Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1359 Stay calm in chaos

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Chapter 1,359 Calmly in Chaos Chapter (1/2) Li Xiao was speechless. Strictly speaking, he had never provoked Grand Duke Constantine. He had always fought back passively. He should be considered the victim. The one who is right.

But Count Rostovtsev taught him a lesson unreasonably, and he couldn't fight back. Who makes someone the boss?

In this regard, Li Xiao will not jump up as soon as he steps on the tail. That is really something that a childish and angry youth would do. Human relationships in society are never that simple, and some things cannot be calculated so clearly.

To take a step back, as long as Count Rostovtsev is willing to help, what if he gives him a few lessons?

On the contrary, you are just trying to gain some air of insignificance by calling others "Bandingniu". In the end, they will ignore you and it depends on what you do!

Li Xiao was mentally prepared before he came. Anyway, as long as Count Rostovtsev does not go too far, he will definitely not retaliate and teach you a lesson. Just respect your elders!

This attitude also made Count Rostovtsev very satisfied. He has seen too many young people nowadays. They are all like fluffy roosters, and they will explode at the first sign of fire. That's really hard to say.

Regardless of whether they are justified or not, or whether they are doing the right thing or not, their self-esteem is stronger than the last, so they cannot be provoked at all.

Anyway, old-school people like him can't stand it. He has always subdued such arrogant young people until he is not convinced. He has many means to deal with such little fools who don't know the heights of heaven and earth.

But Li Xiao is different. It's not that Li Xiao doesn't fight back or retaliate, but that as long as it doesn't involve issues of principle or fundamental interests, Li Xiao respects his senior, even if he is obviously relying on his elders to act like one, he will let it go.

This made him feel very comfortable. Anyway, even if he had some disagreements with someone, overall he liked Li Xiao's attitude in doing things - that is, he persisted to the end when he needed to, and he dealt with it flexibly if he could exchange deals.

This is the attitude towards doing things!

After Count Rostovtsev lectured a few words, he felt comfortable and stopped. He said seriously: "I already know what happened. I must tell you that the situation is very serious. As His Majesty joins the battle, there are a series of sycophants. They will also join Archduke Constantine, so you must be fully mentally prepared!"

Nikolai Milyutin nodded dullly and said in frustration: "Yes. We already understand... Duke Alexander is on their side... What do you think we should do about this?"

Count Rostovtsev glanced at him slightly strangely, then glanced at Li Xiao next to him, and said: "Isn't it normal for Duke Alexander to side with His Majesty? I have told you before that he is a fake free man. Christian, do you still have unrealistic hopes for him?"

Nikolai Milyutin was stunned. He finally remembered Count Rostovtsev's warning. He said in disbelief: "Did you tell the truth? Wasn't it a joke?!"

Count Rostovtsev was speechless. After a while, he said, "When have I ever made a joke?"

Nikolai Milyutin couldn't say a word. He looked at Count Rostovtsev with a wry smile, not to mention how embarrassed he was.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Li Xiao was also speechless about this. Nikolai Milyutin's sense of smell was indeed not very sensitive. Many times, he was still unable to react when people publicly reminded him. After something happened, he was still confused and didn't know what the problem was. where.

However, he was already very embarrassed and Li Xiao couldn't continue to attack him. He could only act as a peacemaker: "Gentlemen, now is not the time to settle old scores. Let's talk about how to deal with Duke Alexander's challenge!"

Count Rostovtsev glared at him, apparently blaming him for interrupting. It seemed that he wanted to take the opportunity to teach Nikolai Milyutin a lesson and wake him up. He was probably annoyed by someone's childishness and innocence.

However, since Li Xiao interrupted Count Rostovtsev, it was difficult to hold on to it. He could only get to the point after a brief discussion: "You'd better be more careful and don't always turn a deaf ear to other people's warnings, whether it's Constan I have warned you about Grand Duke Ding and Duke Alexander. I told you not to have unrealistic hopes for them, now everything has come true!"

After a pause, he continued: "Things have happened. Although the situation looks a little bad, it is not fatal... Duke Alexander is nothing, that is, if you treat him as a treasure, his influence is not It’s so big as you imagined!”

At this point, he suddenly laughed: "Besides, you must not be deceived by him. He is an old fox through and through. Did he tell you to stand firmly on His Majesty's side? What about the responsibility of the Prime Minister?" And nonsense like obligations?”

Nikolai Milyutin nodded in astonishment.

Suddenly Count Rostovtsev smiled even more happily: "That's right, he always just talks. Don't think that he will do his best to help His Majesty. He is just showing off. To put it bluntly, he is just deceiving His Majesty!"

Li Xiao was still nothing. Nikolay Milutin was so stunned that he was obviously very shocked by the news. He said convincingly: "But that's not what he told us before! We tried to persuade him for a long time, but his Your attitude is very firm, it’s not like you’re just showing off!”

Count Rostovtsev glanced at Li Xiao again, and then replied helplessly: "It's not like he's just showing off. Think carefully about whether he might be on your side? How can you explain to His Majesty if you don't show off? After all, he still wants to be prime minister! He’s not full of guts like you!”

Li Xiao almost laughed. He knew that Count Rostovtsev understood his operation.

Chapter 1,359: Stay calm in chaos, page (2/2), and understand that he has seen through the hypocrisy of Duke Alexander.

To put it bluntly, everyone was playing games with Nikolai Milyutin. From the beginning to the end, he was the only one who couldn't figure out the situation and stupidly took everything as real.

Little did they know that all this was just a show. Duke Alexander went through the cutscene and showed his attitude towards Alexander II. They could also concentrate on dealing with the challenges of Grand Duke Constantine and Alexander II, unless it was those two brothers. Can achieve an overwhelming advantage, otherwise Duke Alexander would never be able to use all his strength to attack.

After the incident has passed, everyone will shake hands and make peace with each other and continue to do what needs to be done. The reformists continued to stir up reforms, while Duke Alexander continued to sit on the fence as his prime minister.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

That’s all!

Count Rostovtsev has seen through all this, so he is so calm. Otherwise, if the situation is really serious, do you think he would still have the heart to grind his teeth with Nikolai Milyutin? I'm afraid I've rolled up my sleeves and ended up already!

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