Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1634 A War Without a Winner (Eighty-Six)

Chapter 1636: A War Without Winners (Eighty-Six)

As the night deepened, the British Ministry of Magic became terribly quiet. Except for a small number of people who were responsible for staying behind and patrolling, most employees had already gone home to rest.

Of course, there were always a few exceptions.

At this moment, the lights were still on in the Minister of Magic's office. Since Kingsley took over the position of Minister of Magic, staying in the Ministry to work overtime until late at night has almost become a normal thing.

Although Kingsley has been working hard to solve the many problems left over from the Second Wizarding War, the problems have not only not been solved, but have become more and more, so many that Kingsley is a little breathless and even begins to doubt his life.

Kingsley has never made himself so tired as he is now. He suddenly understands why Dumbledore and Albert are not interested in the position of Minister of Magic at all. It seems that they have guessed this result from the beginning, so they skipped or avoided this big pit when they first encountered it.

Only if you are not smart enough, you will not be able to resist the temptation. After raising your foot and stepping on it, you will fall directly into the pit, and you are the kind that you can't even climb out of.

After glancing at the thin report submitted by Gadwin, Kingsley threw the document on the table, turned his head to look at the portrait hanging on the wall, stared at the familiar figure that had just appeared, trembled his lips slightly, and murmured, "It seems that you are still unwilling to speak?"

Kingsley followed Albert's advice and hung a portrait of Dumbledore in the minister's office, trying to get some useful advice from the old man in the portrait.

However, the portrait was empty most of the time. Even after Dumbledore came back, he was unwilling to speak, as if this was a portrait that could not speak.


Dumbledore's portrait can speak. Albert had already mentioned this to him in advance. He didn't speak only because Dumbledore believed that the dead should not interfere with the world of the living, so he was unwilling to provide him with help.

How to make Dumbledore speak is Kingsley's own problem.

At least Albert never had this problem.

To be honest, this really broke Kingsley's defense.

He worked so hard every day, but they just threw the mess to him and watched him make a fuss. How could he not be angry?

But even if Kingsley was angry, it would be useless.

Could he go to the portrait to get angry?

After a heavy sigh, Kingsley picked up the document he had thrown away before.

At this time, there was a familiar knock on the door outside.

"Come in." Kingsley said.

Percy pushed the door open and put a cup of strong black tea in front of Kingsley, looking like he was about to say something.

"Do you think I'm too radical?"

After taking a big sip of strong tea, Kingsley suddenly asked.

"This mess needs someone to clean up, and I'm afraid only the minister has the ability to do so at the moment." Percy looked at Kingsley, who was tired, and told the truth.

"Albert also has this ability." Kingsley said self-deprecatingly, "but he just threw the problem to me and ran away. I always feel that he has deceived me."

"His identity is destined to make it difficult for him to become the new Minister of Magic, and it is never a matter of one person."

Percy also knew why Kingsley said that he was deceived by Albert. In his opinion, it was almost the same.

Albert had expected this situation from the beginning, so he pushed Kingsley to the position of Minister of Magic a long time ago and asked him to be responsible for cleaning up the mess left by the Second Wizarding War.

Although it was a matter of mutual consent, it really couldn't stop the start of this hell.

No wonder Kingsley was so resentful.

"You're right. Someone has to deal with this mess." Kingsley paused and said self-deprecatingly, "To be honest, I thought I could handle this mess. But now I actually regret it a little. If I didn't do this crappy minister, maybe I wouldn't have so many worries, and I wouldn't have to stay up every day to work overtime."

This is actually not suitable to be said to others, but he still couldn't help complaining to Percy, as if he was saying it to the portrait of Dumbledore on the wall, and also to Albert.

After all, it is well known that Percy is Albert's man, so what's wrong with complaining a few words.

Before Percy could react, Kingsley handed him a document.

"What is this?"

Percy didn't look at the document, but asked Kingsley directly.

"Report on the recent elimination of the Inferi." Kingsley said.

"In total, more than tens of thousands of Inferi have been cleared, and other hidden Inferi are still being found one after another."

"It seems that it won't be long before the hidden dangers of the Inferi can be completely solved." Percy was also shocked by the cruelty of the Death Eaters.

"That's not the point." Kingsley's face was a little gloomy.

"That's not the point?" Percy seemed to have thought of something.

"Even if we clear out the Inferi hidden in the UK, we still have to face the crisis of werewolves. That thing is much more troublesome than the Inferi. You can't expect to easily identify their identities before the full moon, and how to deal with them is also a big problem."

"Do you have evidence?" Percy couldn't help asking.

"There's no concrete evidence, but... that's probably it." Kingsley's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, "To be honest, I really don't understand what those lunatics are thinking. They think there aren't enough werewolves in the UK. ?"

"Perhaps their minds are not normal?"

Percy also felt that those purebloods who had taken refuge with Voldemort were stupid, especially their recent behavior, which was simply because he felt that he was not dying fast enough, so he stepped on the accelerator and tried his best to kill himself.

"I hope this is just my wishful thinking." Kingsley stretched out his hand to rub his forehead and murmured: "At least we still have time, the werewolf will only transform during the full moon."

"Harry and Ginny's wedding is coming soon. Are you going to attend?" Percy seemed to have thought of something and explained, "I think everyone has been too tense recently and could use this time to relax."

"When?" Kingsley asked with a frown.

"August fifteenth."

"That's okay. The next full moon will be on the 8th. If I'm lucky enough, I should be able to attend." Kingsley drank the strong tea in his hand and said, "Thank you Percy, it's already very late. , go back and rest!”

"If you really encounter any problems, you can discuss it with Albert." Percy hesitated for a moment, then suggested.

"He is not my subordinate. I can't disturb him every time something happens." Kingsley refocused his attention on another document on the werewolf investigation report on his desk. If those lunatics are really desperate to expand the number of werewolves, what are you going to do?

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