Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1631 A War Without a Winner (Part 83)

Chapter 1633: A War Without Winners (Part 83)

Albert really had no interest in becoming famous. As Hagrid said, he was already famous enough.

However, the fame he gained by killing Voldemort made Albert somewhat unhappy. After all, he was not a person who liked to fight and kill. It would be better if he could be as famous as Miranda Goshawk, instead of relying on killing.

Of course, there were many reasons for him to compile a Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, and fame was just a by-product.

"You are compiling a Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook?" Hermione blinked curiously. It was the first time she heard someone mention this.

"It was something Dumbledore asked me to do before he died."

Albert glanced at Sprout and Hagrid, who were listening attentively, and calmly explained to the three people present: "You should have heard some rumors about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

"Which class are you talking about that is cursed?" Professor Sprout knew some related rumors.

"I've heard Harry mention that this course is cursed because of Voldemort." Hermione shared the information she knew with the two. "It seems that fifty years ago, Voldemort applied to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but was directly rejected by Dumbledore. As a result, Voldemort was so angry that he cursed this course, which directly led to no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor being able to serve at Hogwarts for more than one semester."

"It's probably the same as what Hermione said." Albert nodded in agreement with Hermione's words, and added, "After Voldemort died, this curse completely became a sourceless water and disappeared quickly, just like the lightning scar on Harry Potter's forehead. I think after Voldemort died, Harry's scar should not have hurt anymore."

"I'm not sure about this." Hermione thought carefully and said, "But I haven't heard Harry mention the scar recently."

"It turns out that the rumor is true. It's really unexpected that the wizard's curse can be so powerful." Professor Sprout sighed.

"This is related to the wizard's own dark magic attainments, and most curses are born after death and will weaken over time." Albert has studied curses and knows the principles behind them. "Guys like Voldemort are exceptions. Most wizards can't do what Voldemort did."

"I'm curious how you know everything. Is divination really that magical?" Hagrid muttered.

"This has nothing to do with divination." Albert smiled and said, "You know more people, and you naturally know more things. Now you know the cause and effect of the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class from me?"

"So that's it?"

"Yes, Dumbledore believes that after Voldemort's death, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be able to return to normal, but someone still needs to get it back on track."

Albert agreed to be this person, not to say that he is great, but to say that he agreed to Dumbledore to get what he needed.

"Dumbledore is indeed worthy of his name."

Although Hagrid didn't quite understand what he said, he still admired Dumbledore's foresight.

Albert ignored Hagrid and turned to Hermione and said, "If you are interested in compiling the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, you can come and help next semester."

"Can I?" Hermione was very surprised.

"Of course, I helped compile "Basic Magic Runes" in my first year." Although this statement is indeed very pretentious, it is indeed the truth.

"You can participate in the revision of the lower grade textbooks. Cedric has always been helping with the lower grade part, but I guess he will be in trouble after school starts. You can help share his part of the pressure. Of course, it is not your academic performance in advance, but it can also be regarded as accumulating a resume for yourself."

"Okay, I'm happy to help."

Hermione smiled happily. She knew that this was the benefit of being Albert's lover. The other party was brushing her qualifications, and the two of them had to find a reason to cover up their private meetings.

"As for the question of royalties, you should only get a consolation prize." Albert thought for a moment and said, "I promised to give Cedric 20%. If you can really help, I can give you 5%."

"You are generous!" Professor Sprout admired Albert for this. You know, the invisible benefits of being able to participate in the compilation of the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook are already something to be envied.

"That's not the case. In fact, it's mainly because it's too troublesome. If I do it alone, it will take at least two or three years, and there will be no time to do other things. The best way is to get a bunch of people to help." Albert told the truth, "Isobel helped a lot in completing the senior year so quickly."

"In fact, I also invited Professor Moody, but he said he didn't want to suffer this pain, so he refused. However, he still gave me a lot of advice in the letter, and there was also a portrait of Dumbledore. If he hadn't died, it would actually be more appropriate for him to preside over this matter personally. After all, the principal has been a professor for such a long time, and he knows better than anyone that the Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge is needed by everyone."

"Are you true to what you said before?"

When the two met alone, Hermione asked about the previous events.

"Are you asked to join the compilation of the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook?" Albert raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't think there is a better cover than this, and it requires experience and Galleons. Although it's not much, it's still a good income over time. I believe that the "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts" will not be much inferior to Miranda Goshawk's spell book."

"Then I should thank you for your care."

Hermione bit her lip lightly. She didn't really need these, but she was still happy to accept Albert's kindness, which made her feel very warm.

"I've heard about the last incident." Albert suddenly mentioned another thing.

"To be honest, I'm very angry." Hermione pouted.

"Girls care about these things." Albert said he understood, "but you don't have to care too much about their opinions. If you also open a beauty shop, you must be a beautiful girl. Don't forget that you charmed many boys at the Christmas ball."

"Why do you open a beauty shop..."

"Because that is their job. If the owner is beautiful, people will be more willing to believe that the products in the store are effective, so she needs to spend a lot of time taking care of her appearance, which can bring them good profits."

Hermione's mood suddenly became much better

Yes, she really doesn't have that much time to take care of her appearance.

Moreover, she never thought she was ugly, at least Albert thought so, which made Hermione feel particularly relieved.


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