Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1627: A War Without a Winner (Part 79)

Chapter 1629 A War Without Winners (Seventy-nine)

After finishing a day of morning exercises, Catherine stretched her body. She hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

Sure enough, she should have thrown away the work at hand and had a good rest.

She actually envied Isobel, who had Albert to help her plan for the future.

Even if she ran a witch beauty salon, she didn't have to work all day like she and Valeria.

After taking a simple shower and changing into a casual dress, Catherine came to the restaurant for dinner.

The house elves had already helped prepare the vegetable salad, and several latest issues of newspapers were also placed in a very conspicuous place.

Catherine took two bites of the vegetable salad and picked it with a fork in surprise. There were not only vegetables in it, but also a small amount of fruit, tomatoes and sweet corn kernels. The taste of the salad was also different, and it tasted better than what they made at home.

"I'll ask her for the recipe later."

Catherine took two more bites of the vegetable salad, put down her knife and fork, looked at the entrance of the restaurant, and picked up the latest issue of the newspaper.

Originally, she thought that the witch beauty salon would be on the headlines, making the store quickly known to wizards throughout the British wizarding world, but the situation seemed to be a little beyond their original plan.

"It's really chaotic here in the UK. A werewolf attacking the acting Minister of Magic can happen?" Caitlin frowned and read the headlines in the newspaper carefully. She thought the content above was ridiculous.

"I'm afraid someone wants him to die soon. Is this because they think the UK is not chaotic enough? I really don't know what they are thinking." Louise, who was still a little sleepy on her face, sat opposite Catherine with a glass of green fruit and vegetable juice.

"You look very tired. Don't you want to go back for a nap? I remember you guys went to bed very late last night."

Valeria, who had just finished her shower and was wearing a bathrobe, smiled and put her head close to Louise's ear. She didn't know what she said. After Louise's cheeks flushed slightly, she sat down between the two of them with a giggle and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Read it yourself."

Catherine handed Valeria today's newspaper.

"Oh, that's normal! The Ministry of Magic is a place of intrigue. No matter which country it is, it's the same stuff." Valeria was not too surprised by the absurd things happening in the British magic world.

"If you ask me, the minister named Kingsley deserves it. He knew that the Second Wizarding War had just broken out in Britain and there were a lot of enemies behind him. He pretended not to see it when he didn't want to smooth things over. How big of a heart he had."

"You saw it very clearly."

Louise covered a yawn and decided to go back for a nap later.

"When their own interests are seriously damaged, most people will try to resist. That's normal." Valeria looked at Louise in confusion, "Not to mention that the ones who are damaged now are a group of dark wizards. They will use some more radical means. Isn't it normal?"

"What are you talking about?" Katrina looked at the breakfast of the three people speechlessly, "You eat this in the morning?"

"Any questions?"

"I think you can consider the breakfast here."

"It looks good."

Valeria looked at the food on Katrina's plate, then looked at her vegetable salad, and decided to change one for herself.

"What are you discussing?" Katrina asked, glancing at the newspaper on the table.

"The British Minister of Magic was attacked by a werewolf." Louise only glanced at Katrina's rich breakfast and looked away directly. She didn't have much appetite now.

"It's probably the work of the pure bloods who support Voldemort. The two sides have been deadlocked for a while." Katrina was not surprised. She heard Albert mention this.

"I dare say this must be caused by your failure to settle accounts with the remaining idiots one by one after your victory." Valeria pushed the vegetable salad that she had not touched to Catherine, went to the kitchen, and asked the house elf for a breakfast similar to Katrina's.

"It's not as simple as you say."

"It's that simple. Many people are so cheap. If more people die, they will learn their lesson." Valeria didn't think that the Minister of Magic named Kingsley would swallow this breath.

"If you think about it in a dark place, maybe the guy named Kingsley is also waiting for this attack, preparing to use it as an excuse to settle accounts with those people."

"Where is Isobel?" Catherine asked, changing the subject.

"Taking care of Alice?" Katrina said.

"She hid her daughter tightly and was reluctant to bring her to us." Catherine was quite regretful about this.

"You are the same. We don't even know your child's name." Katrina curled her lips and asked, "I really don't plan to let them recognize each other." "I'll tell him when he grows up, forget it now." After finishing breakfast, Catherine looked at the rich breakfast on Valeria's plate and asked in surprise, "Aren't you always controlling your diet?" "I think Albert's breakfast is quite reasonable and delicious, but the portion is a bit small." Valeria likes today's breakfast very much. She hasn't had a good meal in the morning for a long time. "Balanced food is very important." Katrina complained, "The ingredients of salad are oil, egg yolk and white vinegar. To be honest, I don't see what this thing has to do with health."

In the past, Katrina would not have thought so.

Later, the more she studied how to make herself beautiful, the more she realized this.

Many people become fat, not only because of lack of exercise, but also because the food they eat contains a lot of fat.

If you don't get fat when you consume a lot of fat, it would be a miracle.

"You are very knowledgeable about this, why didn't you get it into the book you compiled." Valeria was a little confused. She also studied Katrina's book carefully.

"Albert didn't let me mention it in detail." Katrina curled her lips and said, "He said that even if I wrote it in detail, it would be useless because most wizards can't do it, and this book is written for ordinary people."

"He is right." Catherine thought this made sense.

After finishing the fruit and vegetable juice, Louise suddenly asked, "Where is Albert?"

"He was called to attend an emergency meeting of the Wizengamot early in the morning."

"What is that?"

"It's a very important meeting in the British magic world, and he is one of the members." Katrina curled her lips and said, "In the past, many old guys thought he was too young and refused to let Albert join. Later, after Albert killed Voldemort, no one dared to say it to his face."

"However, he himself doesn't care much. He often skips those unimportant meetings, but still reserves his seat. This time he should be there to support Kingsley. He said that if the Minister of Magic is his own, it can save a lot of trouble."

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