Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1309 News of the Crown

West Tower, Office of Charms.

Professor Flitwick, who returned to Hogwarts early, was currently sitting in a specially raised armchair behind his desk, concentrating on reading the latest issue of "Defense Letters".

When he turned to the Godric's Hollow column, he frowned slightly when he saw the news of the death of the famous historian Bathilda Bagshot.

Because this article actually came with a photo: it was a book called "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore", and there was a note written in green ink on the book.

That was the note Rita Skeeter had left for Bathilda Bagshot on purpose.

When Rita Skeeter published "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore", Professor Flitwick had also paid attention to this matter. Now after seeing the content in the "Defense Express" magazine, he You can probably guess what method the woman used.

She really should have been sent to Azkaban to be with those dementors.

However, this is just a poor microcosm of the British wizarding world under the control of You-Know-Who.

Normally, Rita Skeeter would never have dared to do such a thing.

Professor Flitwick turned his head and looked out the window and sighed softly: "I'm afraid Hogwarts will not be peaceful either."

Today, after Dumbledore's death, is far worse than it was more than ten years ago.

The situation today is completely out of control.

At this moment, the door of the Curse Office was knocked from outside.

Professor Flitwick instinctively picked up the wand on the table and looked at the door ahead.

Except for a few professors who returned to school early, there were no other outsiders in the castle.

Someone is actually looking for me now?

Professor Flitwick closed the "Defense Express", tapped on the magazine, and then said: "Who, come in!"

"Sorry to bother you, Professor."

Harry opened the door and walked into the Charms Office with ease, followed closely by Hermione and Ron.


Professor Flitwick looked at Harry Potter who appeared in front of him in surprise, not expecting to see him in his office at this time.

"I heard from the Wizard's Watch Station that you are in big trouble."

"We did almost hit the mysterious man, but we managed to escape after he arrived."

"Merlin's beard!"

Professor Flitwick couldn't help but widen his eyes, unable to understand why Harry could say those words so casually.

"We have encountered some problems and would like to ask the professor for help." Harry said straight to the point.

"You shouldn't have come." Professor Flitwick waved his wand and closed the curtains to remind, "Hogwarts is under strict surveillance."

"Albert brought us in directly through apparation through the house elves. It should not be detected by the dark wizards who monitor the school." Hermione comforted.

"House elves? Those magical little guys are indeed immune to the ban on Apparition." Professor Flitwick breathed a sigh of relief, knowing how they came to Hogwarts quietly.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Professor, do you know where the Ravenclaw diadem is?" Harry looked at the Head of Ravenclaw expectantly.

"Ravenclaw's diadem?"

Professor Flitwick obviously didn't expect that Harry would venture back to Hogwarts to find the legendary Ravenclaw diadem.

"I won't deny that a little more wisdom would be nice, but I still don't think the Ravenclaw diadem is worth the risk."

"We are on Dumbledore's mission."

Harry, Hermione and Ron exchanged glances with each other and decided to reveal some information to Professor Flitwick: "We are looking for Ravenclaw's diadem to confirm one thing. It has something to do with defeating the mysterious man, not for Be more wise.”


Professor Flitwick looked at the three Harrys in surprise, grinning from ear to ear for a long time.

Professor Flitwick knew some of the rumors about Harry, and Professor McGonagall had also revealed some information to them. Several deans had heard that Harry was trying to complete the tasks assigned by Dumbledore, and they Everyone guessed that this mission was related to defeating the mysterious man, but they didn't expect that Harry was actually looking for Ravenclaw's diadem.

"Professor, do you know where it is? Have you seen it? Or there is a similar picture." Harry asked.

"It's a pity kid, Ravenclaw's diadem disappeared centuries ago!" Although Professor Flitwick didn't know what Harry was doing with the diadem, he still got down from the elevated armchair. If you want To see what the diadem looks like, I can take you to the Ravenclaw common room. There is a bust of Ravenclaw with the diadem on it. "

"Ravenclaw's diadem is missing?" Harry had a bad feeling.

"It is said that he disappeared with Ravenclaw." Professor Flitwick told the information he knew without reservation.

"Did Ravenclaw take the diadem into his own grave?" Hermione said with relief, "It would be great if that's the case, at least the mysterious man has no chance of finding it."

"The mysterious man is looking for the diadem of Ravenclaw?" Professor Flitwick was very surprised by the information revealed by Hermione.

"Professor, do you know who the ghosts stationed in Ravenclaw Tower are? I mean, maybe the ghosts will know some useful information." Harry changed the topic.

Professor Flitwick shook his head and said: "You are not the only one who wants to try to find the diadem through Lady Grey. Many Ravenclaw students have tried to do that through the ages, but they have all failed."

"Who is the oldest ghost in Hogwarts?" Ron suddenly said, "Maybe we can get some useful information from the ghosts."

"Professor Binns of the History of Magic." Hermione reminded, "Have you forgotten? Professor Binns has been the Professor of the History of Magic at Hogwarts since the school was founded."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to get information about the crown from Professor Binns. I suggest you ask Albert for help. Maybe he can get some useful information through divination. Did he follow you to Hogwarts?" Foli? Professor Wei personally took the three of them to the Ravenclaw Tower. He suspected that if the three of them were allowed to go alone, they might not be able to answer the questions on the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker and successfully enter the Ravenclaw common room.

"Albert couldn't find Ravenclaw's diadem either," Ron muttered.

"He went to see Professor McGonagall," Hermione said, "probably about the group of expelled students."

"Thanks to his reminder, those students from Muggle families were able to escape." Professor Flitwick sighed softly. "At that time, Umbridge came to Hogwarts with a group of Aurors, wanting to He asked for the home addresses of the expelled students, and even planned to use veritaserum on Minerva."

Hermione trembled her lips slightly, but some words remained unsaid in the end.

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