Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1213 White Demon King

Finally fooled over!

When Snape left No. 12 Grimmauld Place, his face did not change much, but his heart was very uneasy.

He never expected that Anderson would actually predict that he would kill Dumbledore.

No wonder that guy doesn't like me so much!

So, Dumbledore should have known this for a long time.

Snape felt that it was necessary for him to talk to Dumbledore about this matter, lest he lose his life due to this one day.

This is no joke. If he hadn't been smart enough to move Dumbledore out just now, he might not have been able to leave No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Snape was not stupid enough to think that Sirius was the only one who wanted to attack him with his wand. Kingsley, Mad-Eye and even other members of the Order of the Phoenix were also very wary of him.

As a Death Eater, he was destined to be unable to integrate into the Order of the Phoenix.

Although Snape never cared about such things, he was still surprised that the people of the Order of the Phoenix believed in Albert's prophecy so much.

If killing himself could reverse the prophecy and save Dumbledore, Snape believed that those people would definitely kill him without mercy.

They didn't do that now, they must have gone to Dumbledore for confirmation.

He very much suspected that Anderson wanted to take the opportunity to kill him. For such a smart and cunning guy, this was obviously not a difficult task.

That's a dangerous guy.

If Black had just taken out a prophecy ball, he might have had to tell her where it was on the spot.

Snape knew he had to talk to Dumbledore.

That night, Snape did not attend the meeting held by the Dark Lord, but returned to Hogwarts urgently to contact Dumbledore and tell the old man about the incident.

"Oh, you said this." After listening to Snape's words, Dumbledore nodded to show that he did know, and comforted him, "I have already discussed it with Mr. Anderson, and he will not do anything to you. So you can rest assured.”

"Don't worry?" Snape couldn't help but raise his voice, "If I hadn't been smart enough, maybe I would have died at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters just now."

Voldemort always wanted to kill Albert, not without reason. Such a cheating guy with brains, strength, and ability to predict was really terrifying.

Thinking about the fate of the unfortunate Lucius and Bellatrix, Snape found it incredible that they were still alive.

"That guy knew your plan from the beginning and knew you were going to die?" Snape suddenly asked, "He knew I would kill you."

"Yes, Mr. Anderson did predict it. Maybe he didn't know everything at the beginning, but he should have figured out the specific situation now." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Have you told him everything?"

"No, Mr. Anderson knows a lot of it himself."

"This is impossible."

"No, that's true. He is very smart, smarter than most people." Dumbledore sighed softly, "I have to say that we are actually very lucky. Mr. Anderson is a guarantee, a guarantee that can make people feel at ease."


"If Harry fails, someone has to help clean up the mess."

"You..." Snape couldn't help but widen his eyes, and after a moment he asked, "Then why don't you..."

"Why not let him help?" Dumbledore finished for Snape.

"Yes, if that guy is really as powerful as you say." Snape couldn't understand what Dumbledore was thinking.

"He hates trouble."

"I don't think so. That guy is not what you think." Snape sneered. "Perhaps, within a few years, he will completely replace you, and everyone will believe in his words. You know he is like this Even your loyal supporters and members of the Order of the Phoenix trust his words."

"I have to admit that Mr. Anderson's predictions are very accurate." Dumbledore shook his head. "Honestly, he is the most powerful prophecy master I have ever seen."

"You trust him."

"He's trustworthy."

"But he is using this to control the Ministry of Magic and make Scrimgeour act according to his wishes. You should have also noticed that he is inciting the Ministry of Magic to carry out a bloody massacre of those dark wizards." Snape said coldly, "He is purging Remnant, take this opportunity to start a war against the purebloods.”

"This is a very serious accusation! Severus." Dumbledore looked solemn.

"You should know very well that that is an insidious guy. He has already begun to form his own small group. I believe that after this Wizarding War is over, he will gain unprecedented popularity, and people will be willing to follow him and ignore him. He kicked aside all the remnants of the old era and re-established a new order. The Dark Lord is even worse than Anderson in this regard. People may then call him: the White Devil. "

"You're afraid of him," Dumbledore said suddenly.

"He wants to kill me. If he provides Sirius with any more useful evidence, I may not be able to walk out of 12 Grimmauld Place intact just now." Snape sneered.

"Mr. Anderson will not do anything to you." Dumbledore comforted, "Otherwise, you would have died long ago, and his credibility is worthy of trust."

"He knows about you, at least most of it."

He looked at the expressionless Snape and continued, "Of course, I don't deny that Mr. Anderson doesn't like you very much. Maybe this has something to do with your attitude towards Gryffindor students."

"You think this is my problem?" Snape was quite annoyed.

"I see no point in wasting time arguing about these matters," Dumbledore interrupted, trying to save Snape's face.

After all, Snape is the only professor in the entire school who has a bad relationship with Albert. Even Filch, who hates students the most, doesn't have a bad relationship with Albert, which speaks volumes.

Snape opened his mouth, not bothering to argue with Dumbledore.

"You'd better make sure that guy doesn't come out to cause trouble, otherwise your plan may be ruined."

At this moment, in Snape's eyes, Albert was definitely a dangerous person on Voldemort's level. The conversation with Dumbledore just now made him realize how terrifying Albert was, and even Dumbledore was on his side.

"Don't worry, we made an agreement."

"I have to go. The Dark Lord is calling me. There is a party over there with the Death Eaters tonight. Damn it... I must be late." Snape felt the burning sensation on his left arm and knew he should go. .

Shortly after Snape left, Kingsley, Moody and Professor McGonagall appeared in Dumbledore's office through the fireplace.

Several people directly mentioned Albert's prophecy to Dumbledore.

"I know everyone will be suspicious of Severus because of his former status as a Death Eater, but..." Dumbledore didn't want any surprises to happen before the plan was implemented.

"You trust others too easily." Moody shook his head. "You should know very well that Anderson's predictions are almost correct, and you are risking your own life."

"Last time, when I returned to Hogwarts injured, Severus was responsible for treating me. If he really wanted to kill me, he should have done it by then. That was definitely his best chance. But I am still alive now." Dumbledore raised his charred palm and said to everyone, "I know Severus very well, and I can tell you clearly that his repentance comes from the bottom of his heart...Okay, I don’t want to hear you say bad things about him. As for the prophecy issue, I will take the time to talk to Mr. Anderson and find out the specific situation!”

I was called to a wedding tonight. Sweat, luckily I wrote some yesterday.

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