Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1257 Advice

The ship stopped in the waters outside France. Isobel on the deck reached out to brush her hair that was blown by the sea wind, and turned to look at her husband.

"You still can't seem to let go of things in England."

"There is no way. People always hope that the future will develop in the direction they want, but the future is always full of unknowns." Albert looked at the towering cliffs in front of him and murmured, "Even if I can predict the future, it is not impossible. What can’t be done.”

Albert actually felt that it might be better to let nature take its course, but he had already put in so much effort for this. As long as he persisted for a while, a bright future was in front of him, and he would never allow himself to relax at a critical moment.

"Aren't we going to continue living on the boat?"

Katrina, wearing a beige casual dress, walked out of the cabin, along with Mrs. McDougal. The house elf next to her was carrying a familiar suitcase.

"We are going to temporarily borrow a friend's house." Albert smiled and explained to several people, "The therapist has already communicated with us, and there is no problem."

"Are you sure your friend is reliable?"

Katrina was surprised that Albert was willing to trust others, and she was even more curious about the friend he called her.

On the contrary, Isobel next to her was very calm, as if she already knew what was going on.

"You know him too, he's here."

Albert left the deck and Apparated above the cliff.

"Welcome to France."

Bud, wearing trendy Muggle casual clothes, greeted Albert with a smile and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you, Bud, thanks to your help this time." Albert was very grateful to Bud for his help.

"You're welcome. Even without me, you would have been prepared."

Bud looked at the ordinary-looking ship, nodded and said, "I dare say, as long as you hide on the sea, no one will be able to find you."

Albert just smiled and acquiesced to Bud's words. The sea ship was indeed his last guarantee.

When the house elf appeared next to him with a box, Albert waved his wand and put the entire ship directly into the magic bottle.

"It seems that you have gone further than the others." Bard retracted his gaze from looking at the magic bottle and said with a smile, "It's time for us to go."

After saying that, Bard apparated away with Albert and the house elf.

When the two reappeared, they came to a suburb, where the villa that Bud had prepared for them was here. Although it looked a bit old, there were signs that someone had lived here, and the villa had also been restored. Well taken care of.

No doubt Bud had lived here before.

"Mog is the secret keeper here." Bud introduced to several people, "However, he is not in Europe for the time being, and it will be difficult to find him for a while, so you don't have to worry about leaking secrets."

Mrs. McDougal secretly looked at Bud, and then looked at the villa in front of her that was protected by the Loyalty Charm. She guessed that their relationship with Albert was obviously very close. Otherwise, with Albert's caution, it was very likely that They will be allowed to live directly on the boat.

"go in!"

A house elf bowed to everyone and took the initiative to lead several people to their respective rooms to rest.

"I heard that Dumbledore died?"

Bud and Albert were sitting alone in the living room chatting, and casually mentioned Dumbledore's death. The old man seemed a little regretful that he could not send Dumbledore off. After all, he was his old friend.

"Well, he died and the situation was a bit complicated."

Albert briefly told Bud the situation at that time.

"Dumbledore is still as cruel as ever, and he will not even let himself go when he is so cruel."

When he heard that Dumbledore deliberately asked Snape to kill him, Bard's face trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but lament the cruelty of his old friend.

"I tried to persuade him." Albert shook his head slightly and said, "But it failed. Otherwise, he could have lived for a few more years, and the situation would not have become so bad."

"It's useless. It's hard to persuade most people, let alone Dumbledore. That guy is good at persuading others." Bard was not surprised by this, even though Dumbledore looked very talkative. appearance, but that guy's temper is as hard as a rock, and it is impossible to be easily persuaded by others, especially what he firmly believes in. Otherwise, how could he risk his own life to plot against the mysterious man without even blinking an eye? .

Based on the mysterious man's personality and knowledge, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see through Dumbledore's conspiracy and arrangements in this life.

"I can only say that most geniuses are like this."

Albert does not deny that at least he will not easily change based on a few words from others, because they are more willing to believe in their own judgment.

"What happened in England after his death?"

Bud took a sip of iced juice and talked about topics of interest to him.

"The situation is not good. The mysterious man and his minions will soon be the only one in the family." Albert looked at Bard and reminded, "Before this wizard war is over, it is best not to return to the UK. It is very difficult over there." It’s going to be chaos.”

"It seems that the Ministry of Magic is going to be finished?" Bard was a little surprised by this. "I thought the Ministry of Magic could continue to hold on for a while, but I didn't expect it to be worse than imagined."

"It's all thanks to Fudge. That guy messed up the entire Ministry of Magic before he left. Scrimgeour was pretty good that he didn't explode when he took over the Ministry of Magic."

Albert knew very well what the Ministry of Magic was like. Scrimgeour's ability to stabilize the Ministry relied more on the reputation brought by fighting Death Eaters and dark wizards, forcing the Ministry of Magic to suppress its internal conflicts and make it unanimous to the outside world.

"Shame on Scrimgeour."

Bard did not continue the topic. He obviously knew what was going on in the Ministry of Magic and what role Albert played in it.

"I reminded him, but he obviously doesn't want to be a deserter." Albert picked up the teacup and took a sip: "However, I think he should have been mentally prepared when he became a minister."

"Well, even if he is willing to give up, those pure bloods will not let him go easily." Bard shook his head and said, "Don't forget, so many dark wizards and Death Eaters were killed by Scrimgeour. Relatives, friends, family.”

"I understand what you mean." Albert nodded in understanding, "Do you think those pure-blood families will hate me for this?"

"The connection between them may be deeper than you expected." Bard reminded kindly, "This is also the reason why many pure-blood wizards are so confident. They have more choices. They were controlled by the Imperius Curse back then. And those Death Eaters were not the only ones to escape."

"It was expected, but the mysterious man is not what they thought." Albert said meaningfully, "I know very well that the reason why they are so confident is their pure blood, but the mysterious man is not Grindelwald. The Dead Apostles are just tools and servants to him, and can be sacrificed at any time when necessary. The Malfoy family is a ready example, and they will be severely damaged sooner or later. "

"You see more clearly than I do, but you still have to be careful. Although you are more secretive, the world is never short of smart people, and your identity is not your own to some people." Bud shook his head. reminded.

"I don't work in the Ministry of Magic, not to mention that the Ministry of Magic is about to collapse."

"I remember you prophesying that this war wouldn't last long."

"Well, after the mysterious people take control of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, their power will soon reach its peak. Death Eaters and dark wizards have never been peaceful guys. It only takes time for them to flourish and decline. "Dumbledore will put everything on Harry, and we just need to wait patiently for the mysterious man to become a mortal again." That’s it.”

"It seems that you have found the weakness of the mysterious man. Is the person who executes the plan the savior?" Bard was a little surprised, but soon thought of the reason, nodded and said: "Harry Potter is indeed more suitable, although I I don’t really agree with putting everything on someone...but I still hope he can successfully solve the problem of the mysterious man.”

"I believe he can do it and I hope he can do it."

Bud looked at Albert, twitched his lower lip and said, "Although I don't know what agreement you made with Dumbledore, there is nothing more important than living."

"I know what I'm doing." Albert smiled confidently, "I'm just waiting. You have to be patient in everything."

"That's good."

Bud seemed to think of something again and suddenly said: "Since you have come to France, I plan to leave France temporarily for a while. You should have already contacted the therapist!"

"Well, I've already contacted her."

"That's good."

Bard soon took the house elf to say goodbye and left. He planned to go to Spain and let himself disappear for a while.

"he's gone?"

Katrina looked at Bud's leaving figure, then looked at Albert and said, "You have such a good relationship, I always feel like you are hiding some big secret."

"Are you curious?" Albert asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Does sister know?" Katrina asked.

"Isobel is very smart and guessed it right away." Albert said with a smile, "So, don't expect me to tell you."

"I never counted on it."

Katrina rolled her eyes and didn't dwell on the matter any further.

"I'm more concerned about whether it's really safe here?"

"It's more convenient here. Although it does require taking some risks, the risks are not high." Albert knew very well that the only risk was the therapist, but he had made sure that the other party was as reliable as possible.

"Unless the mysterious man comes after him personally, but that possibility is not high. Most of that guy's thoughts lately should be on controlling the British Ministry of Magic. With Scrimgeour and the Ministry of Magic helping to attract his attention, that guy can temporarily Wouldn’t be interested in paying attention to us.”

Of course, Albert also provided more than one level of protection.

"Scrimgeour is so unlucky."

Katrina suspected that the other party had been tricked by Albert.

"That was his choice. He can't blame anyone else."

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