Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1311 I can only accept it

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Chapter 1,311 Can Only Accept Page (1/2) Dmitri doesn’t know who gave Alexander II this unfortunate idea. Even if he had to cross the river, demolish the bridge, demolish the mill and kill the donkey, it can’t be done now Bar? No matter what, we have to wait a few years, wait for Ukraine to regain stability, wait for everyone to basically forget about this matter, before we can take action.

Wouldn't starting it now force Ukraine, which is already panic-stricken, into turmoil again?

He was quite indignant about this order, and he was so excited that he immediately wrote a letter and sent it to St. Petersburg through the expedited channel.

In the letter, he once again reiterated the instability of the situation in Ukraine and warned Alexander II that he must not burn bridges at this time, otherwise Ukraine will fall into new turmoil and everything will have to be repeated.

If that situation really develops, Ukraine's reconstruction will be interrupted, and it will no longer be possible to dismantle the rebels through recruitment. What awaits the Russian army will be a cruel and bloody battle. Not only will many people die, but more money will have to be spent. Maybe even foreign forces will forcefully intervene and make things out of control!

After writing the letter, Dmitry was still very angry. When Li Xiao came, he immediately vomited: "There are some idiots in St. Petersburg who want to kill donkeys now. They are extremely short-sighted! I just want to smash their heads open and see." Look what’s going on in their heads!”

Li Xiao was delighted. He knew very well the urinary nature of the conservative aristocrats in St. Petersburg. These guys could only see what was under their noses, and then they were so greedy that they would taste the salty feces as they passed through the door.

Seeing that Ukraine has become a deserted land, they will naturally cut their heads and dig in, relying on their ancestral connections to make a lot of disgusting suggestions.

If we really listen to them, Ukraine will be in turmoil again in two days. By then, these people will run faster than rabbits and will never say it is their own problem.

Although he understood Dmitry's indignation, Li Xiao did not advise him to become particularly angry or to comply with Alexander II's orders.

He asked: "You wouldn't refuse to carry out His Majesty's order in front of the special envoy, right?"

Dmitri shook his head and said: "No, I'm not that stupid. This has no practical effect except to teach people the truth!"

Li Xiao was a little relieved that Dmitri had also grown up. A year or two ago, he would have lost his temper in front of the special envoy and refused to execute the order.

But now he is able to consider the problem more maturely and is no longer so impulsive.

Li Xiao felt that the reason why Alexander II sent a special envoy to announce such an obviously low-intelligence order at this time was probably out of the emperor's intentions.

Just imagine, what is Alexander II most worried about? Naturally, he was worried that Dmitri would take credit and be arrogant and disobey orders.

What's more, he also appointed Dmitri as Minister of War, which will undoubtedly make people raise their tails.

Before Dmitri's appointment was officially announced, it was reasonable to test Dmitri's true temperament.

With Alexander II's intelligence, how could he not see that now was not the time to kill the donkey, but he just issued such an order.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

What else could it be but a temptation?

Imagine that if Dmitri refused to execute or even spoke rudely, it can be said that he did not take the Tsar seriously at all. Can such a person be entrusted with such an important task?

Even if he has to be given an important position now, he must be taken over when the time comes in the future, otherwise it will be too big to handle!

On the contrary, if Dmitry accepted this obviously unreasonable order, it would at least mean that he still had the Tsar in his heart and understood that he was a good minister who knew how to advance and retreat.

Naturally, such a minister can still be reused for a long time!

After listening to Li Xiao's analysis, Dmitri fell into deep thought, because he really didn't think so much. The reason why he didn't explicitly refuse was just out of the courtier's consciousness. After all, Alexander II was the Tsar. Even if his orders were unreasonable, as a minister, he could not refuse them openly. We can only accept it temporarily and then work against it in private.

He really didn't expect that this was Alexander II's temptation and test for him. In other words, if he was a little more arrogant when facing the special envoy, the result might be very unsatisfactory!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. If he became the Minister of War and had to face such high-end situations every day, would he really be able to cope with it?

Anyway, he doesn't have much confidence in himself. In essence, he is a relatively straightforward soldier, and he is not good at figuring out the twists and turns of brain-burning things.

He couldn't help but retreat a little, and began to consider whether to become the Minister of War.

"We must take it!" Li Xiao said confidently: "Look at what our army has become. We have fallen behind a lot behind the British and French. If we don't work hard to catch up, we may be in danger of national subjugation in the future!"

Dmitri stopped talking, because Li Xiao was right. A lot can be seen from the Crimean War and this counter-insurgency. Today's Russian army is already in ruins. If we don't hurry up and reform to catch up, we will really be left further and further behind and can only be beaten.

It's just that he's really not good at dealing with officialdom. As far as he knows, the big bosses in the Army Department are all smart people, and it's extremely difficult to get them to follow his baton!

"It's indeed quite difficult," Li Xiao nodded and replied firmly: "But no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it, right?"

Dmitri was stunned. Li Xiao rarely used such pale reasons to convince people, but this time

Chapter 1311: I Can Only Accept Page (2/2) He was so convinced for the first time.

The country is in a state of decline and some things must be done. As a man who hopes to make a difference, he doesn't want to live in mediocrity.

At worst, I have to give up everything and fight with those damn conservatives!

Li Xiao solemnly said: "It is best if you have such determination and will. Reform is not that easy. We must be prepared for the worst!"

After a short pause, he added: "Of course, you don't need to feel too much pressure, because there are more and more of our colleagues, and as we have more and more friends and supporters, we will become stronger and stronger. As long as we have It won't be a problem for us to work together to defeat those old stubborns... At least now, whether it's me, Count Nikolai Milyutin, or even Count Rostovtsev will fully support you. What do you have to fear from those guys who are trying to block the train? of!"

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Dmitri nodded. He knew that Li Xiao was the kind of person who kept his word. Since he promised to help, he would never stand idly by. With so many like-minded companions to help, conservatives had nothing to fear. ?

Seeing that Dmitry had regained his confidence, Li Xiao said earnestly: "Compared with these subsequent events, solving the problem in Ukraine is the top priority... Is there any news from St. Petersburg about who the new governor of Ukraine is?"

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