Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1632: A War Without a Winner (Part 84)

Chapter 1634 A War Without Winners (Eighty-four)

Was Albert's words meant to comfort Hermione? Girls in love don't think that much, because most women are emotional creatures. They only need, are willing to, and only believe what they feel.

This also makes it easy for women in love to be noticed. Although Albert has reminded Hermione more than once, the effect is still not great.

Therefore, after parting with Albert, Hermione, who was in a good mood, could not hide the little thoughts in her heart.

After being noticed by other girls, Hermione could only mention the matter of compiling the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook to divert everyone's attention.

But this obviously couldn't be hidden from Ginny, who had similar experiences. She saw her past self in Hermione and looked at Hermione with a little sympathy.

Hermione helped her get out of the emotional predicament and allowed her to finally be with Harry, but Hermione herself lost that opportunity forever because Albert was already married and they could not be together.

Ginny didn't associate the relationship between Hermione and Albert as lovers, and no one would have such an idea. There was also a big gap between Hermione and Albert's wife Isobel, and in their memories, Albert was an extremely loyal man, and the two could only be good friends.

The changes in Hermione were also seen by Ron, who had a rare "vacation". Although Mr. Weasley kept repeating to himself, "Albert is married, Albert is married", he barely suppressed his different thoughts in his heart, but he still looked at Hermione with bitterness and helplessness.

"If you really want to pursue Hermione, you should try to make yourself better and try to show your personal charm to attract Hermione's attention, instead of hiding in the corner like a loser and complaining about yourself, which will only make Hermione look down on you even more."

After repeated hesitation, Ginny still gave some reminders to her useless brother. Although she never thought that Ron and Hermione could get together, Ginny also hoped that Hermione could get out of Albert's emotional circle and have her own happiness, instead of longing for that humble pity like she used to.

Looking at Harry who was chatting with everyone, Ginny sighed heavily in her heart, walked over there, and joined everyone's chat, listening to Harry talking about the current chaotic situation, the Ministry of Magic's recent actions, and Minister Kingsley's next plan.

To be honest, the latest news that everyone gets from the radio and newspapers is completely different from what they get from the participants.

"So, most of the news in the Daily Prophet is unreliable?"

"I thought that after Kingsley became the new minister, the newspaper would finally return to normal, but it is still like this. What is the meaning of the existence of the newspaper?"

Many people hate this very much. They hate being played like a monkey.

"This is actually normal."

"What do you mean?"

"The Daily Prophet is a tool of the Ministry of Magic. If there are three layers of truth in some things, everyone will have to laugh secretly." Hermione was not surprised. Many people actually don't read newspapers.

It's really funny to say that those who read newspapers don't read newspapers, or even understand newspapers.

Because this thing never lets you see what is written in its headlines, but lets you see what the purpose of writing those things is, but many people don't understand it at all, or don't want to think too much, so they think the Daily Prophet is a scam.

But after combining Harry's words, everyone finally realized the intention of the headlines of the Daily Prophet.

There is no way. If the wizard families who support Voldemort are really secretly creating a large number of werewolves, if they are not handled properly, the entire British wizarding world will inevitably fall into chaos, which is a result that no one wants to see anyway.

Therefore, the handling of the whole incident will make people feel that the thunder is loud but the rain is small. Although the outside world is still particularly surprised by Kingsley's approach, countless people are extremely disappointed that Kingsley did not take thunderous measures to deal with this matter.

But there are still a few people who know the whole story through the Wizard Watchtower Broadcast, especially after learning about the werewolves, they finally understand Kingsley's "good intentions".

Of course, Kingsley also sent a signal to the wizards who follow this broadcast channel through the Wizard Watchtower:

We know you are creating werewolves, sit down and have a good talk.

Yes, have a good talk.

At least don't let other wizards have the illusion that Kingsley wants to kill those dark wizard families, let them think that Kingsley is still concerned about the peace of the wizarding world, and then plan to negotiate with the dark wizards.

Of course, the purebloods who supported Voldemort could hardly feel the goodwill Kingsley was sending out, and all they felt was malice. There was even a rumor among the purebloods that Kingsley was buying himself time and preparing to catch them all in one fell swoop.

But these were actually the results Kingsley wanted to see. He needed the purebloods to make fools of themselves and commit unforgivable crimes so that he would have an excuse to catch all those evildoers in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, even if Kingsley, as the Minister of Magic, wanted to take action against an ancient pure-blood family, he would have to find sufficient evidence and put all kinds of hats on the other party, otherwise he would definitely encounter all kinds of troubles and obstacles. No one wants to see Kingsley destroy a wizard family, even if they have done all kinds of bad things.

Harry came to tell everyone this, in fact, Kingsley also meant it, otherwise the Aurors would be too busy to give them a holiday.

Harry actually guessed that Kingsley might be leaving a trump card for himself, but he did not resist, because even he felt it was necessary to do so.

No one knows what terrible crimes the group of dark wizards will commit when they are forced into a desperate situation.

If the situation really gets out of control, at least there are the Defense Association as a backup, so that the entire British wizarding world will not be completely thrown into chaos.

The members of the Defense Association who have experienced the Second Wizarding War are still very reliable. They are already the most elite group of young people in the entire wizarding world. Their combat effectiveness is no less than that of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, and their blood is not completely dry.

If the situation was really bad, they would definitely be willing to pick up their wands and join the battle, instead of being afraid of trouble like ordinary wizards.

The whole thing went much more smoothly than Harry expected. What surprised him most was that Albert had been strengthening the surrounding warning magic since the attack.

This also indirectly helped Kingsley confirm the terrible truth that the group of "pure bloods" who defected to Voldemort were secretly creating werewolves.


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