Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1368 My head is buzzing

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Things entered a new stage when Count Kleinmicher fell into self-doubt.

It was impossible for Grand Duke Constantine to seek help from Alexander II to cover up such a major event, not to mention that Alexander II had no intention of hiding it from anyone. He wanted the whole world to know about it so that he could establish his authority.

As a result, the incident quickly escalated, and almost everyone with dignity in St. Petersburg knew about it.

For a time, everyone was thinking a lot and talking, and many people with a sharp mind began to have wild ideas and the intention of getting involved.

For this type of people, if this thing is done properly and they win the favor of Alexander II, wouldn't they be just around the corner to achieve great success in the future?

As a result, a large number of nobles, big and small, began to move closer to Alexander II's cronies, including Pobedonostsev and Duke Dolgoruky, who were harassed and tested by a large group of smart little guys, which made them all start to have wild ideas.

The most interesting thing is Count Kleinmicher. Even he was harassed by many opportunists with ulterior motives, who wanted to show their loyalty to Alexander II through him, which made this man dumbfounded!

"Very good, the situation has been established. Next, we can defeat Nikolai Milyutin and that bastard in one fell swoop!" Alexander II said to his confidants very excitedly.

The expressions of everyone were more interesting. Pobedonostsev looked indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Duke Dolgoruky was completely different. As a subordinate of Duke Baryatinsky and a direct competitor of Pobedonostsev, he was very excited.

In his opinion, this matter is a sure win. As the person who single-handedly brought Duke Baryatinsky back to St. Petersburg secretly, his performance can be rated as at least a nine-point excellence, if not perfect, right?

In contrast, Pobedonostsev is synonymous with incompetence and mediocrity. It can be said that the performance of the two sides is completely different in just this matter. As long as you are not blind, you will know that he is much better than the other party.

In addition to the two old Adlerbergs, who also had many evil ideas in their minds, he was not considered a confidant of Alexander II, but during this period he was very close to Duke Dolgoruky, and he also helped secretly. The other party was quite busy, which made Alexander II quite satisfied with his performance, so he called him over.

As an official veteran, his sensitivity is much better than that of Duke Dolgoruky. He noticed that something was wrong with Pobedonostsev, and his attitude was indescribably weird. You said he had feelings for Alexander II? Maybe I'm not satisfied with the arrangements, but it seems like I'm not. But if you say he helps wholeheartedly, it's like paddling.

In short, he is too strange and gives people an unreliable feeling.

The most uncomfortable thing in this study room was the existence of Count Rostovtsev. He had always been unable to figure out this count. According to his estimation, this veteran of the former Nicholas I era should be Will be marginalized like Count Uvarov.

But it is obvious that this person's status has not only not been marginalized, but also seems to have improved. In the past, he would never have had his turn to participate in such small meetings, but now he not only participated but also had a vaguely high status, at least not as high as Pobedonostsev. Low.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

In addition to the status issue, more importantly, he felt that even Count Rostovtsev could participate in the whole process and enter the core decision-making level, which was much better than him. At this pace, wouldn't it be hard for him to keep up with others?

Old Adlerberg warned himself that he must pay attention to Count Rostovtsev's movements. It is very likely that this person will have a very high status in the future, and he must quickly build relationships. But what does this lonely guy like?

Old Adlerberg had a headache. He was most afraid of a lonely and wantless person like Count Rostovtsev, because this made the relationship-building techniques he was good at useless. But he also He is not a jobber, he is a good dancer, what problems or troublesome people have he not encountered?

If Count Rostovtsev himself can't handle it, then he can handle the people around him and save the country with a twist!

While the old Adlerberg was playing tricks on Count Rostovtsev, Alexander II was still talking there. He kept talking about the importance and significance of this operation, and talked about defeating Nikolai. The necessity of Miliuting, unrestrained encouragement and encouragement requires everyone to go all out and strive to complete the victory!

It's just that these ideas don't mean much to everyone, and only Duke Dolgoruky is a little interested. This Duke can't wait to be rewarded based on his merits.

It was at this time that an accident happened. An attendant hurriedly walked up to Alexander II and whispered something in his ear. Then the face of the lord changed.

From being full of confidence to being angry, even Duke Dolgoruki, who was wildly imaginative, realized that something big had happened.

After a while, the attendant carefully withdrew. Alexander II's face turned green and red before he finally managed to control his emotions. He took a deep breath and looked at the crowd with a heavy face and said:

"Gentlemen, something happened!"

You can tell he is trying to control his emotions because every word he says next makes him furious!

"The former mayor of Yerevan, Menedov, accused Duke Baryatinsky of corruption and accepting huge bribes, and demanded his immediate removal..."

Every word of these words made Duke Dolgoruki feel angry. Who was so shameless to trouble his boss at this time?

Didn’t you know that Prince Baryatinsky was a favorite of the Tsar?

Don’t you know that His Majesty is waiting for Duke Baryatinsky to help assess the overall situation?

How ignorant you must be to trouble Baryatinsky at this time!

As Baryatinsky's loyal lackey, he was the first to jump out and make his attitude clear: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely slander and slander! It is well known that Duke Baryatinsky is a model of loyalty to the country... Any slander Any behavior that slanders him is unacceptable and must be severely punished!"

According to Duke Dolgoruky's idea, Alexander II should follow his words and punish those blind people.

However, Alexander II's performance was completely beyond his expectations, because the tsar just said lightly: "In addition to the former mayor of Yerevan, there are also the former Deputy Director of Logistics of the Caucasus Military Region and the Assistant Director of the Gendarmerie of the Caucasus Military Region. Report Prince Baryatinsky!"

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Duke Dolgoruky was stunned, his head was buzzing. He couldn't understand why so many people suddenly attacked Duke Baryatinsky. What happened to these people? !

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