Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1220 Want to break up

"I hate Apparating."

Harry sat in the armchair with a depressed look on his face, reached out and took out the Daily Prophet from under his buttocks, and sighed softly, "I didn't expect it to be harder to master than I expected."

Even though the three of them had received guidance from Lupine and Sirius during the holidays, their progress in learning Apparition was still not much faster than that of other students. This made Harry a little worried about whether he would be able to completely master Apparition before the end of the semester. Appear.

"At least your progress is much faster than mine. I just split up!"

Ron was still frightened by the experience of splitting up just now. Among the three of them, Hermione was the fastest to learn. They were all able to apparate, but they were not yet able to use it skillfully.

"You should concentrate on learning Apparition. This will make your progress much faster." Hermione felt that the main reason for Harry and Ron's slow learning progress was that they did not devote all their efforts to learning Apparition, which led to their The progress is much slower than Hermione's. "

"Not everyone is like you. Apparition is indeed difficult." Harry noticed something was wrong with Hermione and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look at this, you guys."

Hermione handed the "Defense Express" magazine to Harry, who looked stunned when he saw the content inside.

Ron also hurriedly came over, also a little stunned.

The "Defense Express" actually clearly stated that the mysterious man and the Death Eaters completely hated Albert, and seemed to plan to attack those friends who had attended Albert's wedding, in an attempt to find Albert who was hiding, and Kill it.

However, this conspiracy seemed to have never been successful. The Weasley brothers hid, Digory and Truman also escaped successfully, and cooperated with the Ministry of Magic to successfully arrest a group of dark wizards, causing heavy losses to Voldemort's minions.

At the end of the article, Sirius did not forget to remind friends who were close to Albert to stay vigilant and avoid being innocently affected.

"This is obviously true."

Hermione tapped the article in the magazine with her finger and analyzed it for Harry and Ron: "Sirius published this incident just to make other people more vigilant and to scare the Death Eaters so that they would not continue to stare. On to other people.”

"Albert is quite good at attracting hatred," Harry muttered.

"Luoluo, your letter!"

Lavender appeared out of nowhere, suddenly squeezed in between Ron and Harry, put her arms around Ron's neck, and already put her lips together.

"Hey, Harry, everyone wants to know when you will have a DA party again." Parvati pretended not to notice her friend's actions just now, and greeted Harry with a smile.

"Wait a minute, Lavender, I have to read the contents of the letter first." Ron was quite helpless, but Lavender had already kissed him and completely blocked his mouth.

Hermione bent down to pick up the envelope that fell on the floor, turned her head and said to Harry who was standing: "There is an empty table over there, shall we go over there and sit there?"

"Oh, okay." Harry nodded.

"The Apparition just now was great. I think it won't take long for you to master it completely." Parvati planned to say hello to Hermione, but was shocked to find that the other party actually opened Weasley's letter and spoke directly to Harry. Read the letter together.

"We have been exposed to Apparition before, so it is normal to learn a little faster than others!" Hermione handed the letter to Harry and explained to Parvati why she could master Apparition quickly.

"Faster?" Parvati muttered, "This is more than faster."

"Ahem, I suggest you also concentrate on studying and try to master it within this semester. It may come in handy." Hermione quickly exchanged glances with Harry and stuffed the letter back.

"What was written in the letter?" Ron couldn't help but ask as he broke away from Lavender.

"Fred and George are going to hide for the time being, and they plan to ask you to do a little favor." Hermione handed the envelope to Ron and said, "I said I have prepared a generous reward for you."

"You peeked into Lolo's letter." Lavender looked at the opened envelope and was very surprised by Harry and Hermione's actions.

"This is not a personal letter. If it is marked on it, most of the time it is actually sent to Harry." Ron glanced at the special symbols on the envelope and explained to the pestering Lavender.

To be honest, Ron was a little annoyed by the clingy woman in front of him. She was wrapped around him like an octopus, making him feel suffocated.

"What do you mean it's not a personal letter?" Lavender asked with a frown.

"There are some things you'd better not know." Ron couldn't help but frown, "Knowing too much won't do you any good. On the contrary, it may cause you to be targeted by Death Eaters and lose your life."

"Then why did she know?" Lavender pointed at Hermione and asked pointedly, startling several people around her.

"Oh, that's because it's too late for some things. Ron and Hermione have already been involved because of my relationship, and they will definitely participate in this wizarding war next." Harry interrupted awkwardly: "So, Ron is actually doing it for your own good, lest you be targeted by Death Eaters and have your memory searched or tortured with truth serum."

Hearing Harry's words, Lavender and Parvati were stunned for a moment. Although the Second Wizarding War had already begun, it was still extremely far away for the students living in Hogwarts.

Some of the surrounding students who were eavesdropping also opened their eyes wide, extremely surprised to hear Harry say such words.

"You know, Voldemort wants to kill me, and I can't hide in Hogwarts forever. Think about Albert, Voldemort just wants to kill him, and it affects his friends." After Harry finished speaking, he greeted Harry Min and Ron left, leaving behind some people who were stunned when they heard the name "Voldemort".

"Harry, you shouldn't use that name carelessly." Hermione looked at Harry reproachfully, as if the other party had made a fatal mistake.

"But even if I use the honorific, it can't change the fact that Voldemort wants to kill me." Harry shrugged and said helplessly.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about. The name of the mysterious person will become taboo. It's not without reason. That guy put a curse on his name. Once you use it, Death Eaters will follow the magic and come to your door. ." Hermione warned sternly, noticing that Harry had a bad habit of calling mysterious people by their first names.

"You have to admit that their tricks are quite clever." Ron couldn't help but complain, "Even a ruthless person like Anderson never directly calls him by that name."

"Okay, I will try my best to change it." Harry changed the subject and looked at Ron, "What are you going to do?"

"Just accept it, what else can you do? You'd be a fool not to earn Galleons."

Ron was quite satisfied with Fred and George's proposal. This was the first time he experienced what it felt like to make money easily. It was great.

"Be careful of being caught by Filch." Hermione frowned and reminded, "Don't forget that you are a prefect. If you are discovered, you will definitely be severely detained."

"As long as you don't get caught by Filch." Ron didn't worry about Filch at all. "Don't forget, that guy is a squib. You can easily hide it from his eyes by using the Disguise Charm."

"As long as you're happy." Hermione didn't bother to care about the matter. She turned to Harry and said, "Professor Slughorn is having a party recently. Are you going to attend?"


Harry had never cared much for slug parties before, but now he had to take some time to pay attention to the nuisance.

"This Friday." Hermione said without thinking.

"Hermione, can you help me think of something else to talk about? I feel like I can hardly keep talking." Harry asked Hermione for help. After getting along with him for a while, he found that Professor Slughorn was a bit difficult to deal with. , "Maybe, I should seriously consider using Albert."

"But does that really work?" Hermione expressed doubts.

"We don't have a better way, do we?"

Although the method provided by Albert was a bit cruel, it was still better than just staring.

"Perhaps, you can try to talk to Professor Slughorn about the wizarding war first, so that he can be mentally prepared first. And doesn't Albert want to invite him to be a potion consultant? You can try to start from this matter. Get started." Hermione used her brain to think of a solution for Harry.

"This is a way, but I can't expect everyone to be Dumbledore." Harry really didn't expect Professor Slughorn to focus on the overall situation, otherwise the other party would have given that memory to Dumbledore. Rather than becoming the homework assigned to him by Dumbledore.

"You can always think of a way, not to mention you have the elixir." Ron didn't think Harry would fail.

"Elixir is not a panacea, but Ron is right. Everyone has their own weaknesses, and Professor Slughorn is no exception. He can always find a way." Hermione also has confidence in Harry, " Don’t forget, Dumbledore definitely thought you could complete this task when he gave it to you.”

"You always have more confidence than me." Harry laughed at himself.

Since following Dumbledore to learn Voldemort's secrets, Harry has thought about many things and realized the burden of recognition on his shoulders.

If the Horcruxes are not completely eliminated, there is no way to completely eliminate Voldemort.

He actually understood very well why Albert only made trouble with the Death Eaters and never confronted Voldemort head-on.

Because there is no point in targeting Voldemort when Voldemort cannot be killed. Continuously weakening the power around Voldemort is more of a preparation for targeting the mysterious man in the future.

At this moment, Lavender caught up from behind and directly entangled Ron, as if he wanted to say something to him.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, tacitly agreeing to leave space for the two of them to communicate alone.

"By the way, Luo Luo's birthday is coming soon. What birthday present are you going to give him?" Harry asked casually.

"Don't use that tone, it sounds disgusting." Hermione curled her lips and asked, "What do you think of "Quidditch Origins"?"

"Very good, let me give you a gift related to Quidditch." Harry thought for a moment and quickly selected the most suitable gift for Lolo: Quidditch goalkeeper gloves.

In this way, the two finalized the birthday gift for Ron.

"However, we may need to find someone to help." Harry said, "I think it's best not to be too conspicuous, in case someone does something in the mail."

"Go to Ginny, or if that doesn't work, go to Hagrid." Hermione suggested, "I'll find time to talk to Ginny tomorrow."

The next day, Harry got up early, left the dormitory early, and went to the common room to wait for someone. After seeing Ginny coming down from the girls' dormitory, he quickly walked up to say hello.

"Hi, Ginny."

"Harry, is something wrong?"

Ginny was surprised that Harry approached her.

"Did Hermione tell you that?" Harry asked tentatively.

"What?" Ginny was a little confused, obviously not understanding what Harry meant.

"Oh, then you don't mind if I waste a few minutes of your life. I want to ask you a favor." Harry pointed to the corner of the common room, expressing the hope that we could chat alone.

"Oh, no problem."

Ginny followed Harry over there to chat alone, leaving behind a group of envious female companions.

"That's it." Harry said straight to the point, "Hermione and I plan to buy Ron a birthday present, but our current situation is really not suitable for showing up to reduce the possibility of being targeted by Death Eaters."

"So, you want to ask me to help you with owl mail ordering." Ginny asked with a complicated expression. She originally thought that Harry had something to do with her, but this is what happened?

"Yes, we hope you can help with shopping." Harry looked at Ginny expectantly.

"Okay." Ginny nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much. Here's the list of items to mail-order, and here's the cost."

With that said, Harry took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ginny, plus a small purse containing galleons for the purchase of "Quidditch Origins" and Quidditch Keeper's Gloves.

"By the way, remember to keep this a secret from me and don't let Ron know about it." Harry walked away gratefully.

"I will."

Ginny glanced at the note Harry gave her and stuffed it into her pocket along with the money bag.

"What does Harry want from you?" Dean came out of nowhere.

"Are you curious?" Ginny raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I'm just asking casually."

"Harry asked me to help him buy something." Ginny didn't hide anything. "They are being targeted by Death Eaters. They might get into trouble if they buy it by themselves, so they asked me to help buy something."

"Buy something, but Death Eaters really know how to..." Before Dean could finish his words, he heard Hermione's voice.

"Ginny, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Oh, Harry just came to see me." Ginny took out the note from her pocket and showed it to Hermione. "He asked me to buy something."

"Oh, then I'm sorry to bother you. Remember to keep it a secret from Ron." Hermione returned the note to Ginny, said hello to Dean and walked away.

"Here, you should believe it now."

Ginny handed the note from Harry to Andy and said impatiently.

"I did not mean that."

Looking at the contents on the parchment, Dean was a little embarrassed, because just like Ginny said, Harry just wanted to ask her to buy something for Ron.

"I'm just a little worried...Would you be in danger?" Dean awkwardly changed the subject.

"This is nothing at all, and..." Ginny said proudly, "My family has always been fighting against the mysterious man, always standing on Dumbledore's side, and always supporting Harry..."

"But, you are still underage, those are too dangerous for you." Dean said uneasily.

"Are you scared?" Ginny raised her eyebrows slightly.

"No, I'm just... afraid that you'll get hurt." Dean chose his words carefully.

"I'm not afraid."

Ginny shook her hair, turned and walked away.

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