Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1214 Double Agent (2)

After leaving Dumbledore, Snape rushed to the gathering place of the Death Eaters to attend the next meeting.

No doubt he was late.

Before pushing the door and walking into the hall, Snape took a deep breath, readjusted his mentality, then reached out and gently pushed open the wooden door of the hall, and walked into the hall under the gazes of countless Death Eaters.

"Severus, you're late."

"I'm sorry, Master, something uncontrollable happened." Snape looked directly at Voldemort who was sitting on the main seat with an expressionless face, "There was a problem with the matter we discussed."

"Okay, take a seat." Voldemort said hoarsely: "We will discuss other matters after the meeting is over."

Most of the Death Eaters at the table followed Snape with their eyes, obviously curious about what Snape's so-called plan was.

At this moment, Bellatrix's eyes were fixed on Snape. She was one of the few people present who knew the truth.

"Yaxley, you can continue."

Voldemort looked away from Snape.

"...The protection plan is still quite secretive within the Ministry of Magic. It is said that it was prepared by Scrimgeour to protect employees within the Ministry of Magic. The purpose is to protect them from our threats. The specific content is not yet clear, but Scrimgeour Jay believes that as long as we complete this plan, we will never be able to completely control the Ministry of Magic." When Yaxley talked about this matter, his face was also very ugly. He had been trying to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic for a long time. Still nothing to be proud of.

The Ministry of Magic's protection was extremely tight and did not give him any opportunity to take advantage of it.

There was a burst of whispers in the conference room again. Everyone knew that the infiltration of the Ministry of Magic was undoubtedly a very important round in the next plan to control the Ministry of Magic. Only by controlling the Ministry of Magic would those annoying guys not become their trouble.

"Tell me about your next plan."

Voldemort felt inexplicably irritated. He found that various problems kept appearing in his original plan. His power did not achieve satisfactory results to Voldemort after his comeback. Instead, he lost many Death Eaters during the period, and the people who hindered him all came from three people: Albert Anderson and Rufus Sk. Lin Jie, and Albus Dumbledore.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm afraid the original plan has to be put on hold for the time being. Scrimgeour is very cautious. According to the information I got from the Ministry of Magic, he not only stays at the Ministry of Magic every day, but also hides in a safe house cast with the Fidelity Charm. , even if you go out, there will be a large group of Aurors accompanying you." Yaxley lowered his head in shame.

Everyone actually knows that this is not Yaxley's problem, because he can't find any opportunities at all.

"I also got an inside message that Scrimgeour asked Albert Anderson to be his special adviser. Although this has not been confirmed, it is extremely likely." Yaxley said angrily, "That mudbag They are trying to suppress us through the Ministry of Magic."

"Every few days, the Ministry of Magic will check the internal executives to ensure that they are not controlled by the Imperius Curse. It is said that this was the advice given to Scrimgeour by the Mudblood." Yaxley was quite impressed by this. Helpless, it's not that he doesn't want to control the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, but it's simply that he can't do it. Even if he succeeds, he will probably be discovered, which will not be worth the gain.

"It's that mudblood again!"

There was a burst of whispers in the hall, and everyone present gritted their teeth and hated the mudblood. However, the Death Eaters, who were known as the most ferocious and vicious, were unable to do anything about it.

If the other party was an ordinary wizard, the Death Eaters would have probably rushed up and used black magic to torture him to death.

It's a pity that it is a hard bone. If you are not careful, your thigh may be broken and your skull may be cracked.

"I have to admit that we all underestimated that Mudblood!" Voldemort said calmly, "Now that he has completely become our enemy, I think it is necessary to completely eliminate that Mudblood."

"As far as I know, he recently formed an organization called the Defense Society. The current known members are Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Cedric Diggory." Yaxley Reporting the intelligence he collected to everyone, "The other members are currently unknown, but there should be a lot of them. The mudblood has a strong appeal, and it is said that the predecessor of this organization was formed by Harry Potter at Hogwarts. There are still many students joining Dumbledore's Army."

"Yes, Master, this is indeed the case."

After noticing the looks cast by others, Snape said expressionlessly: "I don't think those things are enough to pose a threat. The real trouble is Albert Anderson himself, just like the Order of the Phoenix actually relies on Dun Blido supports it. The guy can predict what will happen in the future as often as he wants, and very few things can really be hidden from him.”

"Of course, I think the real obstacle to us is still Dumbledore. It is because of his existence that others have the confidence to fight against us. I think after Dumbledore dies, even if Albert Anderson continues to jump around, It won’t make any waves, and taking control of the Ministry of Magic is only a matter of time..."

Tonight's meeting did not satisfy everyone. They all realized the seriousness of the situation. Many of the original plans failed to achieve the original goals and were forced to make changes. This made many people less optimistic about the future of the Death Eaters.

Fortunately, Snape revealed the news that Dumbledore was about to die at the meeting, which gave everyone some new hope for the future.

After the meeting, Snape was left alone by the Dark Lord.

"what happened?"

"Albert Anderson predicted that I would kill Dumbledore." Snape calmly looked into the Dark Lord's sharp eyes and explained hoarsely: "The members of the Order of the Phoenix believe his prediction, and I I almost didn’t make it here alive.”

"Have you been exposed?"

Voldemort's face instantly darkened. Once Snape was exposed, the plan to murder Dumbledore would probably be completely ruined.

"They have no evidence. Dumbledore may be suspicious, but he does not believe all those prophecies. Of course, he must be on guard, and..." Snape lowered his head, showing that he wanted to give up the assassination and return to Voldemort. meaning around.

"So you're giving up."

Voldemort looked at Snape expressionlessly. The intention of running away in advance was too obvious in his words.

It's no wonder that Snape wants to give up. Whoever allows his opponent to predict the future has a low probability of success, and may even lose his own life. Running away in advance is undoubtedly the wisest thing to do.

"Of course, if the master thinks it is necessary, I am willing to continue, but I still feel that if we wait a few more years, Dumbledore will not have a few more years to live, and there is no need for us to take risks."

"You know very well, don't you? Severus." Voldemort stood up from his chair, walked to Snape and said, "Only by getting rid of Dumbledore, all problems will be solved. This is why you stay here." The meaning of Hogwarts Undercover, don’t let me down.”

"As you wish, Master." Snape pursed his lips, somewhat reluctantly, but gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what the cost, I will successfully complete the mission."

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