Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1292 Indignation

So is there anyone who is an enemy?

Let’s put it this way, as long as there is profit, capitalists can do anything!

What's more, foreign forces led by Austria, Britain and France are also active behind this incident. In order to mess up Russia, they were willing to donate generously, so starting from Moldavia, a group of so-called grain exporters began to operate.

They used funds aided by Austria, Britain and France to purchase grain locally in Moldavia, and then shipped it to Ukraine in the name of export.

Of course, a considerable part of this food ended up in the mouths of the rebels. Why Maganov suddenly wasn't so anxious was because a large amount of food had been provided to him by foreign forces in the past month or so.

With food in hand and no panic, he will naturally consume it.

Not only food, in order to enhance the strength of Maganov and other rebels, foreign forces such as Austria secretly transported food while also transporting arms.

It's just that Russia has stricter controls in this regard, so the quantity they import is not particularly large, and most of them are old and obsolete flintlock guns.

If these foreign forces are allowed to continue to do this unscrupulously, it will be a dream for Dmitry to relieve Kiev and quickly put down the rebellion.

Fortunately, after Li Xiao reminded him, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. On the one hand, he ordered the border areas to strengthen control and focused on inspecting the grain imported into Russia. On the other hand, he immediately delegated relevant supervisory powers to Li Xiao and ordered him to personally Responsible for the foreign aid channel against the rebels.

Li Xiao rushed to Moldavia immediately after taking over. He knew very well that it was unrealistic to expect to cut off the rebels' foreign aid channels by strengthening border control.

With the determination and financial resources of Austria, Britain and France, they can continuously provide blood to the rebels. What's worse is that Li Xiao knows the virtues of Russian bureaucrats too well.

For these people, as long as they have money, they can do anything. It doesn't matter if they turn a blind eye or simply engage in smuggling themselves.

After all, they don't care about the overall situation or whether you, Dmitri, want to suppress the rebellion. They just want to make money!

Therefore, Li Xiao did not put much hope in them. His plan was to solve the problem from the source on the one hand, and to go to Moldavia to directly attack those "middlemen", and to kill those who dared to go against Russia and serve Britain, France and Austria. Just eradicate the bastards.

Without these middlemen, the aid channels of Britain, France and Austria were cut off.

Of course, Li Xiao also knew that these middlemen could never be killed. To Britain, France and Austria, these were just dogs bred in captivity. They would not feel bad if they died. At worst, they would just train a bunch more.

As far as the national atmosphere in Wallachia and Moldavia is concerned, there are many people who want to be dogs. Killing a group of them can only shock them for a while, but it cannot last a lifetime.

Therefore, domestic problems in Russia also need to be solved together. Li Xiao also works on this in three aspects. The first is to strengthen control in the surrounding areas where the rebels are active. The Russian army will personally set up checkpoints on major transportation thoroughfares to prevent any loss of goods. Food and other necessary supplies to rebel territory are strictly controlled.

Although this may not necessarily kill the transportation channel, after all, there are many bastards in the Russian army who are just looking for money, but it is definitely more reliable than those bureaucrats in the border areas.

If I don’t say too much, it can at least cut off 70% to 80% of food channels.

The second is to strengthen the registration and final support system. Since you guys are under the banner of export, then naturally there must be importers or importers in Russia. Then regulations can be introduced to tighten control based on the license situation. No exporter's grain without a license is allowed to enter Ukraine.

The issuance of licenses is strictly controlled by Dmitri, and all grain without a license will be confiscated!

Of course, this cannot completely eliminate the import of grain, it can only be said to reduce it.

As for Li Xiao's last move, it's really a bit dark. For some guys who are determined to work with Austria or Britain and France, they can only retaliate with an iron fist.

There is no shortage of people under Li Xiao to do dirty work. If there is someone who insists on going against him, then just send someone to kill him and kill him as a warning to others!

It has to be said that Li Xiao's three-axe attack was really effective. For a while, the leading party in Moldavia was wailing all over the country and suffered heavy losses.

Ninety percent of the originally upright smuggling channels were strangled in an instant, which directly caused Maganov, who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai before, to start to panic again.

"Mr. Styles, the food you promised to support this week has not arrived at all! If this continues, my brother will suffer from the northwest wind again!"

When Maganov said this, his tone was cautious, and he didn't sound aura at all.

Willy Styles smiled and replied nonchalantly: "Don't worry, my friend, there will definitely be food, but you also know that there are a lot of troubles on the road, and various accidental factors will also affect transportation, but I promise you, there will definitely be food!”

Maganov laughed dryly: "That's good, but Mr. Styles, please solve this problem as soon as possible. After all, we can't fight without food!"

The two of them exchanged words, and when Stiles left, Maganov's expression immediately changed.

His subordinates immediately said: "Boss, since there must be food, do you want to notify the kitchen to continue supplying according to the previous standards..."

Maganov reprimanded unhappily: "Idiot, you believe this nonsense, tell the kitchen to reduce the original quota by half!"

"Huh? But then everyone won't be able to eat enough..."

"That's better than going hungry without food in the future. Have you forgotten how hard it was before?"

As soon as these words came out, Maganov's men's expressions changed. People who have never been hungry can never understand how uncomfortable hunger is. Anyway, they never want to experience that again.

Maganov warned earnestly: "None of these foreigners can be trusted. At first they told us that the food supply would be sufficient, but what happened later? Not even half of what they promised, but I have heard that these bastards He took the grain given to us and resold it in Western Europe, making a lot of money!"

Maganov's subordinates immediately stopped talking, because this was an open secret, and they even knew that their boss Maganov was also secretly doing food business. Everyone is tacitly just trying to make money!

The reason why Maganov is so angry is that his share is gone, so he is so anxious. Otherwise, do you really think that he loves his soldiers as much as his sons and cares about whether his brothers are hungry?

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