Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1401 The end of Mr. Thief

I don't know if Voldemort really doesn't care, but since Christmas night, his name has completely spread throughout the German wizarding world.

Several Aurors died in the line of duty, and even the German Ministry of Magic could not suppress this shocking news. Wizards also re-recognized this famous second-generation Dark Lord through newspaper news. A panic called Voldemort began to spread rapidly from the German wizarding world to the entire Europe.

Voldemort was indifferent to Albert's little tricks. In his opinion, no matter how hostile European countries were to him, they would not take huge risks to interfere with the British Ministry of Magic, let alone go to Britain to cause trouble for him.

This is the tacit understanding of everyone.

This is also one of the reasons why Voldemort has hardly expanded his power to countries other than Britain.

That Grigovitch is fake, probably a controlled dark wizard who took a compound potion and transformed into one. He used it as bait to walk around like a dog, in order to disgust him and anger him. Let him kill the coming Aurors in a rage and confront the German Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort was indeed disgusted by Albert's hand!

After that incident, European countries sent a large number of Aurors to stare at him, and they couldn't get rid of him.

For the time being, Voldemort had no intention of continuing to search for Grigovitch across Europe, and instead chose to return directly to the UK. This made the Aurors responsible for tracking in the Ministry of Magic of various countries heave a sigh of relief.

Although they are all Aurors, they are just employees who are paid to do things. No one wants to face that kind of dark devil. It is not worth it if they lose their lives.

Voldemort, who had just returned to England and was still angry, was so angry at the failure of Yaxley and Snape that he wanted to kill someone. After being beaten many times, he finally only used the Cruciatus Curse to severely punish his subordinates, but he did not completely give up on them.

All the useful Death Eaters who allowed Voldemort to wield them were almost dead. Another reason was that their opponent was the Mudblood.

Voldemort knew how difficult that guy was. If they gave up because they failed against him, who would have the courage to face that mudblood next?

Even Voldemort had to admit that Albert Anderson had grown into a threat comparable to Dumbledore in a short period of time.

No, even better.

They are equally powerful, equally talented, and equally ruthless.

That is... the enemy.

After the previous few battles, even Voldemort no longer had the confidence to kill the opponent!

Because that mudblood is still growing rapidly, it won't be long before he may not be his opponent.

This is why Voldemort worked hard to find the legendary death stick.

He felt threatened!

And, this feeling is getting more and more urgent!

Even though he could not be killed with the Horcrux, Voldemort could no longer bear to become a wandering ghost again and live in hiding.

Voldemort would never allow that to happen, never.

He will live forever.

After listening to Snape and Yaxley's report, Voldemort, who fell into a brief silence, finally agreed to their plan.

Especially after being disgusted by Albert, Voldemort naturally refused to give up. He wanted to take revenge on that damn Mudblood.

Even if he couldn't kill the mudblood, Voldemort would never mind cutting off the people around him first to weaken the opponent's power.

Just like that guy's method of dealing with himself.

Of course, the people from the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix are not easy to kill. Those guys are like mice hiding in mouse holes.

However, there are always exceptions.

Mundungus Fletcher, who was pretending to be an Inferi, breaking into the empty door and doing business without capital, finally received his retribution.

He was blocked by a group of Death Eaters who suddenly broke in.

The Death Eaters didn't give Mundungus any chance to resist, so they all took action and knocked him down.

"Catch them alive."

That was the last sound Mundungus heard before he passed out.

When Mundungus woke up, he found that he was locked in a dark cell, and standing in front of him was a man with scarlet eyes and a ferocious face, who was clearly the famous Dark Lord.

"It's over!"

Mundungus' mind went blank. He opened his mouth slightly, trying to surrender to Voldemort in exchange for a chance to live.

However, after Voldemort awakened the man, he did not seem to intend to use black magic to torture Mundungus. Instead, he raised his wand towards him, directly invaded Mundungus's brain, and forcibly read the hidden secrets.

Even the most advanced Oblivion Curse can be broken. Voldemort did not think that Mundungus could hide anything in front of him.

After Voldemort forced his way into Mundungus's mind, he didn't find many useful memories.

This guy can't even get into the Order's headquarters.

He had been kicked away by members of the Order of the Phoenix.

The only useful news is probably that Mundungus still maintains good contact with the Weasley twins and helps them get some prohibited items every week.

But it is not easy to catch the Weasley twins because the two parties have not met at all. Mundungus will put the items in a hidden safe house somewhere every week, and the next time he brings the goods, You will receive the last payment.

If there is an ambush in that safe house, there may be a slight chance, but the probability is not very high, and it may also alert them.

In the end, Voldemort did not rashly alert the snake, or even kill Mundungus directly. Just use the Imperius Curse to temporarily control this idiot who has almost become an idiot.

This guy could still be used. If he was lucky enough, he might be able to find the whereabouts of the mudblood.

Voldemort would not allow Mundungus to die easily before completely squeezing out the opponent's value.

Of course, Voldemort did not tell anyone else about his plan because he could not guarantee whether there was a third damn spy among the Death Eaters besides Ludo Bagman.

Therefore, Voldemort only let Snape and Yaxley think that he planned to use Mundungus to inflict cruelty on the Order of the Phoenix.

As for Snape and Yaxley's method of "creating more Inferi, trying to lure the enemy out, and find opportunities to completely annihilate them", Voldemort also agreed and said that he would personally deal with those damned groups. guy.

However, Voldemort never realized that there was a traitor lurking beside him.

After Snape returned to the principal's office at Hogwarts, he immediately discussed the matter with Dumbledore's portrait.

"It seems that the storm stirred up by my butterfly has changed a lot of things."

Albert also received the news from Dumbledore that night. He was very surprised at Voldemort's changes, but he did not regret giving him the carefully prepared Christmas gift. After all, the benefits he received were more than being targeted by Voldemort. Much more, the two sides have already been sworn enemies. It is always right to get more benefits from Voldemort while he is still alive. There will be no such opportunity in the future.

After all, the Dark Lord doesn't come around often.

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