Why?"

"It's not very clear. According to our observation, it seems to be from the Moldavia side. Our people followed him all the way across the border, and we have asked Moldavia's personnel to take over the tracking."

Li Xiao fell into deep thought. Moldavia used to be the territory of Grand Duke Constantine, but after the Crimean War, when Grand Duke Constantine returned to St. Petersburg, this area was handed over to Grand Duke Constantine's former reformist friends. .

However, it is known that Archduke Constantine was not popular in Moldavia, and his control over Moldavia was very weak. Therefore, Grand Duke Constantine's friend was not completely in charge.

With Russia's defeat in the Crimean War, the distribution of power in Wallachia and Moldavia became very complicated.

Although Russia still has considerable influence in these two principalities, it can no longer act as unscrupulous emperor as it did before the war.

On the contrary, the local forces of these two countries have greatly increased, and then foreign forces led by Britain, France and Austria also have a tendency to make a comeback.

In short, the situation is very complex, and the strengths of all aspects are in a delicate state of mutual restraint and balance.

This also resulted in Moldavia and Wallachia being penetrated into a sieve and becoming a vast market for intelligence personnel in all aspects.

If a foreign force wants to interfere in the Ukrainian issue, then going through Moldavia is the most complete channel.

Naturally, Li Xiao immediately focused his suspicious eyes on Britain, France and Austria. If these three countries tried to interfere in the Ukrainian issue, then Maganov was indeed their most ideal pawn.

After all, this guy has the strongest troops and is also surrounding Kiev. As long as he can be given a certain amount of support, maybe this fool will be willing to take advantage of the fire?

Li Xiao believes that this possibility is very high. After all, Maganov has no other way to go. He can neither surrender nor run away, so he will definitely have to sell himself to his foreign master.

And judging from the usual behavior of great powers such as Britain, France and Austria, they will definitely make desperate promises when they trick Maganov into selling himself. Once the guy takes the bait, there are many ways to get Maganov to sell his blood for them. Work hard.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao felt that the situation was complicated. If this guess was true, then it is conceivable that Maganov would never give up Kiev voluntarily, and it was even possible that he would choose to take risks.

"What are the recent movements of Maganov's troops?"

"There are no special actions, just constantly collecting food and seizing the time to search for artillery and ammunition."

This is not a good sign. It is okay to collect food. After all, people need to eat. But there are several meanings in searching for artillery. Unless Maganov is determined to be evil to Kiev, what does he want the artillery for?

After thinking about it, Li Xiao immediately wrote to Moldavia and Wallachia, asking his old subordinates there to help check the recent situation of the arms market there, especially focusing on the artillery. Condition.

Although he did not believe that Britain, France or Austria would be so crazy and blatantly smuggling artillery into Russia, the ambitions of imperialism have never been limited. What if they are really crazy?

Of course, he also asked his subordinates there to pay attention to the grain market and see if anyone was purchasing grain on a large scale.

After all, for the rebels, the most important thing to survive this winter is not guns and ammunition but food. Maganov's hundreds of thousands of troops would be like a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered if they didn't have food to eat.

On the other hand, if they can have a full stomach, it would be a fantasy to easily defeat and eliminate them in a short period of time!

But no matter what the facts were, Li Xiao felt that he had to be more prepared. He immediately wrote a letter to Dmitri Milyutin, reminding him to immediately order the Russian army on the Moldavia side to strengthen border control and to strictly investigate. The import situation of arms and food to prevent anyone from conspiring with the enemy!

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