Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1261 Meeting

"Still not going to give up?"

Looking at the news from Scrimgeour, Albert put down the communication card and murmured, "However, I don't seem qualified to say anything."

Everyone has the right to choose.

Scrimgeour is still making his final struggle, although in Albert's view it is completely useless, but if he were Scrimgeour, he would probably do the same thing, and no one would accept his fate like this.

However, some things are just so cruel.

If Scrimgeour himself had the power of Dumbledore, maybe everything would be different.

There is a high probability that he will make a comeback and become a legendary Minister of Magic.

However, Scrimgeour himself does not have the power to fight Voldemort. What is worse is that today's political environment is much worse than that of Minister Millicent Barnold.

Scrimgeour's experience made Albert once again feel that his previous efforts were worth it.

Only with power can you control your own destiny.

At least in the face of this catastrophe that swept the entire British wizarding world, he could still deal with it calmly, instead of being swayed by the bad situation and becoming one of those poor people struggling in the mud.

"Okay, let's meet him then. Anyway, I have to go back to England in two days. I'll go see him by the way. Maybe I'll have the chance to receive a big gift."

After Albert replied to Scrimgeour, he looked sideways at Isobel, who was still sleeping beside him, then looked up at the metal box on the bedside table where the Elder Wand was stored, and murmured: "Be patient, wait another year, After the mysterious man dies, you can live the life you like."

Albert knew very well that what he needed most now was patience, and he would always remind himself to be patient.

One year is actually a short time. Even if he has to wait two or three years, he can still accept it.

Everything must be stable now.

After all, he was no longer alone.

Now that he has a wife, children, and has become the leader of dozens of people, he must be steady enough in his work because he must be responsible for other people.

Even with the Elder Wand, Albert would not be so arrogant as to think that he could turn everything around. That would undoubtedly be quite foolish.

Moreover, his enemy is Voldemort. Albert would never be stupid enough to think that he could kill the most vicious dark wizard in history with a disarming spell. That was a treatment that only the protagonist deserved.

What he should do is to continuously weaken Voldemort's power through various means and then give him a fatal blow.

Even Dumbledore spent a lot of effort to defeat Grindelwald.

A few days later, in a remote suburb of London, England.

Albert, who had just come directly from France using Apparition, was holding on to the wall to catch his breath. Long-distance Apparition was not much more comfortable than using a Portkey.

Maybe I should do it several times next time.

Although he knew that he could also perform Apparition over longer distances, it was undoubtedly an act of seeking death.

Since getting the Elder Wand and possessing such power, Albert could feel that he was losing his awe. He actually regretted inheriting the Elder Wand from Dumbledore.

Although that thing could ensure his ultimate victory, Albert could really feel the influence of that wand.

That's a big hole.

No wonder Dumbledore wanted to give that wand to himself.

Having said that, was it because Harry was able to resist the temptation of the Elder Wand because he was the savior, or because he didn't really feel the power of the wand?

Or was it influenced by a certain author?

Forget it, none of this matters.

Albert put the Elder Wand into the deformed lizard skin bag and took out the wand that was said to bring luck. "I really like my wand better."

Albert doesn't lack strength, and he doesn't need that magic wand in his life. Maybe he will use it for experiments in the future, but definitely not now.

"Only a miscellaneous fish would be obsessed with power and lose themselves."

Albert didn't think he was a bastard. In an instant, he realized the reason why he brought the Elder Wand.

"Am I so insecure? It's really all the noseless monster's fault."

Since being targeted by the mysterious man and the Death Eaters, Albert has been suffering from paranoia.

Although he had always believed that mild persecutory paranoia was necessary.


Albert was amused by the thoughts that came to his mind. After shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts, he looked at the street shrouded in white mist.

Ever since Voldemort and the Death Eaters no longer cared about the Ministry of Magic and began to act without scruples, Dementors have been wandering directly over Muggle cities, devouring Muggle happiness unscrupulously, and even begun to reproduce on a large scale.

The densely populated London has become a paradise for dementors. Even during the day, you can see dementors wandering around.

Even if the Ministry of Magic has been trying to get rid of these Dementors, there has been no good way. After all, the number of Ministry of Magic employees who know how to use the Patronus Charm is limited. They have no way to deal with the huge number of Dementors.

Even if you drive them away temporarily, those nasty dark creatures will still come back.

When the Ministry of Magic was unable to drive away all these hateful dementors, the weakness of the Ministry of Magic was suddenly exposed.

Although Scrimgeour was quite annoyed by this, he had no choice but to allow the Dementors to wreak havoc over London.

"It's really troublesome."

Albert frowned slightly, raised his wand and sprayed out a large amount of thick fog, making the surrounding fog thicker.

Then, he summoned his patron saint and drove away all the dementors around him.

Although this involves taking some risks, it is still necessary to avoid the dementors, because the monsters recognize people by smell and emotion, and are likely to see through his disguise directly.

A ball of light passed through the thick fog, and the dementors who were enjoying the food fled in all directions as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

A middle-aged man who was reading a newspaper seemed to notice something. He raised his head and looked at the increasingly thick white fog outside the window, frowning slightly.

Then, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and a blond middle-aged man walked in.

"Is this going to be a party?"

His eyes swept over the customers in the shop and he said something incomprehensible.

Finally, the middle-aged man's eyes fell on Scrimgeour, who was enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a book at the table in the center of the coffee shop, and walked over there.

"You are very brave!"

Albert pulled up the chair and sat down opposite Scrimgeour, "If the mysterious man really wants to get rid of you, these Aurors cannot protect your safety."

"Aren't you still here?" Scrimgeour said nonchalantly.

"That's right, but I still think you shouldn't take the risk." Albert glanced at the coffee the female Auror put in front of him and continued, "I'm not Dumbledore. I don't have much experience in protecting people, so I may not be able to Protect you."

As he spoke, Albert turned his head and looked in a certain direction, narrowed his eyes and said, "Also, you are really good at picking the time to meet."

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