Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1308 What I suggested

Count Shuvanov was deeply afraid of Count Rostovtsev. The last person who could put such great pressure on him was Count Uvarov in his heyday.

But even the pressure brought to him by Count Uvarov, who was at the peak of his power, was not that unique.

how to say?

Count Uvarov was very powerful back then, but this power was so powerful that you could see how much damage he would cause. The kind that can crush people!

The pressure brought by Count Rostovtsev is completely different. It is the kind of power that is invisible and has no upper limit. He will not crush you, but he can make you live in fear all the time until you collapse.

It's hard to say who is more powerful among them. For Count Shuvanov, no matter who he is, he can crush him, but if he had to choose a more powerful one, he would choose Count Rostovtsev.

He is so powerful and unfathomable that you cannot guard against him!

For example, although Count Rostovtsev didn't say anything, he was very anxious in his heart.

"...According to my observation, it is very likely that Count Pobedonozsev and Prince Baryatinsky have reached an agreement, and they may unanimously push Count Uvarov to the forefront and let Count Uvarov Help them pull chestnuts from the fire..."

Count Rostovtsev raised his eyelids: "Then what?"

Count Shuvanov was stunned: "What then?"

Count Rostovtsev said dissatisfied: "Since they are going to let Count Uvarov take advantage of the fire, they must take further action, right? What are they going to do?"

Count Shuvanov smiled bitterly: "They didn't say... maybe they don't have plans yet..."

Count Rostovtsev immediately sneered and said: "Huh, it's still the same old thing. The enemy is still making small calculations... I don't think it's worth it for Count Uvarov!"

Count Shuvanov could only continue to smile bitterly, because he felt the same way. Although Count Uvarov, the leading brother, has indeed made many mistakes and problems in the past two years, it is undeniable that conservatives can be where they are today. He definitely deserves the most credit for his status.

In his old age, no one sympathized with such a meritorious warrior. Instead, he was ready to set him up and burn him to emit the last ray of light.

They were even prepared to hide behind his mutilated body and use his old, weak and sick body as a shield.

To be honest, this is really chilling!

However, Count Shuvanov did not have much conscience. At most, he could only verbally pity Count Uvarov. As for what to do next or whatever, don't expect him to go to the front and replace Count Uvarov to attract firepower.

The officialdom is so profitable. As long as it can protect its own interests, it will not care about the life and death of others. The blame lies solely on Count Uvarov's greed for power. If he had retreated earlier, what would have happened!

"Where are old Adlerberg and the others?" Count Rostovtsev suddenly asked, looking at Count Shuvanov who was obviously distracted.

"During this period, he seems to have been very close to Count Uvarov, and he seems to have been encouraging Count Uvarov to stand up and take charge..."

Count Rostovtsev sneered: "He is really a good slave. He sold it to the old master after he took refuge with the new master!"

Count Shuvanov was a little embarrassed, because strictly speaking, he was the same type of person as old Adlerberg, and he was also a wallow in several ships. On the surface, he took refuge with Pobedonostsev's group, secretly worked for Count Rostovtsev, and even secretly hooked up with the old Adlerbergs.

Calculating this, he seems to be even more so.

Naturally, he felt guilty. He lowered his head and remained silent, pretending to be honest and responsible. Only God knows what was going on in his heart.

Count Rostovtsev was naturally very clear about his little thoughts. He didn't bother to expose the other party's disguise. He just ordered sternly: "Don't worry about the father and son. They are just small characters. You continue to observe Bobie." Count Donostsev’s movements, based on my understanding of him, he can’t be so honest!”

Count Shuvanov quickly nodded in agreement. In fact, he also felt that Pobedonozev would not cooperate with Duke Baryatinsky so honestly.

Since Count Uvarov died, the competition between the two has become increasingly fierce. If Baryatinsky cannot take advantage of Baryatinsky to establish a certain advantage before returning to St. Petersburg, then in the future Pobedonostsev There is no chance at all.

Naturally, even if they want to cooperate this time, Pobedonostsev will make some small moves. Whether it is trying to promote more of his own people or trying to trick Baryatinsky's people, he is bound to do it. OK!

In this case, Count Shuvanov is most concerned about how to fish in troubled waters and gain some benefits for himself.

But he didn't expect that Count Rostovtsev would suddenly say: "Prince Baryatinsky is going back to St. Petersburg!"

Shuvanov was stunned at first and then his expression changed drastically, because he didn't hear anything!

It stands to reason that if Baryatinsky is coming back, it is impossible that Pobedonostsev does not know about it. Did the latter conceal this news from him? What's the point?

With a quick thought, Count Shuvanov realized that it was unlikely that Pobedonostsev deliberately concealed the information. If this information was true, the only one who had reason to conceal it was Duke Baryatinsky!

This is the most advantageous choice for the Duke! When he suddenly descends from heaven and returns to St. Petersburg, he can catch Pobedonozev and Count Uvarov off guard!

Thinking of this, Count Shuvanov had a thin circle of sweat on his forehead. Before that, he had planned to follow Pobedonostsev and make a fortune.

Now it seems that doing so is tantamount to seeking death!

Suddenly he felt guilty and asked cautiously: "Will your Excellency the Duke come back temporarily or stay in St. Petersburg to serve?"

This issue is very critical. If Baryatinsky is only coming back temporarily, then it is not a big problem to hang out with Pobedonostsev, but if he comes back directly and never leaves, then he has to think carefully about it. Considered.

Count Rostovtsev did not hesitate to expose his dream: "His Excellency the Duke will return to St. Petersburg to serve as commander of the capital garrison and minister of the State Council and be promoted to the rank of marshal..."

Count Shuvanov's heart trembled. The result was obviously not what he wanted. But why is Baryatinsky’s position so strange? Does it feel like overkill?

Count Rostovtsev said calmly: "This is my suggestion to Your Majesty, because Count Dmitry Milyutin will serve as Minister of War and be granted the title of Marquis!"

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