Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1357 Can’t reach an agreement (Part 2)

Some people are wondering, since Li Xiao knows that Duke Alexander cannot be persuaded, why waste his words?

In fact, it is not a waste of words that he did so much. What he said so much was not for Prince Alexander but for Nikolai Milyutin.

Because he was the one who had luck and expectations for Duke Alexander. He thought he could convince Duke Alexander to side with him or make him stick to neutrality.

But Li Xiao told him with actual actions that this was just a fantasy. It is impossible for Duke Alexander to be neutral, let alone stand on their side, so this unrealistic illusion must be abandoned immediately and be prepared to confront him head-on from now on!

It should be said that Li Xiao's goal was basically achieved. It could be seen from Nikolai Milyutin's expression that he was very disappointed with Duke Alexander's choice. He opened his mouth several times to say something but gave up helplessly in the end.

Especially after Duke Alexander made his attitude clear and insisted on standing with Alexander II, the annoyance and disbelief on his face finally turned into anger!

He angrily said to Duke Alexander: "Duke, I have always thought that you were my comrade and comrade-in-arms. I have always thought that you would stand firmly on our side and support reform... But today I found that I was wrong, I was so wrong! There is not much difference between you and Count Neserrode. For your own selfish interests, you would rather watch some villains do mischief and mess up our motherland! I am so disappointed in you! I really saw it wrong You!"

Duke Alexander opened his mouth as if he wanted to defend, but in the end he said nothing, because the defense was useless, and he had nothing to defend. He was indeed on the side of interests! Indeed, he is not the same person as Nikolai Milyutin!

He knew that starting from today, he might lose one more friend, one less person who was willing to sincerely help him. It's just that he feels that this price is bearable and worthwhile. The most urgent thing he must do is win the trust of Alexander II, otherwise he will never be prime minister for long!

As for Nikolai Milyutin and his group, maybe ten or twenty years later they will understand how correct their choice was. At worst, when they are down and out of luck in the future, they can take care of them a little more, which can be regarded as repaying this favor!

Li Xiao didn't know Duke Alexander's psychological activities, and even if he knew, he would probably sneer at him. It’s not certain who will have the last laugh! Historically you are the victor and seem to have won everything, but what is the result?

The sound of the Aurora's cannon completely changed the direction of Russian history. The descendants of the so-called powerful people who opposed the reform paid the price with their lives.

What Prince Alexander insisted on and stood for was crushed into powder by the Bolsheviks. Is this a good result?

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is reincarnation. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Those who retreated sixty years ago must pay the price sixty years later!

After returning to the carriage, he said to Nikolai Milyutin, who was sinking like water, "Count, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose. We still have a chance to prove that Duke Alexander's choice is wrong... As long as we unite as one to face the outside world. We can defeat them and let them know that reform is the inevitable trend and no one can stop it!"

Nikolai Milyutin replied dejectedly: "But the role of Duke Alexander is immeasurable... I can't imagine what will happen if he stands on the opposite side of us... The situation will deteriorate sharply, and in the future... ugh... "

Li Xiao shook his head secretly in his heart. This was the bad thing about these progressive aristocrats in Russia. They didn't have the courage to defeat the enemy at all. They always felt that the enemy was too powerful and the hope of victory was too slim, so they just wanted to lie down.

But the problem is that everything in this world is difficult, especially at the beginning. As the old saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and this stage is the most troublesome. But as long as you grit your teeth and get through this stage, not to mention everything will be smooth sailing in the future, at least you won't feel suffocated by the difficulties.

Even as soon as this stage is passed, the subsequent difficulties suddenly become smaller. After all, the opponents of Nikolai Milyutin and others are also a group of old nobles who are not very strong-willed. They are also masters who accept the soft and fear the tough.

As for Duke Alexander's role, Li Xiao does not deny that he is crucial, but his role is not absolute. Historically, his support for reforms has been limited to that, but the reforms have not yet been carried out. Later, Alexander II reversed course, and I didn’t see him supporting the reformists much. It’s a shame to pin your hopes on this person!

So Li Xiao replied: "It would be best if the Duke supports the reform, but if he doesn't support it, I don't think it's a big problem!"

Nikolai Milyutin didn't understand. In his opinion, Duke Alexander was the Prime Minister and also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It meant that he had great power. With his support, the reform will be smooth sailing, if not unfavorable.

But once he doesn't stand on his side, or even stands on the opposite side, the difficulties and obstacles will increase exponentially. Isn't this still a problem?

Li Xiao replied firmly: "Count, I think you have exaggerated the role of Duke Alexander. He is not as powerful as you think, and he does not have the appeal to influence the overall situation, at least not yet!"

Li Xiao explained in detail: "Look at how Duke Alexander became the prime minister. If it weren't for the support of you and your friends, I'm afraid he would have been able to secure the position of foreign minister even if he was great... He even wanted to completely eliminate Neshe With Count Elroddie’s influence, it will take time to truly control the Ministry of Foreign Affairs… From this point of view, his strength and influence are quite limited!”

Nikolay Milutin frowned and thought carefully about Li Xiao's words. After smacking his lips for a long time, he had to admit that this judgment was well founded. Even now Prince Alexander does not have complete control over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From time to time there are discordant voices within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which shows that he is not yet able to stick to his word like Neserrodie!

This is true for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which he has worked for many years, let alone other internal departments. Perhaps with the influence of Prince Mikhail, he can still speak in the Ministry of War, but the Ministry of Navy, Ministry of the Interior, and Ministry of Finance It’s hard to say whether several key departments will be spared or not!

Looking at it this way, Duke Alexander is really not good enough, but why do you think he is so powerful?

Nikolai Milyutin couldn't figure it out, but Li Xiao saw it clearly. The most powerful thing about Duke Alexander was not how strong he was, but that by chance, this special period just needed him to stand up and preside. The big picture!

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