Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1402 Something big happened

Mundungus Fletcher's misfortune was largely to blame for his own penchant for seeking death.

As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, how could Mundungus not know the depth of the hatred between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters? After his identity as a member of the Order of the Phoenix was exposed by Snape, he did not choose to hide. Instead, he boldly broke into other people's homes and made business without capital.

It's just like playing in the pit - looking for shit.

Once a Death Eater really wants to cause trouble for the Order of the Phoenix, they will definitely look for the easiest target first. After Albert sent the Christmas gift to Voldemort, Mr. Thief was the first to suffer bad luck. Who told him not to hide himself, and who told him to catch him best?

Albert didn't feel any guilt about this.

If he really felt guilty about this, there would be plenty of things for him to feel guilty about.

After all, there are many wizards who have lost their lives because of his appearance. Especially in today's increasingly chaotic situation, there will only be more Muggles who die due to the innocent influence.

Albert sympathized with them, but that was all.

The question he should think about most now is what new changes will occur in the situation in Britain after Mundungus falls into Voldemort's hands.

Although Mr. Thief probably didn't know much, Voldemort would definitely be able to squeeze out everything he knew before Mundungus died.

This is very troublesome.

Who knows how much useful information Mundungus would have provided to Voldemort before he died.

This is a big problem.

After recording all the questions he could think of in detail in his notebook, Albert took the crystal ball for divination from the bookshelf and prepared to perform detailed divination on Mundungus' capture.

He would never allow himself to capsize in the gutter.

Of course, there is another reason why Albert feels that this matter is likely to trigger a new task.

After gently placing his hands on both sides of the crystal ball, the fog on the crystal ball quickly rotated, and then the picture gradually became clear, that was...

Albert was stunned for a moment, his eyes gradually widened, and what came into view was a large pale green Dark Mark.

This is never a good sign.

Then, as if the field of vision moved downwards, a new picture reappeared in the crystal ball. It was a village covered with snow, but the village gave Albert a sense of familiarity.

"It can't be...but how is that possible."

Albert's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn, and his brain began to work rapidly, thinking about what the pictures in the prophecy represented.

The door to the study room was pushed open, and Isobel walked in.

Probably noticing the change in the expression on Albert's face, Isobel quickly calmed down the expression on his face and asked: "What happened?"

"Well, have you met your pig teammates?" Albert sighed.

"Pig teammate?" Isobel was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood the meaning of these words, and asked curiously: "Has anything bad happened in the UK again?"

"It hasn't happened yet, but it should be soon."

After Albert put the divination crystal ball back on the bookshelf, he said helplessly: "I found that there are many people who like to commit suicide. They will die when they die themselves, and they also like to leave a lot of mess for others. ”

"It seems that you divined the reason."

Isobel is not worried anymore. As long as the danger is known in advance, it is not dangerous. Under normal circumstances, the unknown danger is the most terrifying.

"That's right, it's a bunch of rubbish."

"What would you like to drink?" Isobel asked, kissing Albert's cheek.

"Heat me a glass of milk, and I'll take a rest after I finish my work here!"

Albert decided to first send an alert to the Order of the Phoenix and the Defense Association to remind them of what happened to Mundungus, so that no one else would be caught off guard.

As for the content of the prophecy, Albert planned to carefully consider how to deal with it. He did not think that a similar situation would happen if he had predicted it in advance, so he probably indulged it, but he had not yet thought of why he would do that.

So, after someone drank the milk and solved the problem, he hugged his wife and went back to sleep.

However, this was a pain for the members of the Order of the Phoenix. Ever since they received the news, they were destined to suffer from collective insomnia.

"I just received urgent news from Anderson. Mundungus Fletcher has been captured by Death Eaters!"

Bill, who was in charge of tonight's vigil, talked to Fleur about the main reason for urgently waking everyone up.

In fact, it was not a big deal for Mundungus to be caught, but he knew a lot of the secrets of the Order of the Phoenix. If Voldemort pried open their brains to search for memories, the Order of the Phoenix would probably be in big trouble, otherwise Albert would not use it. Notify them of urgent contact information.

"That idiot was caught by Death Eaters while stealing!"

Moody, who was awakened from his sleep, had a bad temper. After hearing Bill's words, he couldn't help but cursed.

There is no way, Mundungus Fletcher is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and he knows a lot of secrets, and he is still a weakling. As long as the Death Eaters force him a little, he will choose to compromise and tell everything he knows. God knows how much trouble it will cause the Order of the Phoenix.

"Aren't we going to save him?" Ron, who was a little confused, asked stupidly, "I mean..."

"It's useless Ron." Arthur raised his hand to stop his youngest son from continuing to talk nonsense, and explained to everyone, "According to the information sent by Anderson, the mysterious man has returned to the UK, and the situation may be worse than everyone expected."

"But why did the mysterious man want to capture Mundungus?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"The Noseless Monster probably wants to deal with us. We need to capture him first to gather information. It's difficult for them to get hold of the Defense Association, so they can only look to the Order of the Phoenix. Mundungus is the best to capture, so naturally he will be the first to be unlucky." Ignoring the surprised looks from others, he explained calmly.

"Mundungus Fletcher is dead." Sirius didn't think Voldemort would let that guy continue to live.

"But he knows many of our secrets, which may involve other people." Lu Ping reminded.

"I think we should change Mrs. Figg's residence first. I'm worried that Mundungus knows her location." Hestia Jones said suddenly.

Mrs. Figg is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

"How about convincing Mrs. Figg to move to the headquarters?" Mrs. Weasley suggested.

Mundungus’ incident is a wake-up call for everyone.

It's not safe outside.

Especially after Voldemort returned to England, no one knew what the Death Eaters would do.

Death Eaters with or without Voldemort's support are completely different.

Kingsley, who had been silent since just now, suddenly asked, "Did Anderson say how to deal with this matter?"

"No, he probably doesn't have any good ideas. It will be difficult for us to snatch people from the mysterious man, unless we plan to fight Voldemort!"

This was clearly impossible, and Mundungus was clearly not worth the risk.

After a brief discussion among the members of the Order of the Phoenix, they decided to transfer Mrs. Figg first to avoid long nights and dreams.

To this end, almost all members of the Order of the Phoenix were dispatched to avoid trouble during the period.

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