Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1655: A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Seven)

Chapter 1657 A War without a Winner (One Hundred and Seven)

"I thought you would play in Diagon Alley for a while." After Hermione reached out to open the door curtain and walked into the rest tent, Ginny, who was sitting behind the desk, raised her head to greet Hermione, "How is it there now?"

"It feels like Diagon Alley is a lot more deserted than before." Hermione said softly, "However, the Joke Prop Shop is very popular with Hogwarts students, and the Witch Beauty Shop is also very popular with girls."

Hermione placed her handbag on the small round table next to her, took out her drawing board and prepared to continue today's work.

Since the completion of the power generation system, Hermione has been designing furniture for the residents of Avalon at Albert's suggestion, and trying to make samples for everyone's reference.

The main reason is that Albert's furniture albums are all pictures. It is impossible for ordinary people to create samples from just a few pictures. Someone needs to spend a lot of effort to subdivide and dismantle them so that others can Easily create those furniture through drawings.

Hermione has an advantage in this regard. She has strong hands-on skills, and with Albert's help, she can't help but draw disassembly diagrams of furniture.

Of course, the main reason for doing that is to let everyone understand that although Hermione has gone to Hogwarts, she is still making contributions to Avalon in other ways.

This is an important point!

After all, everyone is working hard for the construction of Avalon, and we can't let a guy who gets something for nothing destroy everyone's unity.

What do you think?

If you want everyone to accept you sincerely, you must let everyone understand that you are also working hard for this.

Even Harry would run to Avalon whenever he had time, and do whatever he could to help everyone, so that everyone could see his sincerity.

"Fred and George are about to become the richest members of the Weasley family."

Ginny put down her quill, pulled out the folder from the nearby bookshelf, and sat down next to Hermione, preparing to serve as Hermione's deputy.

After all, many of the furniture made by Hermione would be used by their family first. Otherwise, if Harry was so busy all day long, she doubted that the house would still be empty when the day came for their family to move into Avalon Villa.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?"

Hermione put down the charcoal and looked at her best friend quizzically. Since learning Occlumency from Albert, Hermione has become better at reading the expressions on other people's faces and understanding their inner thoughts.

"You also know that I have been learning from my mother how to take care of children recently." Ginny trembled her lower lip and said with confused eyes, "I wonder if I really have to focus on taking care of the family like my mother after getting married. To be honest, that It’s unsettling.”

"It's not like that when you get married. Isobel is doing well."

Hermione was very aware of Ginny's uneasiness. No one wanted to be trapped in life, and it was normal to feel confused.

"I think you need to find something for yourself to do instead of thinking nonsense, and you should let Harry spend time with you. You two don't even have a honeymoon. This is very abnormal among newlyweds. You should feel married. The beautiful life after that is just like Albert and Isobel. Even though they have been married for a while, they are still as passionate as a couple who just dated. "

As Isobel said, people who marry too young will encounter similar problems. They are still too young and not mentally prepared.

"I plan to find something to do for myself after James is born." Ginny hesitated for a moment and said.

"That's good." Hermione encouraged, "Have you decided what to do?"

"I used to want to be a Quidditch star, but now it's probably impossible." Ginny actually envied Angelina. That girl still hasn't given up her dream of becoming a Quidditch star.


"I don't think it's possible either. You have to take care of your family and you definitely don't have that much time to practice Quidditch." Hermione reminded kindly.

"I originally wanted to be a sports columnist to see if I could write some articles about Quidditch for the Daily Prophet." Ginny felt a little depressed when talking about this matter. "However, there seems to be no shortage of them. reporter."

"You can consider going to Sirius's "Defense Express" magazine first to help gain experience." Hermione felt that it was not that the "Daily Prophet" did not lack sports columnists, but that Ginny might not meet their requirements, so she used this way to politely refuse.

"With relevant experience, it should be much easier if I want to be a sports columnist for the Daily Prophet in the future."

"Sirius shouldn't be short of people, right?" Ginny didn't want to embarrass Sirius and Lupine, and "Defense Express" itself was not profitable, so she could only try to give Lupine a decent job and barely maintain a non-profit operation.

"Sirius told me that they will set up a publishing house in the future to help Albert publish books." Hermione seemed to guess what Ginny was thinking and comforted her.

"Publish a book specifically for Albert?" Ginny was very surprised.

"Albert seems to be planning to continue writing books in the future." Hermione explained: "The last time he went to Obscurus Company, he seemed to be very dissatisfied with that publishing house, so he came out of Galleon and asked Sirius to set up a publishing house. He serves.”

With that said, Hermione took out the "Defense Against the Dark Arts Guide" from Albert from her handbag and handed it to Ginny.

"I was also surprised at first, but Albert seems to be planning to compile his knowledge into books so that they can continue to be passed down. I also heard that he is planning to write biographies of Harry, Dumbledore, Nicolas Flamel and Gellert Grindelwald."

"If you want to find a job, I feel that there are still many options. Albert plans to find someone to help take care of the children and teach them various learning knowledge in the near future."

A voice suddenly sounded from outside the tent. The two turned their heads and saw Shanna walked in through the curtain.

"There may not be any on the wizard side, but there are kindergartens on the Muggle side, which teach some of the most common knowledge before going to Hogwarts." Shanna looked at Hermione's manuscript and said, "With these novel furniture designs, you can even set up a furniture store in Diagon Alley, so you don't need to worry about work at all. There are so many that you can be dazzled, and residents of Avalon are given priority."

"That guy is very generous!" Hermione said with emotion.

"Doing so will help everyone unite more." Shanna said softly.

"If Voldemort could be like Albert, he might have ruled the British wizarding world." Hermione suddenly felt that Voldemort had chosen the stupidest path, which made everything a mess.

"I think Albert probably has no interest in ruling the British wizarding world." Sana glanced at Hermione and said, "Otherwise he wouldn't have thrown everything to me just because he wanted to be lazy. I heard Qiu Zhang complain a few days ago that Cedric was too busy to accompany her recently."

"It really looks like his style of doing things." Hermione muttered.

"By the way, Hermione, you recently took all the designed furniture to the Potter family's villa so that everyone can take a good look. I need to estimate which furniture they are more interested in, so that it will be convenient to purchase manufacturing materials at that time."

"That's no problem." Hermione felt that this was probably what Albert meant, mainly to let everyone see her contribution.

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