Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1131 Change of Heaven

"The Jedi counterattacked and the Ministry of Magic was victorious."

"Scrimgeour—fight fire with fire."

"The Ministry of Magic's temporary policy adjustment during the war - no tolerance for dark wizards."

"Albert Anderson - the youngest prophecy master in history."

"Who is behind the bloody wedding?"

"Veritaserum will be used in the interrogation of prisoners."

"The most ruthless Minister of Magic ever."

"Another Dumbledore, the wizard who is feared by He Who Must Not Be Named."

On that day, the news that Scrimgeour led the Aurors to defeat the Death Eaters spread quickly through major newspapers, and the entire wizarding world was in an uproar. Fudge, who was helping Scrimgeour handle the election, was even more shocked.

Fudge suddenly understood why Scrimgeour was stalling for time. It turned out to be just for this. Taking the position of Minister of Magic with the power of defeating the Death Eaters would save him a lot of trouble.

All of this was Scrimgeour's plan. The guy had already discussed it with Anderson and used the other party's wedding to set up a trap to lure the Death Eaters into taking the bait.

Thinking about it, the guests attending the wedding were all Aurors pretending to be Aurors. It was no wonder that the Death Eaters fell into trouble.

Eight were killed and three were captured alive.

Fudge also heard that the three Death Eaters survived because Scrimgeour planned to fine them.

To be honest, Fudge was completely stunned when he heard the news and fined the Death Eaters heavily.

Are you sure the fine is not extortion?

Fudge never thought that he would one day blackmail Death Eaters.

The reason why Fudge knew this bombshell news was that Scrimgeour hoped that he could convince the three unlucky guys to pay. Because the three Death Eaters are all his old friends: Malfoy, Crabbe and Carlo.

In Scrimgeour's words, the Ministry of Magic is in urgent need of money to purchase dark magic defense items for all Ministry of Magic employees.

Since the Death Eaters caused this chaos, they should pay for it.

This bandit's logical statement simply confused Fudge.

Defense against the dark arts?

Fudge learned from Percy a while ago that it was said that the products were sold in a store opened by Albert and three friends, and the response from the Aurors was very good.

This... wait, Fudge suddenly understood.

This was obviously a cooperation between the two parties. He originally thought that the relationship between Auror and Anderson was not good, but now it seems that is not the case.

Scrimgeour is obviously colluding with Anderson, and Scrimgeour is very good at this. He directly secured the position of Minister of Magic and also attracted a reliable ally. It is said that Scrimgeour is also wooing Dumbledore and Phoenix. Society, and also planned to let Kingsley and Arthur persuade Harry Potter to give him a platform and support his course of action against Death Eaters and dark wizards.

As for using veritaserum to torture prisoners, Fudge didn't think it was a big deal at all.

The problem is that Scrimgeour seems to be planning to kill a group of extremely vicious dark wizards.

If both Harry Potter and Dumbledore could support him, after a wave of interrogations with veritaserum, it is hard to imagine how many of the captured dark wizards would survive in the end.

Fudge heard that Scrimgeour had hidden his family, and he was the only one left at home, and he was ready to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters head-on.

So cruel.

Moreover, he is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to himself.

However, Scrimgeour might really be able to change the bad situation in the wizarding world.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."


As soon as Percy opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Fudge.

"Weasley, I have recommended you to Scrimgeour. He is very satisfied with your abilities." Fudge said to Percy, "Next, you have a task, which is to work with Kingsley and Arthur. Weasley goes to find Harry Potter."

"Looking for Harry Potter?"

Percy was in a daze. He was not surprised that he became the assistant to the new minister, because Albert had already made a prediction for him.

Percy knew his next task very well, which was to become the bridge of communication between Scrimgeour and Albert.

Sometimes, Percy felt it was incredible. He never expected that Scrimgeour would cooperate with Albert. The two parties had been very unhappy before, but Scrimgeour was actually willing to put down his position, which surprised him.

However, seeing this wave of magical operations, he suddenly understood why.

"Yes, Scrimgeour hopes that Harry Potter can support his subsequent policy against Death Eaters and dark wizards." Fudge handed a piece of parchment to Percy, "This is the process. Harry Potter only needs to reveal Next time, just say a word."

"I very much agree that the Ministry of Magic takes tough measures to deal with dark wizards. You must not be merciful or merciful when facing these evil guys, because that is irresponsible for yourself, your family, and everyone's lives." Percy read softly. Even he felt that the words on the parchment made sense.

Is this asking Harry Potter to support the Ministry of Magic in directly killing those evil dark wizards?

Percy was aware of Scrimgeour's policies after he took office.

Scrimgeour obviously planned to let the Savior and Dumbledore endorse together to share the pressure on him.

Otherwise, if you kill a large number of people, what will other people think?

It's so cruel, and it's also scary.

But without doing this, it would be really difficult to suppress the arrogance of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Percy felt that it was probably the mysterious man and the Death Eaters who came to cause trouble at the wedding, which completely annoyed Albert, so he said something to Scrimgeour.

"What should we do with the reporters?" Percy suddenly asked.

"Let the reporters come back to interview the new minister tomorrow." Fudge said impatiently, he still had things to do.

After a while, Fudge went to the courtroom alone, where ten Aurors were guarding three Death Eaters. The three of them looked a little dazed, as if they had just been force-fed veritaserum. Scrimgeour's assistant He was writing something on the parchment. When they saw Fudge coming in, everyone nodded slightly towards him.

"How's it going?" Fudge asked.

"The charges have been clearly explained."

The assistant said as he handed several pieces of parchment and notes to Fudge, and then followed the Auror to temporarily leave the courtroom, leaving room for them to communicate.

Fudge looked at the incriminating evidence on the parchment and then at the content on the note. His heart trembled for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and looked at a few old acquaintances who were locked in iron cages.

After a long silence, Fudge suddenly said: "Scrimgeour asked me to convince you."

Lucius was silent for a moment and then asked, "Convince us?"

"He asked me to ask you, do you want to die or go to Azkaban prison alive?" Fudge glanced at the content on the note and continued: "Actually, you are very lucky. At least you still have a chance to choose. There are eight A Death Eater was shot dead on the spot."

"What do we need to pay?" Lucius Malfoy tried to calm himself down.

"Gallons." Fudge turned over the parchment in his hand and introduced calmly: "Pay a fine according to your crime. Mr. Malfoy needs to pay fifty thousand, Mr. Crabbe thirty thousand, and Mr. Carrow twenty thousand. "

"This is naked robbery," Crabbe roared angrily.

"Actually, I feel the same way." Fudge showed a helpless expression and shrugged at the three of them. "But this was Scrimgeour's intention. Several Aurors died in the battle. He was very angry and didn't let you directly. Death in battle is because you are a pure-blood wizard and the crime is not serious. Fudge put away the parchment and reminded: "Don't look at me like that. I'm actually just a messenger. You only have five." minutes to consider. "

"What if we disagree?" Lucius Malfoy asked.

"The Aurors outside will come in and help you die." Fudge took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said: "This is not a threat. Scrimgeour actually wants to kill you all. By the way, he asked me to pass a message to you. Only by living can there be hope.”

"No need to think about it, I promise to pay the fine." Lucius Malfoy said before Fudge left, "Will we be sentenced to life imprisonment?"


"This new minister is really extraordinary!" Lucius said with emotion.

"You..." Crabbe turned to glare at Malfoy.

"Promise, there is hope only if you survive." Malfoy did not look at the two colleagues around him, but directly asked Fudge, "What should we do next?"

"Write a letter home and ask them to pay the fine." Fudge was very satisfied that Malfoy knew the current affairs. At least the task given to him by Scrimgeour was successfully completed.

After convincing the three of them, Fudge called the Aurors outside. The Aurors would temporarily detain the person in the Ministry of Magic, waiting for trial in two days.

Meanwhile, if the Ministry of Magic fails to get the money, the three of them will not even be qualified to be tried.

After completing his mission, Fudge went directly to Scrimgeour's office.

Although Scrimgeour has been elected as the new minister by an overwhelming vote, the appointment will not take place until tomorrow morning, so Scrimgeour does not use the minister's office.

"How's it going?" Scrimgeour asked.

"They have agreed to accept the fine." Fudge nodded.


Piers Thicknesse looked at Scrimgeour with confusion. He was Scrimgeour's next appointed Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"Give those three lucky people a chance to live." Scrimgeour explained calmly: "You know, the employees in the Ministry of Magic are uneasy about the current situation. We need to give them some protection, and this requires a period of time. Pen galleons to achieve.”

"Guarantee? What guarantee?"

"The Dark Arts defense items used by Aurors are very effective, and our employees also need some. This requires a large amount of Galleons, and they happen to be very rich, so I gave them the opportunity to buy life imprisonment with Galleons. "

Thicknesse's face twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything more.

Who told Scrimgeour to blackmail Death Eaters?

Moreover, he is also planning to use the blackmailed Galleons to benefit the employees of the Ministry of Magic. Although this kind of thing is unprecedented, this is a time of war and the enemy does not deserve sympathy.

"You have two tasks now." Scrimgeour said coldly. "Seize the time to use Veritaserum to interrogate the group of captured dark wizards to determine whether they are controlled by the Imperius Curse."

Thicknesse could clearly feel the killing intent emanating from the new minister, and he asked bravely: "What if he is controlled by the Imperius Curse?"

"Wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse will spend a long period of time in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies. We will set up a prison there to hold these patients controlled by the Imperius Curse until They will be released only after they have fully recovered." Scrimgeour said without hesitation: "Don't worry about using truth serum. At least we will give them a chance to reduce the number of innocent wizards."

"In addition, you need to reduce the number of dark wizards as much as possible. Those who commit heinous crimes must be sentenced to death instead of being imprisoned in Azkaban Prison." Scrimgeour reminded again, "It's best to pull them out and kill them on the spot. Don't leave them alone." Take any chance.”

"But, will this..."

"Too cruel? No, if anyone has any objections, we can arrange for them to have a good chat with the families who were killed by dark wizards." Scrimgeour looked into Thicknesse's eyes and said, "Remember, forgive them never It’s not our job, we are only responsible for sending them to see those who were innocently killed by them, do you understand?”

"Understood?" Thicknesse couldn't help but swallowed.

"Well, the most important thing is that our prison is not safe. There have been several prison breakouts in Azkaban." Scrimgeour said without hesitation, "So, it is necessary for us to reduce the number of dark wizards. , lest someone rob the prison and release them to harm other people.”

"Where are the Death Eaters?" Thicknesse couldn't help but ask.

"Those Death Eaters are useless. I think even if they escape, they will not end up well. The mysterious man is not a kind guy." Scrimgeour sneered, "And if they escape from prison again, I will order Let the Aurors kill him next time we encounter him."

Piers Thicknesse nodded stiffly in agreement.

"By the way, there's something else you need to pay attention to." Scrimgeour said suddenly.

"What's up?"

"Your safety concerns."

"My safety concerns?"

"Yes, if the mysterious person wants to dismantle the Ministry of Magic, he must murder or control the senior officials within the Ministry of Magic. We need to make sure that the senior officials are not controlled by the Imperius Curse." Scrimgeour continued: "Next, we need to introduce a war strategy Time law."

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

Arthur Weasley opened the door and walked in, looking at the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic in the office in surprise.

"Arthur, you will be transferred to serve as the director of the Office of Reconnaissance and Collection of Counterfeit Defense Spells and Protective Equipment. This appointment will officially take effect tomorrow." Scrimgeour said straight to the point: "In recent times, the mysterious man has confused everyone. People are panicking. There are people everywhere in Diagon Alley making some weird things and selling them for money. I don’t want to see those things. Also, the Ministry of Magic will order a batch of defense against the dark arts items. I need you to communicate with the store. , get a good internal price for the Ministry of Magic, and cooperate with Auror to check the finished product. Of course, we will order it in large quantities, and it would be better if they can develop something specifically for our needs.”

Arthur Weasley was a little confused. After receiving the transfer document handed over by Scrimgeour, he was stunned.

Because the dark magic defense items were actually manufactured by Fred and George's shop.

"Next, you still have an urgent task. Go with Kingsley and Assistant Minister Weasley to find Harry Potter and persuade him to support the Ministry of Magic's subsequent policy against Death Eaters and Dark Wizards. Dumbledore's side I will discuss it with him personally."


Actually, I originally wanted to write about a wedding, and thought I could finish it in two days, but I felt that it was not good enough, so I deleted it and rewrote this one. I always felt that I would be criticized if I took time off all the time.

Scrimgeour was completely tricked by Fudge. He was actually not suitable to be a minister and could not change the situation at that time.

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