Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1310 The special envoy is here

Dmitry Milyutin, who was far away in Kiev, did not know that he had become a key pawn in Count Rostovtsev's attempt to weaken the conservatives.

Now he is fully focused on restoring normal order in Ukraine. The elimination of the rebels is only the beginning of the victory in suppressing bandits. The most critical thing is how to stabilize the situation and resume production next.

It’s just that the current Ukraine is really in a mess and needs to be revitalized.

The first is to collect and resettle the refugees, and a large number of surrendered and captured rebel soldiers need to be dealt with.

These people are unsettling factors in society, and we can neither kill them all nor let them go regardless.

How to place them is a big problem.

According to Li Xiao's opinion, the captured rebels were temporarily put into prisoner-of-war camps for labor reform. Let them be responsible for repairing roads and other infrastructure. These are strong labor forces that should not be used in vain.

Of course, we can't just let them work in vain forever. In due course they should be pardoned, their citizenship rights restored, and even allocated land if possible.

In this way, this group of people will not continue to cause trouble and can become the main force in resuming production in the future.

In addition to these prisoners, surrendered rebels can also be dealt with in a similar way, but their treatment should be better.

After a group of capable, capable and capable people were added to the Russian army, the rest were first incorporated into the production and construction corps, and worked with their old companions in the prisoner of war camps to build roads, bridges, water conservancy, and open up wasteland.

Let them switch to production immediately after spring, and it is best to directly allocate land to them.

Dmitri thinks these ideas are very good, but there is a problem, that is, where does the land come from?

Strictly speaking, all the existing land in Ukraine has owners. Although most of the owners have returned to the West, they cannot be confiscated without saying a word, otherwise the conservatives will definitely explode.

They could never dispose of these lands without the express authorization of the Tsar.

Li Xiao smiled and said: "I don't think this is a big problem. I believe that Count Rostovtsev has played such a big game, and there must be follow-up arrangements... If I were him, I would definitely use Ukrainian land to do it. Article, set up a pilot here or something!"

Dmitri hoped so too, but he always found it difficult to guess Count Rostovtsev's thoughts. What if he wanted to play with his heartbeat again? You must know that he played an indispensable role in the development of the rebellion in Ukraine to its current scale.

What if he thinks this is not exciting enough and wants to play again?

Anyway, Dmitri was unsure, and the remaining aristocratic landowners in Ukraine were also restless. Just after Maganov was overthrown, these guys jumped out under the guise of restoring order and demanded that he immediately punish the rebels. military prisoners and demanded the return of noble property plundered by the rebels.

The question is how could Dmitri agree to such a request? How could he return so much land to the landlords after finally vacating it? He was still waiting to distribute the land to the poor serfs!

As for the property looted by the rebels, it is impossible to return the money. Ukraine’s reconstruction does not cost money!

The treasury cannot count on it at all, so it is just waiting for the money to be used in emergencies. If the money is returned, then the whole of Ukraine will really have nothing but to drink from the northwest!

It's just that these words cannot be said openly. Some things can be done secretly but must never be spoken out.

Anyway, it was absolutely impossible for Dmitry to repay the money, so when faced with the nobles' appeal, he just replied: "I understand your emotions, but there are too many victims of this disaster, and the losses cannot be counted at all, let alone What's more, a large amount of wealth has been squandered by the rebels, and it is impossible to make up for all the losses of the victims. In summary, this will be a long-term project that will take years to complete! And our most important work at the moment is Restore normal order in Ukraine, lick your wounds and resume production!”

Can this rhetoric convince those stubborn old aristocrats?

Absolutely not. These guys are now like scavengers, ready to drink the leftovers of the rebels. Although the leftovers were not particularly rich, they were still pieces of meat.

Seeing those rebels eating with their mouths full of oil, they were so envious and jealous!

Naturally they were dissatisfied with Dmitri's answer, but their vehement protests were in vain. Dmitri didn't bother them at all, he just let them go about their business and pretended not to hear them anyway.

Anyway, Dmitry was advancing his work step by step, clearing away the remaining rebels while trying to restore order in production and life. He was so busy that he was on his back.

While he was busy, Dmitri received the special envoy sent by Alexander II, who conveyed several important news to him.

The first thing I want him to do is to wipe out the remaining rebels in Ukraine as soon as possible, and then return to St. Petersburg as soon as possible. He will serve as Minister of War!

This news shocked Dmitri. He had no idea that he would be appointed Minister of War. This meant that he would have the final say on how the Russian Army would develop in the future. For him, this is the best reward.

The second news was also good news. The envoy told him that Ukraine would become a pilot for reform, and the empire would experimentally end the serfdom system in Ukraine.

Dmitry was secretly happy about this but said little, because he knew that Alexander II was not particularly willing to do this, and it was best for him to hide his reformist attributes for the time being.

Moreover, the pilot project in Ukraine is not that simple. How to do it specifically needs to be carefully considered, and it cannot be figured out in a short while. He could slowly discuss these matters with Nikolai Milyutin and Count Rostovtsev after returning to St. Petersburg.

Because Ukraine became a pilot, Alexander II gave Dmitry certain powers to act expediently. For example, he could place surrendered rebels as appropriate and handle confiscated wealth as appropriate.

Of course, these expedient powers had better be careful and don't make it known to everyone!

But this is enough for Dmitri, enough for him to ignore those dishonest old nobles. If they are still unwilling to forgive and dishonest, he does not mind giving them a little punishment to let them know who Ukraine listens to.

As for the last news, Dmitri's mood was a little complicated, because Alexander II asked him to deal with the rebel prisoners sternly and even gave him a long list, some of whom even surrendered. A rebel officer, this is a bit like burning bridges and turning his back on his past.

You must know that the number of rebels who have surrendered is quite large. With more than 200,000 people, they are definitely capable of causing huge waves. They must be dealt with with great caution!

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