Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1132 July 13th

"How about it?"

"Very handsome."

Daisy looked at Albert, who was wearing a black dress, and showed a happy smile.

"That's good." Albert picked up the wand and pocket watch on the table, opened them and glanced at the time, then walked out and asked, "By the way, how are the girls preparing? "

"Be patient, girls always take a long time to put on makeup." Daisy said mysteriously: "Isobel definitely hopes that she can marry you when she is most beautiful."

"Then I'll pick up Mr. and Mrs. Flamel first." Albert nodded to express his understanding. It is normal for women to like to be beautiful, especially when it comes to marriage. This is why Albert is willing to spend time and energy to organize this event. The reason for the wedding.

"No, Mr. and Mrs. Flamel are already here, and Mr. Serra is receiving them." Mog came over and said to Albert with a smile: "Go over and say hello to them first. Mr. Flamel seems to have brought you some What is it, I plan to hand it over to you."

Albert was a little surprised, but he still followed Mog towards the big tent that was set up.

After walking a certain distance, Mog suddenly asked: "You should know about the things in Britain!"

"Yeah, I know." Albert nodded and said, "I was there too."

"You shouldn't take risks." Mog frowned.

"If I want to live a peaceful life, I have to give them a little warning." Albert said lightly, "Also, I don't want to be disturbed when I get married."

"It's very safe here, but we still can't let down our guard." Mogg actually agreed with Albert's point of view, and asked: "How are the arrangements in the UK?"

"Old friends over in the UK, Tiberus will inform them to meet up at Hogwarts, and then Dumbledore will bring them over." Albert has already made arrangements and is not worried about any trouble. .

Mog naturally knew about Albert's arrangement, but he was still a little worried that something might happen.

After all, there are a lot of guests in the UK. Once there are a lot of people, it will be difficult to hide their whereabouts. God knows whether the mysterious person will be attracted here.

After the mysterious man suffered a loss, he obviously would not let it go.

"Don't worry, I made a box with a large capacity, enough to accommodate the guests from the UK. I think even if someone is following him, Dumbledore will be able to easily get rid of the pursuer alone." Albert added Don't worry about the problems in the UK. Fred, George and Lee Jordan will also take the Felixir to ensure that the whole process goes smoothly. This is why Albert prepared the Felixir in advance.

"As for the guests from other countries, I have asked the house elf Dobby to help receive them. Before that, I will use the elixir on the house elves. I think there will be no big problem." Albert sided The leader asked Mog, "How are you preparing over there?"

"Everything is ready." Mog sighed softly, "You can always arrange things in an orderly manner. In fact, you are very suitable to be a leader."

Albert asked Dumbledore to borrow the house elves from Hogwarts in advance to carry out a general cleaning of the manor. Even the food that the Aurors enjoyed yesterday was prepared by the house elves in advance.

At this moment, the house elves have helped set up the wedding venue and are busy in the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming wedding banquet.

If they were to arrange it, it wouldn't be impossible, but it would be more troublesome.

"Forget it, I'm lazy and don't like to meddle in other people's business."

After entering the large tent, Albert saw three people chatting in the corner at a glance, and quickly walked over to say hello to the Flamel couple and Sera.

The two old men wore very formal silk robes and greeted Albert with smiles. On the contrary, Serra, the elderly man, was a little restrained.

Nico smiled and said, "We have a gift for you."

"Open it and take a look."

Perenal handed Albert an exquisite wooden box.

"This is……"

After Albert opened it, he found that there were two rings inside. It was obviously made by Nico specially for them. They were very simple in appearance and had no other decorations except some mysterious lines. But Albert saw magic on the rings. Traces seem to have some magical effect.

Nico said mysteriously: "We cast a love spell on it."

"That is an extremely magical magic, and it is precisely because of it that our feelings have not faded after a long time." Perenal winked at Albert.

"It looks amazing."

Sierra looked away from the ring and asked, "Are you ready over there?"

"No problem, everything is going according to plan, and we will take the Felixir." Albert smiled and asked: "Do you want some?"

"Forget it. Things like the elixir of blessing are very rare. You should keep it for yourself!" Sera waved her hand and refused.

"Today, you are the protagonist, you don't need to accompany us specially."

"Then I'll go see how the girls are preparing." Albert took the ring and walked away.

"They are all excellent, let me see us in the past." Nico murmured.

"I think they will live happily," Perenal whispered softly.

"What a great heir," Serra said with a smile.

When Albert went to the girls' room, he was stopped by Nia.

"You should be patient." Nia, wearing a nightgown, was blocking the door and said with a smile, "You will be surprised when you see it later."

"Okay, then why don't you dress up?"

"It's still early, and Katrina is also dressing up. It will be my turn after she is dressed up." Nia raised her hand and poked Albert's chest, reminding her again: "You should wait patiently now."

Albert reached out and rubbed Nia's hair and said: "I have to remind you that it is already eight o'clock, and you are still wearing pajamas."

"Hate, don't mess up my hair." Nia pushed Albert's hand away and complained: "You should go about your own business now."

"Okay!" Albert walked away helplessly.

Katrina, who had already changed into a white bridesmaid dress, walked out of the room, looked at Albert's leaving figure, and asked in confusion: "Why didn't you let him in?"

"We should let Albert wait patiently first. Let him see it now. It is too cheap for him." Nia turned to look at Katrina's dress and asked curiously, "Is mine the same?"

"The styles are similar, but not the same."

"I hate this stuff."

With the help of Mrs. Weasley, Fred adjusted his dress in front of the full-length mirror and complained: "When I get married, I will never engage in these annoying tricks."

"Okay, when the time comes, you can wear whatever you like, even if you're bare-bottomed, that's your business." Mrs. Weasley helped Fred adjust his tie, then reached out to pat away the wrinkles on his shoulders and reminded, "But , you better hurry up, I think you don’t want to be late for Albert’s wedding! Besides, didn’t you say you have important tasks today?”

"There is still plenty of time, there is still half an hour before the scheduled time." George walked in with the communication bookmark and said: "Lee Jordan asked us when we will set off. He has already contacted other people."

"Gather at Hogwarts in ten minutes." Fred picked up the planned flow chart. They only need to follow the steps above and they will not make mistakes. They don't need to worry about running into any big trouble, Albert. Things are always arranged in an orderly manner, and they also have the dual guarantees of Felixir and Dumbledore, so they don't have to worry about anything going wrong.

"Bill going?" George turned his head and asked Mrs. Weasley.

"He's going with Fleur." Mrs. Weasley nodded and said, "It's ready and waiting for you."

"Then let's go first!" When Fred and George went downstairs, they saw Bill and Fleur talking. Ron, who was having breakfast, had a complicated face, and Ginny was a little envious.

"Remember to ask about the Ministry of Magic order and give me an answer." Mr. Weasley, who was eating, suddenly raised his head and said.

To be honest, this matter troubled him.

After all, one side is his job, and the other side is his son. Fortunately, Albert has the decision-making power on this matter, otherwise he doesn't know how long he would have to struggle with it.

"I will remember to ask." George reminded, "But Dad, you probably can't count on 30% off."

"lets go!"

The four of them held hands and apparated towards the main entrance of Hogwarts.

The school door opened directly, and a tent was set up a hundred meters away from the door. A group of people gathered there, wondering what they were talking about.

The four of them walked that way. After seeing Angelina, Fred asked with a smile, "Is everyone here?"

"Not yet." Angelina looked Fred up and down and said with a smile, "You look very handsome in this dress."

The girls next to me kept giggling.

"You are also very beautiful. You must dance with me later." Fred asked with a smile, "By the way, when will we get married?"

"You have a beautiful thought." Angelina's face immediately turned red, and others around her started to make noises.

"We can wait for a year or two. Bill will get married next year. Well, we can consider getting engaged first." Fred said seriously, "You can think about it first and don't rush to reply."

"This should be considered a proposal, right?" Aaliyah touched her friend with her shoulder and giggled.

"What were you talking about just now?" George changed the topic to avoid Angelina being too embarrassed.

"What happened yesterday." Digory continued, "Did Albert guess it, so..."

Yesterday, the Death Eaters' attack on the wedding venue obviously shocked everyone.

However, everyone was more curious that Albert actually teamed up with the Ministry of Magic to beat up those guys, which undoubtedly made them very relieved.

"By the way Digory, when will you and Qiu get married?" Fred suddenly asked.

"Well..." Digory's cheeks turned red and he stammered, "It's too early to get married now."

"It's getting late, don't you think Albert is getting married soon." Fred said with a smile, "Maybe you can consider getting engaged first. Well, you can ask me to be the best man then."

"Let's talk about it then. Which of you will be Albert's best man?" Digory noticed the way Qiu looked at him, and quickly reached out to grab Qiu's hand, and began to think about the engagement.

"Two of you together?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll guess the game when the time comes, or I'll give you this important task." Fred changed the subject and asked, "How many more are there yet?"

"It should be almost there, only half an hour left."

"Have you seen Dumbledore?" George looked around but did not see Dumbledore. "I think we should discuss it with him. Albert said Dumbledore will take us to France."

"Are you going abroad?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Yes, it's not safe to stay in the UK. You should have read yesterday's newspaper."

"But how do we get to France, using the portkey?"

"I don't think so." George pointed at the old people over there and said, "They are not suitable for such trouble. Maybe they can use boxes to transfer, which may be more convenient and less likely to be noticed."

"Anyway, let's take a roll first and make sure how many people are here. I'll ask Professor McGonagall to see what's going on with Dumbledore."

When Lee Jordan went to count the people, Fred ran to Hagrid to borrow the water basin, and George quickly greeted Professor McGonagall who was walking this way.

"Professor, do you know where Professor Dumbledore went?" George asked straight to the point.

"I don't know, what's wrong?" Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully.

"Albert told us that Dumbledore would take us to the wedding venue." George explained, "That's why everyone gathered at Hogwarts."

"If Anderson has given instructions, Dumbledore should be here soon. I think he may have gone to the Ministry of Magic first." Professor McGonagall looked around and found that there were quite a few invited guests, including many from the past. colleague.

"Long time no see Minerva." Slughorn greeted Professor McGonagall with a smile, "Where is Dumbledore?"

"Oh, old man, I didn't expect you to be willing to attend the wedding." Dumbledore and a group of elderly people came over here.

"He said the wedding was safe." Slughorn gave Dumbledore a hug. "To be honest, I was frightened by yesterday's newspaper and hesitated for a long time this morning."

"Don't worry, it's safe over there. I heard that they used the Fidelity Charm on the manor to ensure that no one else can break in except the invited people." Dumbledore put down the suitcase in his hand and turned to ask George , "Is everyone here?"

"Lee Jordan is doing a head count," George explained. "I'm going to go find him to confirm this."

"There are still a few people who haven't come yet."

After a while, Lee Jordan came to Dumbledore with a note, "This is the invitation list from the UK."

"I think they are probably not in the UK. Let everyone else come over. It's time for us to set off." After Dumbledore opened the box, he opened a downward door.

"Professor, before that, we need to ask everyone to wash their faces. It can help us determine whether someone is taking the compound potion to disguise themselves or is controlled by the Imperius Curse."

Fred conjured a wooden chair and placed a basin on it, while George took out a bottle of golden potion and sprinkled it into the water.

"What potion is this?" Slughorn asked curiously.

"I don't know. Albert said that this potion can wash away most of the magic spells and magical disguises. Even if you are hit by the Imperius Curse, you will have abnormal reactions." George reached out to stir the basin and took the lead in grabbing the water and rubbing it. own cheeks.

"What an amazing invention." Slughorn sighed softly: "If this potion can lift the Imperius Curse."

"I don't know. I'm afraid you have to ask Albert."

"Okay, everyone, come here. After washing your face, go inside. I will take you to France." Dumbledore pointed to the stairs going down and explained.

To be honest, being called by Albert to help made him feel helpless. Fortunately, Albert also promised to tell him some useful news in return.

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