Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1219 Something big happened

"It seems that I'm pretty lucky and didn't die in the hands of those scum!"

After Truman opened his eyes and regained consciousness, he stretched out his hands to cover his painful head. He turned his head and saw Cedric sitting next to him, flipping through the "Self-Defense Guide". He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his life was saved.

"Albert thought you might be in danger, so he asked us to fish you out." Cedric put down the book and asked Truman with a smile: "How do you feel now?"

"No, the Cruciatus Curse tastes bad." Truman looked around the environment and asked curiously: "Where is here?"

"The temporary medical room of the Defense Association." Cedric said without thinking.

"What happened to those scumbags?" Truman turned over and tried to sit up from the bed, but he grinned in pain all over his body.

"We have been arrested by the Ministry of Magic. It is hard to say whether he will be sentenced to death. Anyway, you will definitely spend a lifetime in prison for using the Unforgivable Curse." Cedric picked up the knife on the table and peeled the apple, then cut it into pieces. Cut into small pieces and put on the plate. He picked up a piece, put it in his mouth and took a bite, then pushed the plate in front of Truman and asked, "What are your plans next? Anyway, I suggest you evaporate first."


Truman understood what Cedric meant.

This is indeed the best choice.

After all, he was already being targeted by Death Eaters. If he didn't hide now, the Death Eaters would probably come again, and he might not be so lucky next time.

"What about you? What are your plans for the future?" Truman asked.

A while ago, Cedric gave up his promising job in the Ministry of Magic and went into hiding because of his relationship with the Death Eaters.

"Albert said that after the wizarding war is over, I can continue to work in the Ministry of Magic. The minister then should be...Kingsley of the Order of the Phoenix. With this relationship, it will be easy for me to continue to be promoted in the future. A lot." Cedric picked up another piece of apple and continued: "You can also consider returning to the Ministry of Magic to continue serving."

"Forget it, Muggle wizards have great resistance, and it is probably difficult to get a good position." Truman shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Albert seems to be planning to build a large greenhouse. I will help him take care of the plants in the greenhouse. Bar!"

"Oh, I know about this. Albert also asked me to find Professor Sprout as a consultant." Cedric took out a simple map from his robe pocket, which showed the rough plan of the village.

"He can always arrange everything clearly, but he just doesn't know when this damn war will end!" Truman took the map and looked at it, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It should be in the last two years. The Second Wizarding War will be over soon anyway. We need to be patient." Cedric believed in Albert's prediction.

"I'm actually more curious, why do those scum want to arrest me, just because I am Albert's friend, just because I attended that wedding?" Truman grinned in pain, and the pain caused by the Cruciatus Curse still stayed on his body.

"Because the mysterious man is anxious, or the Death Eaters are anxious, so in order to win the final victory, they use such dirty tricks at all costs!"

Kenneth appeared outside the door, looked at the two people communicating in the room and said, "And you happen to be a Muggle wizard and the best target, so they chose to start with you in order to control the bad influence to a certain extent. within range.”

"How are the others?" Truman asked again, "Are they also targeted by Death Eaters?"

"It's okay for the time being. Death Eaters should not dare to attack rashly. They are probably afraid of stepping into a trap again." Cedric shrugged and said, "This time, the Ministry of Magic has captured a large number of dark wizards and will probably beat them up." It hurts."

"It's normal. Even if the mysterious man has many minions, he can't afford such waste. And many of them are willing to join just to fish in troubled waters and get some benefits for themselves. No one is willing..." Before Kenneth could finish his words, he was given a thumbs up by Truman. interrupted.

"No, they are willing, otherwise there wouldn't be a group of people to catch him." Truman said bitterly, "It's not just me this time, don't forget Cedric's time too."

"As long as there are enough benefits, there will always be people who are lucky."

"I think Albert should spend some time beating them so that the Death Eaters will not think of ways to torment us all day long." Truman took the last piece of apple on the plate and destroyed it with a big mouthful. "We must give those scum a little. Keep an eye on them so they don’t cause trouble all day long.”

"Join the Ministry of Magic to lure out the Death Eaters and deal with them?" Kenneth retracted his hand from reaching for the plate and asked with a smile, "How high a possibility do you think this is?"

"If you want to eat it, just cut it yourself!"

Cedric said, pointing to the knife on the table.

"What do you think?"

"It's useless. The mysterious man and the Death Eaters became so extreme simply because Albert and the Ministry of Magic made them miserable, forcing those guys to try their best to kill Albert."

"What the hell is this!" Truman couldn't help complaining.

"Even Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix has had members killed by Death Eaters more than once." Lee Jordan walked in from the outside, handed a bottle of potion to Truman and said, "The newly prepared one can alleviate the Cruciatus Curse. The pain is gone, and you will be able to move around again in two days."

After Truman took it, he drank the bad-tasting potion in one gulp and asked, "So, we can only hide here now."

"Albert thinks something big may happen next. Let's not run around casually, lest we get involved and lose our lives inexplicably." Lee Jordan reminded.

"What's the big deal?"

"I don't know, but something must have happened." Li Jordan shook his head and said, "It's good that Albert can reveal some information to us. In the past, he was unwilling to explain it to others."

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that there might be some reason.

"Originally, the Order of the Phoenix was in front to attract the firepower of the Death Eaters. Could it be that Albert's hatred was too high, so..."

Cedric stared at the change in Lee Jordan's expression, as if he wanted to see something else on the other man's face.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know much." Lee Jordan spread his hands helplessly and said, "However, there will definitely be a big operation next, and Albert seems to be preparing to give the mysterious man and the Death Eaters a try. Cruel."

"That's why he asked us to hide?" Truman was very interested in what Lee Jordan said.

"It should be said that he just doesn't want anything to happen to us. Didn't you notice that no one from the Defense Association has had any problems so far?" Lee Jordan reminded, "He has always tried his best to protect everyone's safety."

"This..." Everyone felt that it made sense.

"In general, you still have to improve your level. At least you have to be able to escape calmly when encountering an ambush, so you should train hard recently."

"This is why Albert always emphasized that you should protect your own life first." Lee Jordan picked up an apple and took a bite. "Well, let's take the Truman incident as an example."

"At the beginning, if you jumped out of the window and escaped, you still had some chance of success. Although there are still a few dark wizards outside, if you can retreat on a broom, you can completely escape from the sky."

"I didn't have a broom, and my mind was completely blank. I originally thought I would apparate away after they left, but they used a spell to completely seal the entire house, making it impossible to apparate." Truman said no. I think my original judgment was wrong.

"Actually, you can use the portkey and make one now. Although it is illegal to do so, I think it is necessary to use the portkey to retreat when necessary." Cedric reminded: "I think Albert should take the time to teach us Make portkeys.”

"Well, you don't actually need to worry about this. Albert is already developing similar magic props, but it will take some time, and the Ministry of Magic will certainly not allow others to use door keys indiscriminately." Lee Jordan shrugged helplessly: "The Ministry of Magic is very strict about the management of portkeys. If you are caught, you will probably be severely fined."

"He has thought of everything." Kenneth complained: "By the way, he hasn't come to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts for several days. Do you know when he will come to teach us next time?"

"When you have learned everything Albert taught last time, he will naturally come over and continue to teach us. Otherwise, if you don't learn the things taught, you will easily be unable to keep up with the teaching progress. There is no point in teaching too much." Lee Jordan looked around at the people present and said earnestly, "So it's time for you to practice hard."

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