Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1626 A war without a winner (seventy-eight)

Chapter 1628 A war without a winner (seventy-eight)

Unlike the nervous Aurors, as the person involved in the attack, Kingsley was quite calm. At this moment, the interim minister was drinking coffee and telling the young man sitting across from him about the previous attack.

"So, you want me to help with divination and find the werewolf that attacked your house?" Albert understood the reason why the man opposite wanted to meet him.

"Yes, it's missing."


"It's not difficult to find werewolves at this time, but the Aurors searched everywhere and couldn't find the other escaped werewolf. I think this is weird." Kingsley pushed a letter to Albert's desk In front of me, "This is the reward."

"You should know very well that even if you really catch the werewolf, you probably won't be able to get any useful information."

Albert didn't look at the envelope in front of him. To be honest, being invited out by Kingsley to discuss these "insignificant" matters at this time really made him feel bad.

Both of them knew in their hearts that this matter must be related to the group of "pure-blood" wizards who had supported Voldemort, and it was most likely that they were responsible for targeting Kingsley.

"Of course I know this, but..." Kingsley hesitated for a moment and said, "I just want to know whether they want to give me a warning or whether they want to kill me."

"Is there any difference? There seems to be no difference. If you ask me, this is just a casual move." Albert put down the coffee cup, raised his head and looked at the man in front of him, and knew what the other man was worried about.

"There is still a difference." Kingsley sighed and said seriously, "If this is not an exception, I'm afraid I will be in big trouble next."

"Are you worried about those guys secretly creating a large number of werewolves? This is indeed very similar to what those guys can do." Albert tapped his index finger on the table, and soon thought of a possibility.

"If those pure-bloods are worried that if you completely wipe out the hidden Inferi in the British wizarding world, they will directly lose the bargaining chip with the Ministry of Magic. For this reason, they will capture Muggles and create a large number of werewolves to serve as negotiators. Chips, it’s not impossible.”

While speaking, Albert suddenly asked: "If it is completely confirmed that those purebloods used Muggles to create werewolves in large numbers as a deterrent to the Ministry of Magic, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it?"

Kingsley frowned. Although he had had similar doubts before, he had never thought about how to solve this problem.

"Will you catch them and hang them all?" Albert asked the cruelest question calmly.

"Probably. To be honest, I never thought that someone would be so crazy." Kingsley suddenly had a bad feeling. He already knew Albert's answer.

In fact, it's not that Kingsley couldn't guess it, it was just that he was unwilling to accept it.

Things are bad enough.

If the werewolves behind this attack were mass-produced werewolves by former minions of Voldemort, things would only get worse.

"I think you already have the answer you want." Albert stood up and prepared to leave.


Kingsley quickly stopped Albert and said, "I need you to help me divine the whereabouts of the werewolf. I need to capture it and give everyone an explanation."

With that said, Kingsley raised his hand and pointed to the envelope on the table and said, "This is just a piece of cake for you, and the reward will definitely satisfy you."

Albert took a deep look at Kingsley, bent down to pick up the letter on the table, and opened it in front of Kingsley. What was inside was not a Galleons, but a piece of parchment.

Albert unfolded the letter, glanced at the content on the parchment, and looked at Kingsley in front of him, then stuffed it back into the envelope and put it away, and then summoned a crystal ball to help Kingsley divine the whereabouts of the missing werewolf.

After watching the scene in the crystal ball, Kingsley sat there for a long time before handing the crystal ball filled with memory to the director of the Auror Office.

"The approximate location has been locked. Although there should be no danger, we cannot rule out an ambush. Let the Auror team being rounded up be careful, especially those newcomers who have just joined the Auror office."

After saying that, Kingsley took his guards back to the Ministry of Magic, leaving two Aurors to do the final cleaning work.

"Is that really a good idea? You should know that person's character very well. Politicians can't fool him."

After Gadwin Robards left with the news, Percy looked at the thoughtful Kingsley and expressed his doubts.

He didn't think Kingsley would make such a stupid mistake.

"We really need a capable helper, otherwise we may be overwhelmed by the mess in front of us." Kingsley glanced at Percy and said honestly, "He and I are not people who are greedy for power, just It’s a small price to pay and I think it’s worth it.”

"It would be nice if that were the case."

Percy knew very well that he was just the microphone between the two of them, but he really didn't want Kingsley to be stupid and try to use politicians' rhetoric to try to deceive Albert. There would be a price to pay, and he believed Kingsley knew it very well. this point.

On the other side, Gadwin Robards, who had just returned to the Auror office, immediately summoned the fully armed Aurors who were on standby at the Ministry of Magic to hold an emergency meeting. Then a large number of Aurors came out and broke into the scene on broomsticks. In the unfamiliar woods, search for traces that Gadwen mentioned.

Yes, the werewolf that escaped is no longer near Kingsley's house. It has completely disappeared. This is the main reason why Kingsley asked Albert for help.

The results were more brutal than they expected.

The werewolf was already dead, most likely killed directly by powerful black magic. Even the corpse was destroyed by the magic fire.

When Gadwin Robards took the Aurors to look for it, they could only find places that had been covered up. They finally used magic to briefly restore part of the scene.

Anyone who is not a fool will realize that the problem is huge.

If it weren't for Albert's help in divination, they would never have been able to find the whereabouts of the other werewolf.

"What should we do now?" Delis looked at his immediate boss uneasily, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with the reporters."

"This is a conspiracy by the Death Eaters. They are trying to murder the minister." Gadwin Robards directly characterized the matter. As for whether to reveal that the Death Eaters were trying to create werewolves, he still had to discuss it with Kingsley. Make a decision later.

That night, the Ministry of Magic held a press conference overnight and disclosed the conspiracy of the remaining Death Eaters to murder Kingsley.

No one blamed Kingsley for using dark magic to kill the werewolf, and his reputation soared.

Immediately afterwards, it was reported that the Wizengamot planned to hold an emergency meeting to discuss whether to let Kingsley take over as the new minister in advance so that he could have more power to deal with the remnants of the Death Eaters who were ready to move and maintain the security of the British wizarding community.

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