Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1633 A War Without a Winner (Eighty-Five)

Chapter 1635 A war without a winner (eighty-five)

"They've already left."

"It's okay, Britain is indeed not very safe recently."

Albert just nodded slightly, seemingly not remembering the departure of the three lovers.

"They will come back in a few days."

Isobel looked at little Alice, who was still stumbling while walking, and then looked sideways at Albert, who was full of love, and reminded her: "You can't expect to always leave them in that villa for your favor."

Katrina couldn't help but laugh when she heard this, thinking that she was not sure who would favor whom.

Moreover, she knew that Catherine, Valeria and Louise were actually persuaded by Isobel to go to France for vacation together.

Not only is France safer than the UK, but it also allows Albert to breathe a sigh of relief. Albert has become noticeably thinner recently, and too many lovers have put a certain burden on his body.

"Oh, I know." Albert said calmly.

"Do you regret it?"

"There is no regret medicine in this world!" Albert looked at the little hands trying to pull the cat's tail, "I just didn't expect them to be like this..."

He paused slightly, as if he was considering his words: "Crazy."

"Isn't it always like this in the beginning?"

Isobel can understand it very well, because she and Albert did the same thing at first, or even more often. The difference is that she was the only one at that time, and now Albert has to face three girls at the same time. Not being fed enough is actually a big problem. Normal things.

Therefore, we cannot blame the girls for being too greedy and crazy.

"I don't have that kind of treatment. Hermione snatched them away before I could even cover them up." Katrina looked aggrieved, "Now three more have suddenly appeared."

"Soon no one will compete with you." Isobel glanced at her sister who was pretending to be aggrieved, and reminded: "Besides, don't you still not want to have children?"

"It doesn't matter." Katrina curled her lips and said, "Albert also needs time to recuperate."

"What is the situation in the magical world recently?" Isobel ignored her sister and changed the topic to look at Albert, "Are those purebloods who surrendered to Voldemort really producing werewolves in large numbers?"

"It's hard to say now, but it's very likely next full moon night."

"What's the meaning?"

Katrina was stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding it well, but Isobel next to her did.

"Not to say……"

"That attack was very suspicious. Who asked them to assassinate Kingsley is still a mystery." Albert briefly stated his guess.

"Aren't they those stupid people?" Katrina asked doubtfully. As long as it didn't affect their family, she didn't really pay much attention to these things.

"You haven't done divination before?" Isobel asked puzzledly. She was well aware of Albert's level of divination.

"I tried it, and the divination result pointed to Death Eaters."

Albert felt that the probability of it being done by a Death Eater was low. Although Death Eaters were stupid, they were not three-year-old children and could definitely imagine the consequences of doing that.

What's more, he didn't believe that those purebloods didn't know that he was good at divination. As long as it was not difficult to find the murderer through divination, they still did that?

Is it because he is so stupid?

"Then what are you suspecting?" Isobel felt that Albert must have noticed something, "Or do you think there is a conspiracy?"

"It just doesn't feel right." Albert didn't mention the matter anymore, but asked about the recent business of the Witch Beauty Shop.

"The water flows slowly."

Katrina is very open-minded, and she never expected to make a lot of money through beauty potions. The number of wizards in the UK is limited, and the reputation of the store also needs time to develop.

"Even if there are a lot of customers, there's nothing we can do. Although the warehouse still has some stock, it won't last long. We may need...well, assembly line production. I asked Kathleen, and they hired a lot of pharmacists there. "

Isobel considered borrowing Kathleen’s method to solve the problem:

The raw materials are processed and cut separately, and the dosage is accurately estimated, and finally the finished product is boiled on a large scale.

Although this will still consume a lot of time, compared with brewing alone, the yield can be greatly improved and the time for brewing the potion can be greatly reduced.

"It's a very primitive method. It seems that even in the Americas, the shipment volume of beauty potions is not large." Albert was not too surprised. This is actually one of the reasons why the price of beauty potions is not cheap.

Because they all rely on manual production, it’s damned that they’re not expensive.

Fred and George were actually having a harder time. Frankly speaking, Happy House was also a purely handicraft workshop. Unfortunately, the shipment volume of joke props was not large, and Albert had to find someone to help them share the pressure, otherwise they would not be able to do it. Tire yourself to death.

As for the industrialized assembly line?

I want to eat shit!

Not to mention that the market does not have such a large supply and demand, and the supply of raw materials is also a big problem. Even if it is finally produced, it will not be sold. This is the current situation of the global wizarding world. Unless the global market can be Let's eat it, but that's almost impossible.

Well, there really is something that can monopolize the world.

Floo powder.

But this thing is actually only semi-industrial. Kathleen's beauty potion production line was inspired by it.

"Don't worry, you don't have any experience in this area, just take your time." Albert nodded with relief, "Even if there is ready-made experience provided by Catherine and Louise, it takes time to digest it slowly."

"I'm not in a hurry, there is still plenty of time in the future, and beauty potions are not all about making money!"

"I hope you can think that way."

Albert lifted Alice up high when she was about to reach out and grab Tom's tail, "It's time to go to bed."

"Dad, Dad..."

Little Alice reached out to Tom, as if she wanted to grab the cat's tail.

"Tom is old, don't mess with him, I'll help you get a cat's tail later." Albert kissed Alice's cheek and handed her to Isobel, ready to coax her to sleep on time.

"I think you want to raise your daughter as a cat." Isobel looked at her husband who was about to tease her daughter with toys, a little amused.

"Isn't it always like this? I even asked my mother for advice."

"She has never been a qualified mother." Katrina curled her lips and said, "I was always Isobel who took care of me."

"I never worried about Isobel. I was just worried that I wouldn't be a good father." Albert picked up Tom and said, "After all, I only have experience raising cats, although I have taken care of my own sister."

Albert seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said, "When I retire from Hogwarts next year and my job at the witch beauty salon is stable, I will go see my family first and then start traveling around the world."

"You have already thought about retirement before you even start working." Isobel was speechless, but still nodded and agreed to this seemingly willful proposal.


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