Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1258 Deep Pit

Albert's disappearance never attracted anyone's attention.

It should be said that no one knew Albert's whereabouts from the beginning, let alone that he suddenly left the UK and disappeared.

Therefore, his worries and worries were unnecessary from the beginning.

However, some unlucky people accidentally fell into a deep pit because of him, and now they can't climb out.

That unlucky guy was Lucius Malfoy, who had recently been tasked with finding and murdering Albert.

If no one could be found from the beginning, no one would actually say anything. After all, if no one could be found, what else could Lucius do, let alone follow-up tasks.

But the problem now is that Lucius just learned from Yaxley that Albert's child was about to be born, and he also took over the key clues of Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Mary. How could he even impress the mudblood? Yaxley helped formulate the lessons, and now Lucius just needs to carry out the original plan.

However, will things really go so smoothly?

In the eyes of Lucius Malfoy, this matter was a big trap.

Putting aside his average relationship with Yaxley, how could the other party be so kind as to share the information he had worked so hard to collect with him?

Even in his dreams, Lucius never dared to think about it.

The reason why Yaxley did that was because he obviously realized that this was a big pit, so he threw the hot potato directly to him.

Now, let alone taking a bite of a hot potato, it's already good if you didn't choke to death.

What's worse is that the Dark Lord has officially handed over the responsibility of dealing with Albert to their father and son.

This made Lucius wonder, did the Dark Lord intend to use the hands of the Mudbloods to get rid of them?

It was not that Lucius was not loyal enough to the Dark Lord, but that the Dark Lord had wanted to do that before, and wanted to use Dumbledore to kill Draco as punishment for the Malfoy family.

If it weren't for Snape's help that allowed Draco to escape, his son would probably be dead.

Lucius actually knew the reason very well: the notebook that the Dark Lord asked him to keep was completely damaged because of him, and this incident became a thorn in the Dark Lord's heart.

But even if he knew the reason, Lucius could do nothing.

He just wants to save his family now, other things are no longer important.

However, the current situation is not optimistic.

Ever since Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Mary were controlled by Yaxley using the Imperius Curse, they have never received any news from Albert, and they have not gone to do a physical examination on his wife. What does this mean? , it is self-evident.

Perhaps, Albert Anderson, that damn mudblood, had divined this matter long ago and completely abandoned the two of them.

As a result, Lucius can't find Albert's whereabouts at all.

To get a so-called good hand from the beginning, but to end up like this in the end is undoubtedly the best sign of incompetence in the eyes of the Dark Lord, and incompetent Death Eaters will one day be ruthlessly abandoned.

In order to solve the problem and find information about Albert, Lucius had to seek help from his old friend Severus, hoping to pry out more useful information from the two therapists.

"I'm afraid your hopes are in vain. They all signed strong magical contracts with Anderson, probably to prevent secrets from leaking."

Snape asked Lucius to look at the magic marks emerging on the backs of Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Mary's hands. He shook his head and reminded: "I do not recommend that you use Veritaserum or Legilimency. Doing so will probably lead to their direct death. Let They will lose their last bit of value.”

"Then what should I do now!"

Lucius simply couldn't imagine what terrible punishment he would suffer if he failed in his mission.

He knew he had to do something, otherwise father and son would be finished before they could find the damn Mudblood.

"I've said before that Anderson is difficult to deal with. Don't mess with him."

Snape was very dissatisfied with Lucius's mission, which was basically impossible to complete.

Once they really face Albert, they will definitely be dead.

That guy was never merciful. He just let them go last time, mostly because of Dumbledore.

"I don't want to provoke him anymore." Lucius looked bitter. If possible, he also wanted to stay away from that damn Mudblood.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Because of his previous experience, both the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord had "high hopes" for him and could not allow him to refuse, and Lucius did not have the courage to refuse at all.

No Death Eater dared to refuse the Dark Lord.

"Maybe..." Snape hesitated for a moment and gave his own suggestion, "You can try to help in other ways to make yourself look useful."

"Help in other ways?"

Lucius carefully considered his old friend's words and soon understood what he meant.

After all, killing Scrimgeour was the most important thing right now, and he happened to be useful in that regard, and even though that wasn't his mission, Yaxley definitely needed his help.

Lucius knew the Ministry of Magic better than most Death Eaters, and he knew better how to let the Dark Lord control the Ministry of Magic, and several of the prisoners who were rescued with him last time could come in handy.

"Well, useful Death Eaters will not be abandoned easily."

Snape was well aware of his old friend's ability to protect himself, and was not worried about Lucius's life, at least he would be fine in the short term.

"As for Draco, if Hogwarts reopens, let him go back to school and continue studying." He paused for a moment and said, "I should become the Headmaster of Hogwarts by then."

"Thank you, Severus."

Lucius did not forget to express his gratitude to his old friend. He knew that Snape's proposal was for Draco's good.

In fact, if possible, Lucius did not want his son to become a Death Eater so soon, because his son Draco was not ready at all.

Snape did not linger and quickly left.

He was actually very aware of the Malfoy family's situation, but he couldn't provide much help.

After Snape left, Draco suddenly asked, "Dad, is the Dark Lord planning to abandon us completely?"

"The situation is not as bad as you think. We are pure bloods, and the connection between pure blood families is deeper than you think. At most, we will lose something. As long as we are willing to give up, there will always be death eaters. Someone is willing to help us instead of watching us die." Lucius tried his best to look calm, "You should have heard Severus' suggestion, just go back to school."


Draco's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what his father was saying.

"Draco, you should understand the current situation our family is in." Lucius looked at his son and said seriously, "Even if you become a Death Eater now, it has no meaning and is of no use. In "Hogwarts, you still have at least one year of buffer time, and you can still be protected by Severus. Before that, you must adapt to your identity, because then you will be a real man."

Once upon a time, Lucius had imagined that the Dark Lord would return and lead the Death Eaters to regain their former glory.

However, things turned out to be far crueler than they imagined. The Dark Lord did come back, but the fantasy of the past turned into a fantasy.

Lucius no longer desires those things. Now he just wants to save his family and survive this cruel wizard war.

At least, the Malfoy family must continue to exist.

Ever since Narcissa disappeared and many searches failed, Lucius had a very bad feeling. Perhaps, he would never see Narcissa or his wife again.

After receiving the reminder from Snape, Lucius hurried to visit his "old friend".

"Old man, what brought you here?"

Yaxley greeted Lucius with a cheerful face.

"I've been in some trouble lately."

Although Lucius wanted to punch the hypocritical face in front of him, he knew he had to hold back.

"Let me see more than a little bit!"

Looking at the lonely Lucius, Yaxley's lips curved into a pleasant smile.

Lucius didn't pay attention to the smile on Yaxley's face, and said his purpose: "The two healers you controlled previously have probably been abandoned by that mudblood. I have completely lost that mudblood." clues.”

"Are you sure? That's a clue that I spent a lot of effort to find, and no one discovered it at all."

Yaxley raised his eyebrows slightly, very surprised by this. He was very cautious when doing this, after all, his opponent was the insidious and cunning Albert Anderson.

"Of course I am willing to believe you, but the problem is that the mudblood is a master of prophecy. He probably expected all this, so he simply gave up on them." Lucius said helplessly.

"So, are you blaming me?" Yaxley raised his eyebrows.

"No, I may need your help. To be precise, I need help from the Ministry of Magic. After you control the Ministry of Magic." Lucius took out his trump card, "Scrimgeour is not easy to kill. That guy has always been very... Be careful, but I can provide you with a little help to help you complete the Dark Lord's mission as soon as possible, and then you can help me in turn."

Yaxley narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was something wrong with the way he looked at Lucius.

He was indeed distressed about how to kill Scrimgeour. As the former head of the Auror Office, Scrimgeour was extremely cautious, as if he knew someone was going to kill him. It was not easy to create opportunities for the Dark Lord.

"Don't look at me like that, this is just cooperation." Lucius reminded, "Once I fail, this matter will fall on you sooner or later, and I think you probably won't be willing to waste time on that mudblood. "

"Oh, tell me..."

Lucius briefly told Yaxley about the problems within the Ministry of Magic. He had worked as a consultant for Fudge for a period of time. He understood the situation in the Ministry of Magic better than most Death Eaters and knew better how to quietly influence , control the Ministry of Magic, this job is actually the most suitable for him to do.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I hope you can help me find the whereabouts of Narcissa. I am willing to pay a satisfactory reward for this." Lucius became more and more relaxed. Low.

"Oh, of course, this is just a small favor, but I can't guarantee whether I can find someone." Yaxley was quite satisfied with Lucius' knowledge.

After getting Yaxley's promise, Lucius couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Only with the help of the Dark Lord's right and left hands, the next situation would not be too bad.

As for the Malfoy family losing its glory, there is nothing we can do about it.

For the clever and cunning Lucius Malfoy, what to do now was not a difficult choice.

As long as people are still alive and have enough wealth and connections, the Malfoy family will soon be able to regain its former glory.

The biggest problem now is that Draco has become a Death Eater and has been involved in this turmoil.

To be honest, even if Dumbledore died, Lucius still didn't have much confidence in the Dark Lord.

Because Albert Anderson is still alive, that guy has now become Lucius's nightmare, and he knows too well how dangerous that guy is.

Lucius even doubted that the Dark Lord was no match for him.

If the Dark Lord fails.

Depending on what he plans to do next, the situation may not be good.

As for Draco, although he thought Draco should be fine, but...

Lucius felt that he had to do something. He was going to talk to Draco and hoped that he had a girlfriend.

Albert Anderson got married right after graduation, and now that a child is about to be born, Draco can naturally have one too.

At least, leave a descendant to the Malfoy family first to ensure that the bloodline of the Malfoy family is not extinguished.

It's not that Lucius Malfoy is so pessimistic, but he has had a bad feeling since Narcissa disappeared.

Draco was quickly stunned by Lucius's thoughts.

"I remember that you had a good relationship with the Parkinson's daughter." Lucius said suddenly.

"We've broken up," Draco said dryly. He actually didn't know if they broke up. Maybe he had messed up things before, maybe he had broken Pansy's heart.

"The current family situation is not good." Lucius looked at his son and said calmly, "Maybe we can get through the current predicament. It may be difficult, but... I think you need to do something about it. What."

"So, you think I should get married as soon as possible now? Don't you think this sounds ridiculous?" Draco couldn't help but raise his voice and said, "Mom's whereabouts are still unknown."

"This is your responsibility, as Malfoy's responsibility." Lucius looked at his son and said seriously, "You have been together for six years. This relationship is precious. At least you will not regret it in the future. And we also need the Parkinson family to provide a stable environment for your child to grow up, which is very important if the worst comes to the worst."

Draco opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Is it really that bad?"

"I don't know, but I don't dare to bet that many Death Eaters have suffered revenge from Albert Anderson." Lucius breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had successfully persuaded Draco, "And we are with He has a lot of bad blood and I don't think that guy is going to let us go easily."

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