Struggle in Russia

Chapter 1369 Dissatisfaction

Duke Dolgoruky felt that his brain was not enough. He could not figure out why so many people suddenly attacked Duke Baryatinsky.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that this will definitely offend Duke Baryatinsky and Alexander II. In this case, what do these people want?

People like him certainly don't know what faith is.

People with faith and people without faith are completely different. They are two completely different creatures.

Among the three people who reported Duke Baryatinsky above, there were many people with convictions. For example, the former logistics director and the assistant to the military police director.

These two are actually reformists. Nikolai Milyutin told them that they would risk their lives for the sake of justice.

Even for those who have retired or are about to retire, they are willing to use their remaining energy to contribute their final strength to the reform.

As for the former mayor of Yerevan, he has no conviction. He has just been caught. Either he will come forward to report Duke Baryatinsky or he will be found out and ruined.

He didn't want to cut himself off from the aristocratic circle, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and report Duke Baryatinsky.

These three don't seem to be big shots, but they have all worked in the Caucasus, and they are even people who are very familiar with Duke Baryatinsky. They suddenly took action and reported the matter with their real names to expose this matter. It is not easy to suppress them. Come down!

Especially at this moment, Alexander II was about to release Baryatinsky to use his ultimate move, but when his energy bar was more than half full, someone fired first and interrupted his ultimate move. This made him so angry that he almost vomited blood!

Alexander II really wanted to pretend that he had not heard the accusations of these three gangsters, but these three gangsters made the matter a big deal and publicly reported to the Supreme Procuratorate with their real names. How could you pretend not to have seen it?

He knew that as long as he pretended not to see it, the matter would go wrong, and those who were observant would mistakenly think that he did not intend to protect Duke Baryatinsky, and the situation would become even more chaotic.

But if you want to deal with this matter, you must follow the prescribed procedures. Unless he can prove that this is a false accusation, this set of procedures is not so easy to follow.

"How about sending someone to warn those three idiots and ask them to retract those slanderous words!" Duke Dolgoruky was the first to come up with an idea.

It's just that this idea is really bad. If someone dares to report it publicly, they will definitely not be afraid of your threats. If you threaten them and they will expose the matter backhand, wouldn't it be more fun? What's more, you won't cause trouble for yourself. What!

Alexander II glared at him and said displeased: "No!"

Duke Dolgoruky was a little embarrassed. In fact, he regretted the truth as soon as he said it, until he realized how stupid the idea was, but he was either worried or concerned, so he was confused!

What's more, is there a better way now?

You can't just watch those three bastards get what they want and disrupt the overall situation, right?

So he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said: "Your Majesty, use extraordinary measures at all times. We have a way in the third part to silence those three bastards forever!"

Alexander II stared at him without answering, but it can be imagined that he was also repeatedly considering whether to kill those three people with human flesh. The use of physical means to humanely destroy those who disliked them was definitely a common method used by the tsars of the past dynasties, but doing so was not acceptable and was taboo.

The key thing is that even though it is very detrimental to his reputation, he still cherishes his feathers!

Duke Dolgoruky had obviously taken this into consideration. He immediately stepped forward and vowed: "Your Majesty, I can guarantee that this matter will be handled properly, that no one else will be involved, and that it will be done beautifully and cleanly!"

Before he finished speaking, Pobedonostsev snorted. This sound was so sudden and loud that everyone knew who he was going for!

Alexander II raised his head and looked at him, and he replied calmly: "Your Majesty, I think this idea is very bad, and the person who came up with this idea is either bad or stupid!"

Oh haha!

Old Adlerberg and others who were watching on the sidelines knew that the head-on conflict between Pobedonostsev and Duke Dolgoruky finally broke out.

They had expected this day for a long time, but it was a surprise to them that it came so suddenly and at such an inappropriate time.

After all, everyone should work together to overcome difficulties now. Internal strife is not a good thing at this time!

Sure enough, Duke Dolgoruki immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "What do you mean! Are you publicly accusing me?"

Compared with his violent rage, Pobedonostsev seemed so calm and collected. He raised his eyelids and replied calmly: "I have no intention of blaming anyone, I am just discussing the matter and telling the truth!"

These words made Duke Dolgoruky even more angry. He glared at the other party and asked: "Don't be so arrogant. I am dedicated to solving your majesty's worries. Why are you either stupid or bad?"

Pobedonostsev sneered and said: "To share your Majesty's worries? I think you are deliberately misleading His Majesty and doing bad things in the name of His Majesty!"

Duke Dolgoruki jumped to his feet: "What do you mean? I'm warning you, if you don't stop your personal attacks and slander against me, I will let you know how terrible I am when I am angry!"

Pobedonostsev didn't care about this and said contemptuously: "Aside from warnings and threats, what else can you do? Is this how you plan to shut up those three people?"

Duke Dolgoruky was really angry now, and he really planned to take action. Fortunately, Alexander II intervened: "Count, I believe that your Excellency the Duke originally intended to share my worries, but maybe he didn't think so properly... ...Even if there are some problems, the starting point is still good!”

After a short pause, he continued: "Earl, if you have any opinion, just say it! I believe that if you are reasonable, His Excellency the Duke will accept it with humility!"

Pobedonostsev glanced at the aggrieved Duke Dolgoruky, bowed to Alexander II and said: "Your Majesty, the reason is obvious. If we get rid of those three people at this time, it seems that the solution will be solved." You are in trouble, but the others are not stupid, they all know the reason, so they will inevitably talk about it, and it will still be you whose reputation will be damaged by then!"

Duke Dolgoruky was very unconvinced and said: "I will do it perfectly..."

Pobedonostsev snorted: "No matter how perfect it is, no evidence is needed for suspicion! You are making fun of His Majesty's reputation by doing this!"

Duke Dolgoruky was still not convinced, but Alexander II interrupted him before he could open his mouth...

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