Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1358 Shake people

That's right! It’s just chance!

In the post-Nicholas I era, when Alexander II was still unable to gain a firm foothold, and during the great transition period when the reformists were massively counterattacking the conservatives and had to shrink their defenses, the Russian officialdom just needed someone like him who was acceptable to all aspects. People step up and take charge of the situation.

You see, Alexander II was not powerful enough to suppress the reformists. He could only cooperate with the reformists, and he had to choose a new prime minister who could be accepted by the reformists.

But he was never willing to choose a radical who truly supported reform as prime minister. He could only choose a liberal who looked like a liberal and could be accepted by the reformists, but was actually a "profit-seeking" interestist who judged the situation wisely and protected himself.

It would be even more perfect if this person is also good at dancing and his abilities are not too bad!

Looking at it this way, who else in the Russian officialdom could meet his requirements better than Prince Alexander?

It can only be said that Alexander II had his finger on the pulse of the reformists and knew that these people had the will to reform but did not have the courage of the French Revolution. They only dared to reconcile social conflicts and did not dare to engage in subversion.

Such a group of people must only compromise with him, and naturally they can only accept the candidate of Duke Alexander.

In other words, the reason why Duke Alexander has his current status is the result of many compromises and trade-offs, not how powerful he really is.

And if Nikolai Milyutin, the big boss of the reformists and the real leader in name only, stands up to oppose him, it means that nearly 70% of the reformists will stand against Duke Alexander.

At that time, it can almost be said that Duke Alexander lost the support of the reformists. In this way, the support of Alexander II alone was not enough for him to secure the position of prime minister. Even at the moment when the reformists openly rebelled, Alexander II had to Weigh it carefully!

He had to see if he should continue to support Duke Alexander despite the anger of the reformists. According to Li Xiao's estimation, with his personality, he would probably give up on Duke Alexander once he realized that he had lost his use value. He would only choose another one in all aspects. A candidate for the new prime minister that everyone can accept!

In other words, Duke Alexander was not irreplaceable, but he misjudged his own strength and Nikolai Milyutin's influence on the reformists.

Li Xiao felt that Duke Alexander was the New Year's Eve rabbit to the reformists, and it would be better to celebrate the New Year without him.

To put it bluntly, there are a lot of people like Duke Alexander who are looking forward to being favored by the reformists and eager to replace him.

As long as Nikolai Milyutin stands up and clearly opposes Prince Alexander, you can see how the wind will change. Immediately a large number of people will stand up and prepare to replace him.

Of course, it is still a bit troublesome to actually operate it, at least not if Nikolai Milyutin raises his arms and calls out, and an overwhelming number of people will respond. First of all, persuasion work within the reformists must be done. After all, Duke Alexander is still very confusing, and many reformists have a good impression of him.

A sudden substitution will definitely cause an uproar. But there is still time now, just in time for Nikolai Milyutin to go to work quickly. In addition, he can also contact Count Rostovtsev. As long as he nods first, the top reformist boss will immediately change his attitude and no longer support Alexander. Duke.

The only troublesome thing is how to do Count Rostovtsev's job. To be honest, that old fox is too shrewd and difficult to deal with. Moreover, his attitude has been quite strange recently. He allowed Grand Duke Constantine to mess around and had a falling out with Nikolai Milyutin. Now that the storm is about to come, he still has a calm attitude. It’s really hard to figure out.

"Such a big thing has happened and it is really necessary to have a good talk with Count Rostovtsev," Nikolai Milyutin rubbed his temples and looked very tired.

To be honest, Li Xiao felt a little sorry for him. After all, the source of all this trouble was that the reform strategy he proposed was not accepted by Grand Duke Constantine.

It was the one who detonated all this because of old and new grudges. In a sense, Nikolai Milyutin also suffered an unreasonable disaster.

But having said that, the reason why Grand Duke Constantine was able to cause so many bad things was not because of Nikolai Milyutin's previous connivance. If only he could educate Grand Duke Constantine more and let him know what he could do. If nothing can be done, will it make him become like this?

Of course, this is not entirely his responsibility alone. The biggest person responsible is Nicholas I who has ascended to immortality. If he had not been conniving with Grand Duke Constantine, he would not be like this.

But it doesn’t make much sense to say this now. You can’t argue with anyone, not with the dead. You can’t dig up and whip the corpse for Nicholas I.

Li Xiao could only comfort him: "Count, the matter is not as troublesome as you imagined. Everything is as we expected. I believe Count Rostovtsev will also understand our difficulties..."

It can only be said that Li Xiao spoke too early. When he explained his intention to Nikolai Milyutin, he was immediately attacked by Count Rostovtsev:

"Nikolai Alexeevich, you are very responsible for why things turned out the way they are now. If you hadn't always blindly trusted Grand Duke Constantine, would he have been so forgetful?"

Count Rostovtsev burst into flames when he came up: "I've told you many times that Grand Duke Constantine is flashy and has high ambitions and far-sightedness but low-handedness in doing things. It's okay to let him go out and talk, but he must not be allowed to have the right to speak. We can’t let him give orders!”

He glared at Nikolai Milyutin fiercely and lectured: "But what about you? You didn't take my warning seriously at all and just let him do whatever he wanted. Okay! Let's see how you end up!"

Nikolai Milyutin was very embarrassed and at a loss. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to defend but could not say anything.

Li Xiao couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to speak for him: "Count, I think that although Count Milyuting made certain mistakes, it is not the most critical issue... The most important thing now is how to deal with His Majesty and Constantine. The Grand Duke's cooperation and how Prince Alexander dealt with it..."

Count Rostovtsev snorted heavily and turned around to lecture Li Xiao: "Your Excellency, do you think you have no responsibility in this matter? You are the fuse that caused all this. You clearly know that Kang What kind of person is Grand Duke Standing, and why do you want to provoke him head-on? Are you afraid that the matter is not big enough or troublesome enough, or that there is not enough trouble?!"

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