Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1260 Leader

As Fred and George said, everyone actually hopes that Lupine and Tonks can achieve their own happiness.

The feelings of the Tonks family were simply ignored by everyone.

After all, they are just outsiders. They will only stand in the perspective of Lupine and Tonks and send them their own blessings.

As for the werewolf problem, there is really no good solution. Lycanthropy is currently incurable, but helping Lupine get a decent job is not a problem for the Weasley brothers, whose business is booming.

Everyone can guess that this must be approved by Albert.

I have to say that Albert is really like Dumbledore in many ways.

Most members of the Order of the Phoenix agree with this.

After losing Dumbledore, the situation of the Order of the Phoenix became very embarrassing. After losing asylum, the risks and pressure that everyone had to endure doubled.

Most members of the Order want a strong leader to lead them on. Especially in these terrible times, a strong leader can make them feel safe.

Harry Potter is not a good choice. Even though Dumbledore once said to them, "Harry is our most precious hope, we must believe in him." But at this time, Harry was too young and could not lead everyone out of the crisis. Dilemma.

But Albert Anderson can.

He has proven himself more than once. Whether it's a smart mind, strong strength, or even character, he is impeccable, just like Dumbledore, the former leader of the Order of the Phoenix.

On more than one occasion, they wanted to strengthen the relationship between them.

Everyone is fighting against the mysterious man, and we can support each other and get through the current difficulties together.

However, the opposite happened.

Albert didn't seem to be too keen on the Order of the Phoenix's invitation and kept looking for excuses to drag them along.

Although Fred and George said that Albert was busy with important things, in the current chaotic situation, what could be more important than fighting the mysterious man?

This confused everyone. They didn't understand why Albert had such prejudice against the Order of the Phoenix.

Yes, bias.

At least that's what some members of the Order think.

This also led to a very small number of murmurs in the Order of the Phoenix that were dissatisfied with Albert, believing that he should focus on the overall situation.

Fighting the mysterious talents together is the most important thing right now. They must avoid being defeated one by one.

Fred and George were quite helpless. They didn't want the two sides to be prejudiced, and they didn't want the Order of the Phoenix and Albert to "fall out". Although the possibility was extremely low, the two briefly explained the situation to prevent the members of the Order from getting too excited. Too impatient.

"So, Albert is not in the UK now?"

"We don't know either. Albert has always been mysterious and never told anyone where he lives." Fred quickly added, "He was just worried that doing so would cause trouble to other people. After all, Albert Te has always been a thorn in the side of You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters. Once others know his whereabouts, they are likely to be targeted by You-Know-Who. "

Before anyone could react to Fred's words, George suddenly said: "However, Albert's child is about to be born, and I think he must be busy with it recently."

"His child?"

Hermione was stunned, and there was a moment of astonishment on her face, as if she couldn't believe what she heard.

After all, Albert was only a teenager, how could it be possible...

"Is it weird that Albert has a child?"

Fred looked at Hermione in confusion, wondering why Hermione was so surprised, "Didn't you also attend his wedding last year?"

"I, I just think they are too young." Hermione stumbled a bit, trying to cover up her gaffe.

"Anderson obviously thinks that Britain is unsafe." Ron glanced at Hermione secretly, "That's why he stayed away from Britain so that the child could be born smoothly without being disturbed by mysterious people and Death Eaters."

"Remember to keep this matter secret." Fred made a shushing gesture.

"We won't pass the ball randomly." Mundungus almost assured him by patting his chest.

"The mysterious man has always been looking for Albert's weaknesses." George explained, "So, Albert actually doesn't like letting others know these things, because this will not only cause the other person to be targeted by the mysterious man, but will also cause him Get into unnecessary trouble."

"Perhaps, we should talk about Lupine's wedding."

Under George's gaze, Fred brought the topic back up: "I think we can hold a small wedding for Lupine here. His marriage to Tonks always needs everyone's blessing."

"Sirius, actually you don't have to worry too much. As long as they can be happy in the future, that's more important than anything else, isn't it?" George comforted.

"You're right!" Sirius sighed helplessly, "Albert said that their offspring will not be werewolves, because werewolves reproduce by attacking non-werewolves."

This is actually the reason why Lupine was finally willing to accept Tonks' wishes.

A decent job, avoiding poverty after marriage, and having healthy offspring.

However, this is still not enough.

Their love will eventually have to withstand the test of reality. The opposition of Tonks's family casts a cloud over their love.

"Where's Lupin?" Harry asked suddenly, "I haven't seen him in the past few days."

"I don't know, he seems to be in trouble lately."

When Harry saw Lupin again, it was already a few days later.

Everyone watched Tonks holding Lupin's hand with a happy face, walking side by side into the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, and happily showing everyone the ring on her left hand.

"You guys are married?"

Harry's face was filled with astonishment, and he suddenly turned to look at Lupin.

"Sorry Harry, we don't want to make it public." Lupine forced a smile.

"You should have told us in advance." Harry said pretending to be angry, "Everyone is thinking about how to organize a wedding for you."

Harry felt someone tugging on his arm, and when he turned his head, he found Hermione shaking her head at him, indicating that he should stop talking.

Hermione had already guessed why Remus did what he did, so she didn't want Harry to mention it now to avoid exposing Remus' scars.

"Harry, don't blame Remus, we think this is fine too." Tonks said gently, looking sideways at her husband.

"Harry's right, you should have told us."

Sirius punched his friend's chest twice and complained, "Everyone is already planning to prepare for your wedding."

"Sorry." Remus blinked his red eyes, "But we think this is fine."

"Well, although I'm still very angry, congratulations." Harry stepped forward and gave Lupine a hug.

"Okay, you will have plenty of time to chat later, now it's time for the meeting." Moody yelled at several people angrily.

Everyone poured into the hall and soon started talking about the content of today's meeting.

"Since Harry will no longer go back to his uncle's house, the blood magic left by Lily will soon be completely ineffective. We need to protect his uncle's family before the blood magic expires to ensure that Voldemort cannot find them and extract from their mouths. Get any information on Harry, or use them as bait."

Everyone was too aware of Voldemort's formal style. Once the Dursleys were caught by Death Eaters, they would be dead, and they would be tortured and tortured before death.

"There is also Mrs. Figg who also needs to be transferred." Kingsley tapped his finger on the table to remind everyone present, "However, Mrs. Figg does not seem to be planning to come to the headquarters for refuge."

As for the placement of the Dursleys and Mrs. Figg, the Order of the Phoenix began to formulate a protection plan for them long after Harry gave up and returned to the Dursleys.

Therefore, this matter is not really a big problem. They believed that Voldemort and the Death Eaters would not waste their time on Muggles.

"Next is the collapse of the Ministry of Magic. According to Albert's prediction, this will inevitably happen. We must prepare in advance to avoid being caught off guard." Moody turned over the parchment in his hand and proposed today Another issue to be discussed at the meeting.

"Voldemort is indeed planning to kill Scrimgeour." Kingsley said worriedly, "Even Scrimgeour himself is aware of this, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"The current atmosphere in the Ministry of Magic is not very good. I suspect that some of the top officials of the Ministry of Magic have been attracted by Death Eaters." Arthur was not optimistic about the current situation.

"Isn't it controlled by the Imperius Curse?" Hermione asked confused. She remembered Kingsley saying that the Ministry of Magic was always on guard against employees falling under the Imperius Curse.

"There is actually no difference. Voldemort has been replenishing the number of Death Eaters right now. As long as you think about it carefully, you will know that there are only so many pure-blood wizard families in the UK. Where do you think the additional Death Eaters come from?" Kingsley laughed at himself.

"You mean that some purebloods from the Ministry of Magic were forced to become the minions of the mysterious man?" Hermione's eyes widened and she murmured, "But the Ministry of Magic should not..."

"Hermione, the Death Eaters can be said to be the stronghold of pure bloods. Maybe some pure bloods really don't like Voldemort's behavior, but they can always find excuses for themselves. After all, they will never leave the pure blood group easily. No one wants to be Voldemort's next target."

Speaking of this matter, Kingsley was very angry. Those guys took advantage of the legal loophole that made the wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse innocent.

If veritaserum had been used to interrogate prisoners, at least two-thirds of them would have gone to Azkaban.

"So, you think they will betray Scrimgeour?" Hermione opened her mouth slightly.

"This is inevitable. When pure bloods have a way to go, they will take another way. No one wants to fight with the mysterious man and the Death Eaters, even if they will be controlled by the Imperius Curse."

After the meeting, Hermione's outlook on life was slightly impacted. She suddenly understood why Albert was not optimistic about her joining the Ministry of Magic.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Hermione shook her head and said, "Albert is really amazing."

"Yes, so both the mysterious man and the Death Eaters want to kill him because they are afraid, afraid of this young wizard from the Muggle world. At least many purebloods are frightened and angry, but they use AI Bert had no choice." Kingsley made no secret of his contempt for those guys. "Later, they actually tried it, but they were very frightened when they found out that even the Aurors were no match for him, so they tried to use death eating. The disciples killed him, and as a result, many Death Eaters lost their lives. Those guys have stopped now, and they are trembling with fear, fearing that they will be killed one day. "

"Are those Death Eaters really killed by Albert?" Ron asked curiously.

"It doesn't count. He probably told Scrimgeour the result of the prophecy, which made the minister realize that killing him directly is more reliable than imprisoning him in Azkaban. Facts have proved that this is indeed the case." Kingsley didn't think there was anything. If he hadn't The captured Death Eaters and dark wizards have been killed, and now there are more than a hundred vicious guys emerging, and the Ministry of Magic is probably going to collapse.

This is actually the reason why Kingsley believes that he should cooperate with Albert.

If they work together, they might be able to prevent the situation from completely collapsing.

He simply couldn't imagine what terrible things would happen if Voldemort took complete control of the Ministry of Magic.

"Harry, have you read today's newspaper?"

When the meeting was ending, Ginny walked towards Harry holding the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.


Harry took the newspaper and quickly read the contents, then threw several sedatives into his mouth to stabilize his emotions.

"That stinky woman." Harry seemed to have thought of something and turned to Bill who was talking to Fleur. "Can you buy me a copy of "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore"?"

"Harry, you should know what kind of person Rita Skeeter is." Hermione put down the newspaper and reminded sharply, "That woman always likes to stir up trouble."

"I know, but I still want to read that book," Harry said.

"Harry, Hermione is right, if I were you, I wouldn't believe a word of that woman." Bill frowned slightly, feeling that Harry shouldn't waste time on Rita Skeeter's garbage rotation time

"Thank you Bill, I know what I'm doing." Harry took out a handful of Galleons from his pocket and placed it in the hands of the frowning Bill.

"Okay, I'll bring it for you next time." Bill sighed and finally agreed to Harry's request.

Noticing the look on Hermione's face, Harry explained, "Of course I know exactly what kind of person Rita Skeeter is, but there's always an element of truth in her words."

"So, you expect to find the truth among a bunch of lies." Hermione couldn't help but widen her eyes. "Harry, it's only been three weeks since Dumbledore died. Do you expect her to find the truth in the books she completed in three weeks?" What truth can there be?”

"Of course I know, but I want to know something about Dumbledore." Harry was eager to know some of Dumbledore's past. Of course he knew that "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" was full of garbage, but He believed that the autobiography written by Rita Skeeter could not be all false, because falsehood could not deceive people. This was something he learned from Albert.

In fact, it might be a better choice to ask Albert directly, but Albert would probably not tell him. Even if the other party was willing, it would be difficult for him to find someone.

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