Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1307 Help you make arrangements

The news of Ukraine's counter-insurgency victory blew away the coldness of St. Petersburg like a spring breeze. Both conservatives and reformists are delighted with this news. Who doesn’t want stability and peace in their country?

Of course, there is an undercurrent under this euphoric trend. Count Uvarov, Adlerberg and his son, Pobedonostsev, and the still young Count Shuvanov are all ready to make a move.

Because they knew that a violent storm was coming, and if they were not prepared quickly, the storm would tear them into pieces.

"Count, the liberal elements are becoming more and more rampant. They openly talk about the abolition of slavery in salons and gatherings, and threaten to completely abolish the serfdom system...even the college students are becoming more and more dishonest, and various private publications have published They are printing those monstrous words to confuse the public. If they are not stopped, the old order we live on will be completely subverted!"

Count Uvarov didn't say anything when faced with the old Count Adlerberg who expressed his sorrow. Even if what the other party said were true facts, the old fox he knew would definitely not be so kind.

He has completely seen through this old fox. For him, safeguarding the interests of conservatives is just words. Although he is indeed very conservative and supports conservative policies, he is born to only stand in the trenches with the winners. inside.

He was like that on that winter night in 1825, and he is still like that now!

If the Tsar announced the abolition of slavery, he would not fart even if he was dissatisfied, but would instead sing praises to the abolition policy.

How could such an old fox be so anxious? How could it be possible to stand up and shout loudly?

Unless he has other plans!

In fact, Count Uvarov could guess what he was planning. If he was not mistaken, this guy had already joined Baryatinsky and Pobedonostsev.

Now he eagerly ran to him, crying like a ghost and howling like a wolf, just to help the pair of little white-eyed wolves squeeze out the last value from him.

Let him stand up and confront the reformists, let him attract all the firepower of the reformists, and then he will be blown to ashes. After that, the two white-eyed wolves will be able to integrate the conservatives effortlessly.

You really know how to plan!

Count Uvarov sneered in his heart, how could he be so stupid? How could I believe your lies!

So he replied calmly: "The situation is indeed worth worrying about, but I am already a semi-retired person. From now on, you young people will have to be in charge. I believe you will be able to defeat the devils who are trying to destroy Russia!" come on!"

Old Adlerberg seemed stunned and horrified by Count Uvarov's behavior.

He begged with a mournful face: "Count, you can't let it go! Now everyone is counting on you to make the decision and lead us to fight against those free elements. How can you give up at this time!"

Count Uvarov replied calmly: "This is not a matter of giving up, but I am already old and can't help much. Now I can only leave it to you young people to make the decision!"

Old Adlerberg became increasingly anxious and hurriedly advised: "But only you have rich experience! Only if you stand up and take the helm can everyone feel at ease and unite to fight against those liberal elements!"

Count Uvarov waved his hand and said: "I am really out of my depth, not to mention those old experiences can't cope with new problems. At present, it is better for Duke Baryatinsky and Count Pobedonostsev to stand up and take charge of the overall situation." Well, I believe they will be able to solve this problem!"

Anyway, no matter how old Adlerberg tried to persuade Count Uvarov, he would not let go. In the end, the old fox could only leave Count Uvarov's mansion with his head downcast. In the carriage, little Adlerberg asked: "Father, Count, does he really not agree to come out and take charge of the overall situation?"

Old Adlerberg snorted: "That old fox refuses to agree. It seems that he has seen through our plan. It is impossible to expect him to come forward on his own initiative!"

Little Adlerberg was anxious: "How can that work! If he doesn't come forward, won't all our plans be in vain? There's no way to explain it to Count Pobedonostsev!"

Old Adlerberg waved his hands irritably and said, "I know, we underestimated that old fox too much. We originally thought he would take the bait with just a few compliments. Who would have thought that ginger is still hotter than old!"

Sighing, he continued: "I'm afraid he also planned to let us take advantage of the fire and finally reap the benefits! Huh! He also thinks too beautifully. Do you really think he can do whatever he wants? Let's implement plan B! "

Little Adlerberg was stunned: "Plan B, will that completely anger him, and then he will have no choice but to fight to the death!"

Old Adlerberg took a deep breath: "Let's fight until the end! The transition between the old and the new is never smooth sailing. Since he is unwilling to take the initiative to abdicate and make way for others, we can only try to help him look decent!"

The insidious father and son looked at each other, with a cold light flashing in their eyes. I am afraid that Count Uvarov would never have expected that if he came to Shuyuan, they would suddenly ruthlessly force him to death. Bar!

At the same time, Pobedonostsev and Count Shuvanov also sat together, and the topic they discussed was also Count Uvarov.

"The old guy hasn't responded yet?" Pobedonostsev asked.

Count Shuvanov lowered his eyebrows and replied: "Not yet. It seems that he has made up his mind to let us take the lead!"

Pobedonostsev snorted coldly: "He is very calculating. He is planning to kill someone with a borrowed knife so that we and the liberal elements will fight with each other and lose both sides. Then he can reap the benefits!"

Count Shuvanov laughed dryly: "This is not surprising, he has always been like this."

"You're right, he's always been like this!"

As he spoke, Pobedonostsev showed an expression of resentment, obviously thinking of the past grudges, but he quickly adjusted his mood and said coldly: "But this time we can't let him get his wish, I and I The Duke has already discussed it and is ready to let him use his last remaining energy!"

Count Shuvanov was not surprised. On the contrary, he would be surprised if Pobedonostsev did not do this. The only question is when did he communicate with Prince Baryatinsky? Sure enough, these two people have a secret way of contacting each other!

I just don’t know if they discussed other issues besides how to sacrifice Count Uvarov, such as the future distribution of interests and division of power. To be honest, these are more worthy of attention.

But Count Shuvanov knew very well that even if there were these two people, he would not tell him. Who said that he was just a little Karami? It seems that he has to talk about the problem between these two people with another old cunt, Count Rostovtsev...

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