Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1308 Escaped

"Who is there, come out!"

Harry, who was in charge of the night watch, suddenly closed "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" and raised his wand to point in a certain direction. Although he saw no one and there was no response on the detection pocket watch, Harry did listen. When there was a noise, his instinct told him that someone had just been there.

“It’s a big improvement compared to before.”

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Harry felt a wand pressed against his neck.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

Ron came out of the tent and was shocked by the scene outside.


Hermione's voice suddenly sounded, breaking the awkward confrontation.

"How did you come."

After Albert removed the wand, Harry reached out and touched the area blocked by the wand, and couldn't help but ask.

"Everyone is looking for you everywhere, worried that you will be murdered by a mysterious person."

Albert was stunned for a moment, reached out and patted Hermione on the shoulder, then turned to Harry and said, "Hermione said you want to go to Hogwarts?"

"Isn't there a communication bookmark?"

Ron stared at Hermione, who had just let go of Albert, and muttered, "Did you tell Albert we were here?"

"Hogsmeade has been controlled by the Death Eaters, and there is no way to get in by ordinary means." Hermione explained to her two colleagues, "Instead of randomly trying to attract the attention of the Death Eaters, it is better to ask Albert for help. , He must have a way to take us in."

Harry cast an expectant look at Albert.

"What are you doing at Hogwarts?" Albert asked knowingly.

"In addition to Hufflepuff's gold cup, Ravenclaw's crown is also very suspicious. I need to go back to Hogwarts to collect information about the crown." Harry paused and continued, "Besides, I suspect Voldemort Probably a Horcrux hidden in Hogwarts."

"Don't use that name Harry," Hermione screamed.

The next moment, there was a deafening explosion outside, followed by five red dots appearing on the detection pocket watch, and a standard search team appeared in this abandoned apartment.

"You really... haven't learned your lesson, or you want to use me to take revenge on those dark wizards." Albert looked at Harry Potter who just said Voldemort's name with a strange expression.

There were voices outside, and the voices were getting closer, and all four of them could hear the rude and excited tones of the dark wizards.

"Isn't this place protected by the Fidelity Charm?" Harry asked puzzledly.

"I am the secret keeper here." Albert reminded: "Deal with them first. Do you need to practice?"

The three of them exchanged looks with each other in a tacit understanding, and then used the Disillusionment Curse on themselves. Then Hermione summoned the Patronus to attract the members of the search team. The three of them took the opportunity to leave the shelter and cast it directly on the five dark wizards. Stunning spell.

The sneak attack went smoothly and two dark wizards were successfully brought down.

The corridor instantly fell into chaos.

A confrontation ensued.

The two dark wizards who were knocked unconscious were subsequently awakened, leaving Harry at a disadvantage.

The confrontation lasted for eight minutes, and finally Hermione broke the deadlock by throwing two shock bombs.

"It took longer than I expected." Albert said, closing his pocket watch.

"It's already pretty good. The other side has two more than us." Ron argued, "If they only have three people, we will definitely be able to deal with them quickly."

"You have the upper hand. Forget it, what are you going to do with them?" Albert raised his hand and declined the wand handed over by Hermione: "Keep the wand for yourself first. If there is anything handy, use it as a backup. Although most dark wizards The wand used may not be suitable for you."

"It's great, what a great harvest."

When Ron reached out and took out a handful of Galleons from the pockets of several dark wizards, his eyes were full of excitement.


Hermione wanted to cover her face. She felt that Ron's behavior was really embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter. They are all enemies anyway. You don't have to be too polite to your enemies. Even if you kill them, it's normal, let alone take away the loot." Albert smiled and looked at Ron who had picked up the gold. , reminded: "However, I suggest that you wear dragon skin gloves first when searching for trophies. It will be safer that way."

"Ahem, what are you going to do with them?" Harry turned to Albert for advice.

"You defeated them."

"Can they be sent to a Muggle prison?"

"Of course." Albert glanced at Hermione and said, "But we don't have much time, so I suggest you tamper with their memories."

"I thought you were going to kill him."

Ron put the valuable loot into the bag, and was a little surprised that Albert let them go.

"Honestly, I don't like killing people, and if you can help it, you'd better not do it."

"I remember you said that being kind to your enemies is the greatest cruelty to yourself."

"That's not kindness, but I don't like it. It's easy to become indifferent to life." Albert shook his head and explained.

Ron was speechless for a moment. He felt that Albert was the least qualified to say that. There were quite a lot of Death Eaters and dark wizards who were tricked to death by him. Although those people were killed by the Ministry of Magic, if they were to be counted, there were so many people in front of him. This one has to bear at least half the responsibility.

"Then I will erase their memories now." Hermione raised her wand and prepared to use the Oblivion Charm.

"Let me do it so they don't continue to do evil in the future."

Albert raised his wand and pointed it at the head of a dark wizard. From then on, there were five more homeless people in the British wizarding world.

"what have you done?"

Ron looked at the dark wizards who had changed their appearance and changed into tattered clothes.

"They have forgotten their identity as wizards. They will continue to live as tramps in the future and will no longer threaten the lives of other people." Albert smiled and made a shushing gesture towards the three of them, reminding them, " Remember to keep it confidential.”

"That's good." Harry nodded and said, "At least they are still alive and have a chance to change their ways."

Ron's face twitched slightly, looking at the unconscious people, he felt deep malice.

It would be better to just die than live in such a state of confusion.

After throwing several people elsewhere, Albert turned back to the three of them and said, "Are you going to Hogwarts now?"

"Can you come with us?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Do you need someone to protect you?" Albert asked with a strange expression.

Harry expressed his suspicions.

"It makes sense. Your idea is fine." Albert nodded, "I can go with you. If Snape is at school, I can help you subdue him depending on the situation."

"How do we get back to school?" Ron asked, "Take the secret passage?"

"The magic of house elves is different from that of wizards. They can use Apparition freely in Hogwarts."

Albert waved his wand and summoned Dobby, the house elf, who was at the Defense Association headquarters out of thin air.

"Mr. Anderson, Dobby is glad to be of service to you." The house elf bowed respectfully to Albert as soon as he appeared.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron are going to Hogwarts." Albert said to Dobby, "I hope you will send us there."

"Ah, Harry Potter, Dobby would be delighted to help Harry Potter."

Dobby turned around to see Harry and gave him a hug excitedly.

"Dobby, long time no see."

Harry looked up and down at Dobby's outfit, his face full of surprise. The house elf in front of him was wearing a cloth cover, and he was cleaner, more decent, and more energetic than before.

"How have you been lately?" Hermione was happy with Dobby's change.

"Dobby loves his current job," Dobby said excitedly.

"Did Albert give you that dress?"

"Miss Granger, these are not clothes." Dobby pulled the fabric on his body and said sharply, "It's just a piece of cloth."

"A piece of cloth?" Hermione asked doubtfully.

"Yes, a piece of cloth," Dobby repeated.

"I think it would be much better if all the house elves had this," Hermione said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult." The house elf said a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I think we should go." Albert interrupted.

The house elf raised his arms and said sharply, "Please hold on to Dobby."

The next moment, the four people disappeared.

"Why Apparate twice?"

At the entrance to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of Hogwarts, Ron put his hand on the wall and made a retching gesture.

"For a wizard with extraordinary strength, it is not difficult to follow the traces left by the opponent's apparition. The mysterious man obviously has that ability." Albert opened the entrance to the Room of Requirement and said to the three of them, " Go and rest first.”

"Can you do it too?" Hermione walked into the Room of Requirement, looked at the rest area inside, sat down on the sofa, took a breath and asked, "What's the principle?"

"That also involves the use of advanced tracking spells." Albert explained, "So, if you don't want to be tracked, using an area where apparation is prohibited as a springboard is the best option."

"You can't apparate at Hogwarts."

Harry sat down opposite Hermione, took out the Marauder's Map and began to check the situation at Hogwarts Castle.

"I know, but keep it in the habit so you don't forget it, which could get us into big trouble."

Albert waved his magic wand and conjured several drinks out of thin air.


Hermione picked up the milk tea and took a sip. She seemed to think of something again and suddenly asked, "By the way, what happened just now? Did the Loyalty Charm fail?"

"I'm glad you asked about it."

"That reminds me of Dumbledore," Harry muttered, but he also wanted to know why.

"The Red Loyalty Curse uses magic to hide a secret in the soul of a living person forever." Albert explained to the three of them, "You can compare that shelter to a box, and that box is hidden in my In my mind, entering there after getting my permission is equivalent to hiding in my mind. Others will naturally not be able to find you, because you are hiding in my mind at that time, but I can't because I am. I can't hide in my own mind, so once I appear in the protected area of ​​​​the Chidan Loyalty Curse, there will be a risk of exposure there. "

"So, the best way is for two secret keepers to keep secrets from each other. As long as they are hidden deep in each other's souls, they cannot be found."

"So that's it."

Ron thought of George, the Secret Keeper at Order headquarters, who was under Albert's protection.

"Snape isn't at Hogwarts." Harry looked a little disappointed, "Think he's lucky."

"Where is Professor McGonagall?" Albert asked.

"Professor McGonagall is in the office." Harry looked up and asked, "Aren't you coming with us to find Ravenclaw's diadem?"

"No, I'm going to find Professor McGonagall and meet here later." Albert stood up and left.

"Harry, where are we going to find the crown?" Ron looked away and looked at Harry and asked.

"Let's go find Professor Flitwick first." Harry took out the elixir and drank it. He needed luck now.

"It's best to get help from the Ravenclaw ghosts. Maybe they will have information about the diadem." Hermione reminded.

"I know, so let's go find Professor Flitwick first. He is in his office." After confirming that there were no Death Eaters in Hogwarts, Harry dared to take action boldly.

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